Pay close attention to your natural gas bill and your usage this winter
This winter, expect to see much higher natural gas prices in Maryland and across the nation, relative to prior recent winter periods. The current rates for the “commodity” portion of the bill—the price of the gas itself, excluding the utility’s cost for delivery—are almost twice as high as they were last winter and almost three times what they were the winter before that. These rates change from month to month, but they will probably stay high, and you should be prepared for very high heating bills this winter.
To learn about why prices are rising and what you can do, click here.
Maryland low-income households continue to face burdens from high energy bills, according to a new update of the Office of People’s Counsel’s (OPC) 2018 Maryland Low-Income Market Characterization Report. OPC’s new report updates the Maryland county-specific information on the energy burden for low-income households and shows that households on the Eastern Shore and in Baltimore City face the highest burdens in the State. Check out the new report here.
Resource guides in 5 languages
The Office of People's Counsel produces and updates community resource guides. These guides are now available in English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, and French. The guides include information about your rights as a residential utility consumer, information on how to get help with your utility bill, telephone discount programs, answers to frequently asked questions about utility issues, and more. The community resource guides can be found on our website here.
If you work with households who have utility bill issues, these community resource guides will be helpful to you. Please feel free to distribute to your networks.
For questions or assistance, contact Brandi Nieland, Director of Consumer Assistance at brandi.nieland@maryland.gov. |
Your People's Counsel is David S. Lapp. Our team is here to help and advocate for you. We represent Maryland residential customers before the Public Service Commission and federal agencies, and we provide you assistance dealing with your utility issues, including affordable and reliable service.
To see what OPC is currently working on, click here for our recent press releases or click here for our media coverage.