The Fantastic Northern Lapwing
The northern lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) is a Eurasian shorebird in the plover family, which also includes sandpipers, avocets, and oystercatchers. While vagrant sightings of the lapwing on the Atlantic Coast occur each year, it is never guaranteed to appear.
The northern lapwing has been previously sighted in Maryland but not once in Baltimore. However, expert local birder Keith Eric Costley recently spotted the lapwing along the muddy edges of the Masonville Dredge Material Containment Facility (DMCF), where it stayed from February 7 through February 18. Over 260 birders and nature photographers came to witness the lapwing, with some visiting the site for the first time. This exciting sighting marks the 257th species observed since restoration efforts began at the DMCF!
 Photo: A northern lapwing at the Masonville DMCF. The bird sighting contributed to the highest count of monthly general visitors yet at Masonville Cove, totaling 333 people. Photo credit: Tim Carney, MES.
Ports America Chesapeake Seagirt Marine Terminal Expansion and Densification Project: Improving Operational Efficiency while Reducing Environmental Impact
Ports America Chesapeake has started the execution of an exciting project to densify and electrify the container yard at Seagirt Marine Terminal. The plan was designed to increase the capacity of the container yard by adding an additional row of container stacks throughout the terminal and increasing the height of the container stacks.
The second piece of this endeavor is the electrification of the container yard. As part of the Ports America Chesapeake’s Climate Change Strategic Plan, a full fleet of electric yard cranes will be commissioned. The first shipment of fifteen hybrid electric cranes arrived in 2022, and they will be powered through conductor bars installed in each pad within the container yard.
 Photo: New Rubber-Tired Gantry Konecranes. Photo credit: Michael Ryan, Ports America Chesapeake.
Commitment to Environmental Justice in 2023 at the WildStem Career Summit
“The Harbor City Links Presents Careers in WildStem,” held on February 25, was a major success! Students from Coppin State University and Morgan State University were exposed to opportunities and careers in the STEM, sustainability, and maritime industries. Hosted at Brown Advisory, organized by Harbor City Links and Masonville Cove Partnerships, in collaboration with the National Wildlife Federation, the event was also a great opportunity to recruit potential members of the African American women’s group to one of the Dredge Material Management Program (DMMP) committees.
WildStem was tailored to further the Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Port Administration (MDOT MPA) DMMP Annual Report 2022 recommendations on Environmental Justice to: (1) prioritize environmental justice by engaging with stakeholders; (2) recruit DMMP committee members who reflect the diversity of near-Port communities, and (3) create equitable access to DMMP sites to engage youth in educational programs as a pathway to thriving career opportunities.
 Photo: Llauryn Iglehart-King from The Links, Incorporated welcomes students at the WildStem event. Photo credit: Brown Advisory
 Photo: Students from the South Baltimore Community Land Trust along with Development without Displacement Director Dr. Meleny Thomas received mentorship from professionals who work in various facets of this industry, including those with backgrounds in science, green-based industries, and other related fields. Photo credit: Brown Advisory
Masonville Cove Connector Updates
The Masonville Cove Connector (MCC) will be a shared-use path for pedestrians, bicyclists and wheelchair users, stretching along Frankfurst Avenue from Masonville Cove, the nation’s first Urban Wildlife Refuge, to the intersection of Frankfurst and Hanover streets. Upon its completion, the MCC will connect Masonville Cove with the current Gwynns Falls Trail and the proposed Baybrook Connector, forming a vast network of over 20 miles of safe, equitable, and easily accessible trails.
The MCC project is still in its early stages, presenting an ideal opportunity to engage with community members in a meaningful way and gather their feedback regarding their perspectives and desired features for the proposed trail system. With the MCC being an exciting project, we are striving to ensure that the local community is fully involved and given the chance to express their input.
