July 2024
EXCITING NEW PROGRAMS....Navigating Caregiving 2024
Caregivers Support and Help
Nurturing Hearts, Healing Souls
Facilitated by Ruth Kershner, LCSW-C
National Care Givers Support program
4-week series- FREE
Are you a caregiver affected by your loved one going through a challenging time in their lives? If so, join us and learn how to improve and understand caregiver needs.
Preregister or walk-ins are welcome: 240-777-4999
Date: Wednesdays: July 10, 17, 24 and 31
Time: 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Location: Holiday Park Senior Center
3951 Ferrara Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20906
Snacks and … surprise “gifts” will be available at the program.
Montgomery County Support Group Programs
Alzheimer’s Association- call 240-844-3608 or lbbyer@alz.org
Peer-led groups for caregivers. All support groups are facilitated by trained volunteers. If you are considering attending a support group note that groups may meet over the phone, virtually or in-person. Please contact the facilitator listed to verify meeting information and receive meeting instructions.
Kensington Park, in partnership with Seabury, is offering two support groups that will be facilitated in person or virtually by Leslie Mason, LICSW, LCSW-C, Clinical Manager of Seabury Care Management. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, lean in for support, and draw comfort from others who know how it feels to be a caregiver for the people they care about.
A Virtual Support Group for Caregivers is offered the 2nd Monday of each month from 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM. The next session will be offered July 8th.
An In-Person Support Group for Spousal Caregivers is offered the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM at Kensington Park. The next session will be July 17th.
In either the virtual and in-person session, join us to share time connecting with other caregivers and discussing common challenges in a welcoming, private setting. Both sessions are open to anyone in the community, and are free of charge.
To join either the in-person or the virtual group, please email Leslie Mason at LMason@SeaburyResources.org.
List generated by Montgomery County Care Giving Program- 240-777-3515 (updated 6.7.24)
July 8, 2024 at 7pm on the Kensington Club Zoom
Meeting ID: 777 162 3920 Password: 535850
Speaker: Clearing the Path: UTI Recognition, Preventions, and Care with Pamela Coleman, MD
Professor of Urology, Howard University College of Medicine
July 15, 2024 7-8 pm on the Kensington Club Zoom
Meeting ID: 777 162 3920 Password: 535850
Speaker: Care Circle with Colleen & Christina
Please join us to discuss challenges, share experiences, and receive support from fellow KC care partners who are going through similar situations.
Kesher Cafe- Monthly Social Engagement Group; planned Social
Activity for all Attendees (Caregiver Support Group)
Connect, Share and Support- Come and Meet new People
Folk singer, Jesse Palidofsky on July 14th will perform! Home | jesse-palidofsky (jessepal.net)
Day: Sunday, July 14
Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm
Place: JCA 12320 Parklawn Drive (terrace) Rockville, MD 20852
RSVP: Colleen Kemp at ckemp@accessjca.org or
Joyce Schneider at jschneider@accessjca.org
Everyone is Welcome who meets criteria for Young Onset Dementia (diagnosis prior to age 65)
The FY25 applications are open again on July 5th
ARC of Montgomery County (Free Respite Coordination Services):
301-816-9647 www.thearcmontgomerycounty.org/what[1]we-do/respite/respite-seniors.html
Montgomery County residents who are providing unpaid, live-in, primary care for a senior may apply for respite care. The Arc Montgomery County can make arrangements for a few hours, a day, a weekend, or perhaps longer at a family selected venue, e.g., family home, adult medical day program or approved respite facility.
The FY25 applications are open again on July 5th. Don't delay! Apply!
Hot Weather Safety Tips
The following precautions will help residents remain safe and more comfortable during excessive heat days:
Stay indoors, whenever possible. Keep in mind: Electric fans may provide comfort, but when the temperature is in the high 90s, they may not prevent heat-related illness. Taking a cool shower or bath or moving to an air-conditioned place is a better way to cool off. Use your stove and oven less to maintain a cooler temperature in your home. Visit nearby air-conditioned buildings in your community if your home is not air-conditioned. County facilities, including libraries, swimming pools, recreation centers and senior centers are places to cool off during normal operating hours. Public locations such as indoor malls could also be utilized.
