This week the County Executive discusses an upcoming town hall with the County Council to help connect the recently unemployed with essential services. Sen. Chris Van Hollen and Rep. Jamie Raskin will join as well. He also talks about a new warning from the Office of Consumer Protection about house sales tied to the federal shake-ups. He also reminds the community about Monday's building renaming ceremony honoring former County Executive Ike Leggett and highlights ways you can celebrate Library Lovers Month.
Stories in this issue include:
 More than 300 people have already made plans to attend the Executive Office Building Renaming Ceremony in honor of former County Executive Isiah "Ike" Leggett at 3 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 24. Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich and County Council President Kate Steward will be joined by Lt. Governor Aruna Miller, Sen. Chris Van Hollen, Sen. Angela Alsobrooks, Rep. Jamie Raskin, Rep. Glenn Ivey, members of the County Council, other elected officials and community members. The ceremony will take place at the Executive Office Building, Terrace Level, located at 101 Monroe St. in Rockville. The program will feature remarks from elected officials and community leaders, a color guard and musical performances, followed by the unveiling of new signage, a plaque and a proclamation.
 Montgomery County Recreation’s spring registration is now open for County and non-County residents. Registration for Bone Builders, Day Trippers and Senior Outdoor Adventures in Recreation (SOAR) also is open.
 The Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) has announced that the Police-Private Security Camera Program's eligibility has been expanded to include all addresses within Montgomery County.
 The Maryland Department of Transportation is accepting grant applications from small businesses impacted by construction along the Purple Line route in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties.
Residents are invited to provide feedback for the 2025 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) survey, to help local hospitals and Healthy Montgomery determine programs and services to best meet the health needs of the community.
The Montgomery County Students Automotive Trades Foundation will hold its next Refurbished Car and Computer Sale from 9-11 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22, at Damascus High School.
 Do you know an individual or organization who goes above and beyond to increase sports opportunities for underserved communities in Montgomery County?
The Montgomery County Sports Advisory Committee wants to celebrate their good work with the Unsung Sports Hero Award. Nominees can be individuals or groups involved in coaching, officiating, team management, field maintenance, player transportation, training, equipment donations or any other efforts that promote equitable sports participation in the community.
 Stories of the Underground Railroad are rich and rooted deep in Montgomery County. The historic sites and experiences make for an interesting road trip throughout the County to understand the trials, tribulations and heroism of the freedom seekers. See the Visit Montgomery website for information on taking a self-guided drive during Black History Month.
 Some plays date back centuries, but theaters that host them do not last forever without some care. The Arts Barn Campaign was established last year to provide funds to help make important improvements to the theater. The campaign is continuing its work by upgrading the seating in the 99-seat upper-level theater in Gaithersburg.
Montgomery County Recreation is once again helping make dreams come true for County high school students. The Department is collecting gently used and new dresses, suits, dry-cleaned shirts, shoes, ties and accessories for students to choose from during the Prom Couture Closet Giveaway Event.
 Montgomery Parks is hosting a free exhibit of paintings by some of the nation’s premier naturalist artists who are finalists in this year’s Federal Duck Stamp and Junior Duck Stamp contests. The exhibit is open 7 a.m.-6 p.m. in the lobby of Montgomery Parks Wheaton Headquarters, 2425 Reedie Drive, Wheaton, and will be on-site through Feb. 26, 2025.

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation is asking area high school students to spread the message to put their phones away when on the road.
The annual “Heads Up, Phones Down” contest invites teens to create short videos promoting the importance of focusing on their surroundings instead of their phones while walking or driving. Students can win prizes worth up to $800 and earn up to five Student Service Learning hours for their efforts. MCDOT will be accepting entries of 30-second Public Service Announcements (PSAs) through Friday, Feb. 28.
County public and private high school students are eligible to submit contest videos in English or Spanish. Entries can be submitted individually or from a group of up to four students.
 The Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services Stakeholders Forum has been rescheduled to Wednesday, March 5 in Wheaton.

Spring registration is underway for classes in the Park Academy Series. The program, sponsored by Montgomery Parks, focuses on mental and physical well-being. New classes this session include Storytime Art for Children and Caregivers, Midday Reset Yoga and Partnering Dance 101. Other popular classes such as Canopy Connection-Tree Climbing for teens or 55+ adults are also returning.
 Montgomery County businesses looking to expand through exports can connect with customers, suppliers, manufacturers or academic partners with help from the Maryland Department of Commerce's ExportMD Program. Grants can reimburse up to $5,000 for eligible expenses. Applications are being accepted through Tuesday, March 1 for export-related expenses incurred in April or later this year.
 The MoCo Eats Food & Beverage Showcase is a two-day event at the Hilton Rockville on March 30 and 31, 2025, where food enthusiasts and industry professionals come together to explore the latest culinary innovations. This year's showcase features two distinct events, each designed for a different audience.
 The County's Department of Environmental Protection will host the “Landscaping with Batteries/Jardinería con Baterías” event on Wednesday, March 12 at the Montgomery College Germantown Campus, located at 20200 Observation Drive in Germantown.
 Montgomery County residents with combined household incomes of $67,000 or less can receive free tax preparation services through the Community Action Agency’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.
 Earlier this month, Montgomery County launched its new Climate Smart Campaign, to inspire and educate residents on making climate-smart choices in their daily lives.