Delivering Support to Families with Young Learners
Stress causes wear and tear on a person, inside and out. When you take time for self-care, you are better able to care for your child. Even a few minutes of “me time” can help you recharge so that you can parent at your best.
A few examples of self-care or me time that you might not have considered are brushing your teeth, eating balanced meals, getting regular exercise, or going outside to get some fresh air. All of these practices fall under one of the above categories and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Me time is also saying no: Any time you give yourself back the gift of time to use as you’d like to use it? Any time you choose to not overdeliver? Pat your back, that was self-care.
Did you know that what you do right after any of your child’s behavior makes a difference? This may be why your child has good behavior some days and not others. Learning how to use discipline and consequences can help you have more good days with your child. It can also help you get behaviors you like to happen more often.
Join a mother as she learns ways to handle her daughter's misbehavior.
International Backyard Olympics As athletes seek gold during the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, try staging your own family competition at home.
Use this International Backyard Olympics Checklist to track your games. Download the checklist:
You can see it—in the smiling faces and engaging, inclusive environment.
You can feel it—in the warmth that exudes throughout the program.
You can hear it—in the positive interactions between the provider and children.
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