Be careful to avoid strenuous activities that can result in overexposure to the sun, such as sports and gardening. If you must do a strenuous activity, do it during the coolest part of the day, which is usually in the morning before 9 a.m.
Drink plenty of water. Dehydration, cramps, exhaustion or heat stroke can result from not drinking enough fluids. Water is the safest liquid to drink.
- Avoid drinks containing alcohol or caffeine.
When outdoors, wear proper protection from the sun. Light-colored clothing, a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen protection are strongly recommended.
Never leave pets, young children, or the elderly in a vehicle for ANY amount of time, even with the window open, because the temperature inside parked cars can reach 130 degrees in only a few minutes.
Monitor those at high risk. Those at greatest risk of heat-related illness include:
- Infants and children up to four years of age;
- Individuals 65 years of age and older;
- Individuals who are ill or on certain medications; and
- Individuals who are overweight.
Signs of Heat Exposure
Knowing the signs of heat exposure can prevent a life-threatening situation. Should any of the following occur, get out of the heat, loosen any tight or heavy clothing and drink plenty of water:
Heat cramps: symptoms include painful muscle spasms, usually involving the abdominal muscles or legs;
Heat exhaustion: first signs are cool, moist, pale or flushed skin, dizziness, nausea, headache and weakness;
Heat stroke: the most serious sign of overexposure. Symptoms include red, hot, dry skin, weak pulse, rapid breathing and changes in consciousness. Seek medical attention by calling 9-1-1.
For More Information:
For general information about County programs and services, call 3-1-1. Sign up for the County's Alert Montgomery notification system at alert.montgomerycountymd.gov to receive emergency alerts regarding weather and other emergency information.
Please join Shawn Brennan at Holiday Park Senior Center to Talk about Driving and Mobility
Date: Tuesday, July 30
Time: 1pm-2pm
Place: Holiday Park Senior Center 3950 Ferrara Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20906
Driving and Beyond: Join this conversation about important issues to consider while planning your mobility and talking with loved ones about theirs. Topics will include assessing driver skills; making adjustments to driving habits; experimenting with alternative transportation; and tactfully talking about this dicey topic.
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Smile for this month:
"Seize the moment! Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart!" by Erma Bombeck
Age-Friendly Montgomery County is an initiative to enhance the County as a wonderfully diverse Community for a Lifetime-- a place where all residents can age, thrive to their full potential, and contribute as a powerful resource in making our County a better, stronger, more inclusive community for everyone.
Have Questions? Contact Us:
Age-Friendly Montgomery Email: Shawn.Brennan@montgomerycountymd.gov
Vital Living Network Email: Tina.PurserLangley@montgomerycountymd.gov
Visit the Commission on Aging or call 240-777-1120
Montgomery County SHIP presents Understanding Your Medicare Choices Join SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) for free monthly Medicare seminars at County libraries. The Montgomery County SHIP Director will present expert, unbiased information about what you need to know before enrolling in Medicare. You will learn what coverage you need, how enrollment periods work, and how to avoid penalties.
Wednesday, July 10th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Davis Library, 6400 Democracy Boulevard, Bethesda
Wednesday, July 24th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Germantown Library, 19840 Century Boulevard, Germantown
There is no registration requirement. For information, visit: https://medicareabcd.org/events/list/
Montgomery County SHIP is a federally funded program that provides Medicare counseling and information by certified counselors to new and current Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers. SHIP can be contacted by phone at 301-255-4250 or email: SHIP@AccessJCA.org; Website: www.MedicareABCD.org
Montgomery County Offers Free Trainings on Naloxone, a Medication Used to Reverse Effects of Opioid Overdose.
Take part in training where you will learn how to reduce unintentional, life-threatening poisonings related to the ingestion of opioids. If you are at least 18-years old and concerned about a friend, family member or an associate with an opioid addiction, this 2-hour training is for you. Naloxone is a prescription medication that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose. Tips on overdose prevention and resources detailing local and national resources will also be provided to participants. Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services through support from the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is offering free trainings on the identification of an opioid overdose and steps you can take to save someone’s life.
To Register for a Training Session, please contact the Overdose Response Program at 240.777.1836 or OverdoseResponseProgram@montgomerycountymd.gov