Love on you this month!

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Delivering Support to Families with Young Learners

Self-care is love!

Self Care is more than

Self-care is more than great smelling candles or spa days; it’s part of your habits and daily routines. It’s very simple things, like making dental and doctor appointments for yourself, regular bedtimes, planning for and making choices the future, picking up new skills, reading a self-help book, eating well and drinking enough water, spending time outside and getting regular exercise.

Yes, massages, spa days and bubble baths are all great things and have their place in your life, but these may be short-term fixes when it comes to your mental health and well-being.

True self-care is a way of life! Take the Self-Care Test to see how well you're loving and caring for YOU!

What about snow days?

Holiday, severe weather, and emergency closing policies vary from one child care program to the next. Quality child care programs have written policies and procedures that explain how the program handles different types of closings.

Be sure you are able to see which days the program plans to be closed. You’ll want to know if the program closes for holidays that you have to work or for bad weather. It’s also important to know how you’ll be notified of unplanned closures.

TIP: Days a program may be closed, and whether payment is required for those days should be in your child care contract.

Snow day for child care

The 14 Days of Love and Appreciation

MFE presents: The 14 Days of Love and Appreciation (Countdown to Valentine's Day Activities)

Celebrate the love of early learning this month! February is the perfect time to engage your children in acts of love, kindness, and appreciation with these easy at-home learning activities. Show not tell children how to be grateful! Create a work of love, home of hearts, or appreciation crafts with your little one.

Download Fun Fun Ideas for Family Engagement (February)

How to find child care video cover

Are you looking for child care?

If so, this short video is for you!

Finding child care begins and ends with what’s best for you and your child. Important things to think about include cost, convenience, location—and, of course, quality!

Find your best options for high quality child care and early education programs at and search the Find a Program directory.

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