June 6, 2024
It’s June and Pride Month is finally here! I am excited and honored to host Montgomery County’s sixth annual LGBTQ+ Pride Month events. We will be celebrating all across the county, including the official raising of the Pride progress flag at the Executive Office Building in Rockville on Monday, June 10.
You can find more information and RSVP to all of our Pride events here. Hope to see you!
On May 23, my colleagues and I approved the county’s operating budget for next fiscal year. Determining the budget is always a difficult process, and this year was no exception. The $7.1 billion operating budget funds our schools, public safety efforts, environmental initiatives, economic development, transportation, libraries and our health and human services – just to list a few.
As we prepared to vote on MCPS budget, I expressed my deep concerns about the lack of transparency and oversight. The $3.3 billion allocated to MCPS — almost half of the entire operating budget — is a $128 million increase over last year and $26.6 million more than what the County Executive had initially recommended.
I am extremely disappointed by the last-minute communication from MCPS and the Board of Education about how the proposed budget would impact educators and students. This is why our state lawmakers in Annapolis need to enact meaningful reforms as to how counties and school districts approve their budgets. You can read my MoCo 360 op-ed to learn more.
 Councilmember Glass speaks from the dais about the MCPS budget.
The Talbot Avenue Bridge has reopened!
Originally built in 1918, this bridge served as a lifeline between Lyttonsville and North Woodside, two segregated communities on opposite sides of the railroad tracks. The reopening of the bridge will serve as a new connection between the two neighborhoods and signify the progress being made on the Purple Line, which will run beneath the new structure.
Let’s keep moving forward to connect communities and our region.
 Councilmember Glass with residents of the Lyttonsville community.
Think global, act local.
I recently gathered with state and local leaders from across the country to share strategies and provide advice to the Biden Administration on ways to mitigate and prevent the effects of climate change.
As members of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Local Government Advisory Committee, we discussed our work on environmental justice, PFAS (harmful “forever chemicals”), climate adaptation and water safety.
We have a lot more work to do, but I’m proud to be part of a group that is helping to implement solutions in our home communities.
 Councilmember Glass and members of the Environmental Protection Agency's Local Government Advisory Committee.
My team had a wonderful time talking to residents and trying delicious foods at Taste of Wheaton! Much appreciation to all the restaurants, artists and businesses who came out to show what makes Wheaton an amazing global community.
I look forward to engaging with residents and community organizations across the county at similar events throughout the summer. Hope to see you there!
 Team Glass at Taste of Wheaton!
A resident who is elderly and deaf needed to get to a doctor’s appointment, but he didn't have a way to get there. My office connected him with the Office of Aging & Disability Services, which has compiled a Transportation Network Directory for People with Disabilities and Adults 50+. Please share this information with individuals who may need transportation assistance.
If you run a business or nonprofit with a storefront, you can get a free pride decal for your window! This is a great way to show your support for the LGBTQ+ community this and emphasize that hate has no home here. You can request your decal here.
You can get a decal at Pride in the Plaza on June 30.
Please do not reply to this email. To contact my office, email me at Councilmember.Glass@montgomerycountymd.gov.