Maryland Department of Education sent this bulletin at 02/01/2021 05:00 PM EST
Delivering Support to Families with Young Learners
Make it About You: Self-Care for Parents During COVID-19
Being the parent of a young child can be stressful. Taking care of yourself and managing your own stress helps you to be a calmer, healthier parent. When you feel calmer, it’s easier to be there for your children and meet their needs.
Emotional—that's what it is like to be the parent of a young child. There are the pure joy times like cuddling, playing, and laughing. And then there are the struggles—the moments of stress, anger, and frustration.
Kids remember things. Model how to manage feelings. Talk through how you are managing your own feelings.
Fill your house with hearts. Cut hearts out of pink and red paper. Ask children to write something they admire about each family member on a heart. Choose a wall, door, or cabinet to decorate with the hearts.
Look for diverse learning materials available for the children. For example, what books are on tables and shelves? Books that your children can relate to, personally and culturally, go a long way to promoting literacy.
Visit Maryland EXCELS Find a Program to search for quality-rated family child care homes, child care centers and public prekindergarten programs.