The Glass Gazette: June 20, 2024

A banner reading "The Glass Gazette" over a headshot of Councilmember Glass and three images of summer fun

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June 20, 2024

School's Out

Schools out for summer!

Congratulations to all our students, parents and educators for completing another successful year.

I also want to thank all the MCPS staff who are retiring, including Montgomery Blair principal Renay Johnson. Principal Johnson has been teaching MCPS students for 33 years, including 13 as Blair principal.

Wishing everyone an exciting summer and a wonderful retirement!

A photo of Councilmember Glass with Renay Johnson, retiring principal of Blair High School

Councilmember Glass with Blair principal Renay Johnson

Purple Line Updates

This week, the Transportation & Environment Committee received an update about the ongoing construction of the Purple Line. I know that this construction has impacted many people and businesses, which is why my colleagues and I recently provided funding to help small businesses located along the route. 

While the construction will continue to impact commuters, the good news is that nearly 60% of the project has been completed. In addition to reopening the Talbot Avenue bridge in Silver Spring, crews are finishing station platforms, laying track, installing utilities, and building connections to Metro stations. 

While progress is being made, I know the construction is disruptive for residents and businesses. Please contact my office for assistance navigating any challenges. 

You can watch the Transportation & Environment Committee hearing to learn more about the status of the project here

A photo of a computer screen showing a presentation

Live updates from the T&E Committee session

Addressing Gun Violence

In an average year, 796 people are killed and 1,363 are wounded by guns in Maryland. I recently joined the local chapter of Moms Demand Action to remember those we’ve lost to gun violence and recommit ourselves to passing gun safety laws that protect us all.

This is an important moment in the national effort for gun safety reforms as we honor several somber anniversaries this month, including 8 years since the Pulse nightclub shooting, the 10th annual National Gun Violence Awareness Day and the high school graduation of Sandy Hook Elementary School survivors.

Last year I passed the Suicide Awareness & Firearms Education (S.A.F.E.) Act, which requires gun stores to provide information on mental health support so that people in crisis can find the help they need. It’s also why I co-sponsored a resolution this week to raise awareness about the importance of storing guns safely, especially in homes with children.

We have more work to do — especially at the federal level — to keep our communities safe from gun violence, but I will keep advocating for necessary changes.

A photo of Councilmember Glass next to two volunteers, all of whom are wearing orange

Councilmember Glass with community members at a Moms Demand Action rally

MOVE Act Public Hearing

Next week is the public hearing on the Make Office Vacancies Extinct (M.O.V.E.) Act, legislation I introduced to support economic growth in Montgomery County. 

This bill, which I spearheaded alongside my colleagues on the Economic Development Committee, will provide a financial incentive for businesses wanting to move to or expand within Montgomery County. The MOVE Act codifies a program of the same name created a decade ago and builds upon it by updating eligibility and increasing the reimbursement rates to sign a lease. 

While many people are working from home, we know that some return to the office is good for our local stores and restaurants. Our record-high office vacancy rate of 21.9% is a reminder that we have to do more to attract new businesses and boost our economy. 

The public hearing will be on Tuesday, June 25 at 1:30 p.m. You can sign up to testify here.

A picture of Councilmember Glass speaking at the press conference introducing the legislation

Councilmember Glass speaks at the press conference introducing the MOVE Act

Pride Month Celebrations

It’s been a wonderful month celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride events across the county. So far this month, I’ve joined community members at events in Olney, Takoma Park, Poolesville, Bethesda and more! In Rockville, I joined local leaders and advocates to raise the Pride Progress Flag by the Executive Office Building, and my colleagues and I commemorated Pride month with a video highlighting the history and accomplishments of the LGBTQ+ community nationally and locally. 

There’s still plenty of events happening throughout the rest of June, including Pride Family Day at Glen Echo Park and Pride in the Plaza in Silver Spring. You can find more information about these and other events here.

A graphic listing the various Pride events happening throughout the month of June.

Constituent Corner

A resident recently wrote to me after her son’s car was hit while he was driving. Thankfully, he was not hurt, but the car was damaged and the other driver did not provide accurate insurance information. My office connected the resident and her son with the Maryland Insurance Administration, which adjudicates complaints and provides educational information for consumers.

If you are having problems with your auto, health, home or life insurance, you can file a complaint online.

A screenshot of the Maryland Insurance Administration's webpage

Did You Know?

Heritage Montgomery is hosting the 25th annual Heritage Days weekend on June 29-30! The free countywide festival will offer programs and activities for people of all ages looking to learn more about Montgomery County’s rich history. From local connections to the Civil War and the Underground Railroad to stories of railroads and trolleys in our region, there are plenty of opportunities to explore our past and celebrate the outdoor recreation and arts & culture of today. Learn more about all there is to do here!

A graphic advertising Heritage Days

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