Photo: The MCC project will provide walking and biking connectivity with dozens of neighborhoods, a scenic and historic greenway, regional hospital and wellness facilities, and the Light Rail station in Cherry Hill. Photo credit: MPA
Land Preservation & Conservation Easements: Vital Tools to Protect Our Nature
Conservation easements on MPA property, including Masonville Cove and Swan Creek, are effective methods of protecting natural resources and preserving scenic open space and natural lands. The Maryland Environmental Trust evaluates easement offers on a case-by-case basis, in a process where landowners give up some property rights (e.g., to develop, subdivide and mine gravel) while another local entity agrees to monitor, protect, and ensure compliance with its terms.
MPA conservation easement at Masonville Cove (46.85 acres) requires that the property remain accessible to the public for recreation and education. Baltimore Green Space (BGS) is responsible for the preservation of the easement. “BGS is so excited to be able to support the community in preserving this refuge for neighbors to enjoy the water and wildlife for generations to come,” said BGS Executive Director Katherine Lautar.
Photo (Above): MPA conservation easement at Masonville Cove. Photo credit: MES
Photo (Right): Swan Creek Wetland area, under protection of the Scenic River Land Trust. Photo credit: MES Survey Team
Moreover, the recent expansion of the Scenic Rivers Land Trust by the acquisition of five easements, totaling 224 acres, from North County Land Trust (NCLT) included the beautiful MDOT MPA-owned Swan Creek easement area (115 acres). "We are so excited to be involved in protecting this special place. The incredible number of birds found here is a clear signal that the forest and wetlands here are critical to conserve for the health of our community,” said Scenic Rivers Land Trust Executive Director Sarah Knebel. The endeavor was made possible with the assistance of DMMP committee member, Rebecca Kolberg, who regrettably passed recently.
Community Partnership with St. Helena Saturday, April 22, 2023
The Baltimore Port Alliance (BPA) once again partnered with the St. Helena Community Association for a community wide cleanup. More than 60 volunteers gathered on the morning of April 22nd to remove trash and debris from several locations in the St. Helena community. Volunteers from several BPA member companies participated; including MPA, Ports America Chesapeake (PAC), C. Steinweg (Baltimore), Vane Brothers, Belts Logistics, Terminal Corporation, Maryland Environmental Service, and Moran Towing. The volume of material collected filled two 30-yard dumpsters and weighed 6.5 tons. In addition, 22 tires were collected. Shirley Gregory, president of the St. Helena Community Association, was very appreciative of the support received including PAC’s donation of the dumpsters and C. Steinweg’s contribution to feed the hungry volunteers after a long morning effort.
 Photo (Above): Some of the volunteers pose for a group photo in front of the St. Helena Community Association Building. Photo (Below): Loading one of the dumpsters. Photo Credits: Shirley Gregory
These committee meetings are open to the public. Some meetings may be virtual or in-person. Please visit maryland-dmmp.com for details and access information for each meeting.
Pearce Creek Implementation Committee Meeting - May 19th at 10am
90B North Center Street Cecilton, MD 21919
For more information, visit maryland-dmmp.com
For questions, please contact ecoport@marylandports.com.
Joint Citizens Advisory Committee/Innovative Reuse Committee - May 23rd at 5:00 PM
1000 Kembo Road
Curtis Bay, MD 21226
For more information, visit maryland-dmmp.com
For questions, please contact ecoport@marylandports.com.
Masonville Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting - June 13th at 5:30 PM
1000 Frankfurst Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21226 For more information, visit maryland-dmmp.com For questions, please contact ecoport@marylandports.com.
Management Committee Meeting - June 28th at 10:00 AM
Virtual For more information, visit maryland-dmmp.com
For questions, please contact ecoport@marylandports.com.
ECO Port Newsletter is the Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Port Administration’s bi-monthly update of projects and programs that help the agency contribute to a thriving economy, environmental stewardship, and community partnerships. As always, we thank the many private sector businesses, government leaders, communities, and individual citizens who have helped make these achievements a reality. |
William P. Doyle, Executive Director
MDOT Maryland Port Administration
The World Trade Center 401 East Pratt Street, Baltimore MD 21202 1-800-638-7519 / www.marylandports.com