February 8, 2024
The Council held our annual commemoration of Black History Month this week, where we celebrated the contributions, achievements and legacy of African Americans in our community and across the country.
There are many more opportunities to continue to celebrate Black History Month in our area, including learning about Black history here in Montgomery County. Our friends at Visit Montgomery, Montgomery County Public Libraries and MoCo360 have put together lists of events throughout the month. Make sure to check them out!
Welcome to the Year of the Dragon! I had a wonderful time celebrating the Lunar New Year with the Happy Life Vietnam seniors group at the Holiday Park Senior Center.
We are fortunate to have such a diverse population in Montgomery County, including many people who have come from the East Asian countries of China, Korea and Vietnam. Lunar New Year officially starts on February 10. You can find several local events here.
 Councilmember Glass presents a proclamation to organizers
There are still funds available to get a rebate on a security camera for your home or business. Montgomery County residents in priority areas can get reimbursed up to $250 for a camera installed at their residence. Businesses and nonprofits in those areas can get reimbursed up to $1,250 for five cameras. You can learn more about the program, check eligibility and complete an application here.
If your home is currently not eligible, don’t get discouraged. I have requested that this program be expanded beyond the current geographic areas in order to help more people feel safe.
Here is the letter I wrote to the County Executive and Chief of Police requesting an expansion of the program.
 You can get reimbursed for a security camera at your residence through the MCPD's program.
For the last 45 years the Poolesville Area Chamber of Commerce has been supporting and advocating for the businesses in the Northwestern corner of Montgomery County. It was wonderful to attend the chamber’s annual meeting and celebration of their accomplishments. Congratulations to all the staff and board members for their work to support our upcounty community.
 Congratulations to the Poolesville Area Chamber of Commerce for all of their recent accomplishments.
The Flower Theater first opened in 1950. Since then, the Long Branch community staple has had its ups and downs. Now the facade has received a makeover as part of an extensive renovation led by MHP, Donohoe, philanthropic organizations, Montgomery County and the State of Maryland. It was a joy to see the lights glow once again on this community gem.
 Photo credit to Eric Saul
Cleaning up after a storm can be difficult. For one senior resident, his age and disability made it difficult for him to break down branches that had fallen in his yard after a storm. My office contacted MCDOT’s Division of Highway Services on his behalf, and they cleared the wood waste from his yard.
 Debris left over from a storm
Montgomery Connects is offering 60,000 free Chromebooks to Montgomery County residents who don’t currently have a computer! You don’t have to be a U.S. citizen to apply — all you need is a County library card and an appointment. You can also email montgomeryconnects@montgomerycountymd.gov if you have any questions about this program or would like additional assistance navigating the appointment process.
Please do not reply to this email. To contact my office, email me at Councilmember.Glass@montgomerycountymd.gov.