The Glass Gazette December 15, 2023

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December 15, 2023

Reflections on Council Presidency

On December 5, my term as Council President concluded and the County Council elected new officers. You can read my full remarks here. It has been an honor to lead this historic 20th Council, and I am incredibly proud of all that we’ve accomplished this year. From increasing public transparency and involvement in Council proceedings to increased investments in education, health services, public safety and economic development, my colleagues and I have worked to make Montgomery County a great place to live, work and raise a family. I look forward to continuing this work into the next year and beyond.

Councilmember Glass giving his final remarks as Council President

My final remarks reflecting on my term as Council President

SAFE Act Passes

I’m proud to announce that my bill, the Suicide Awareness and Firearm Education (SAFE) Act passed the Council. This legislation will require gun and ammunition retailers in Montgomery County to display and distribute pamphlets on suicide prevention and how to access help.

Approximately one third of all deaths by suicide in Montgomery County occur with a firearm. Those numbers are far too high. Anyone who has lost a loved one knows the particular pain of wishing there had been a way to prevent it. While there is no way to bring back those we’ve lost, this law will help us save others while we still can. As the nation deals with a historic mental health crisis and increasing suicide rates, it is our obligation as leaders to do something about it. 

You can read more about the legislation here

Councilmember Glass speaking at a press conference with advocates

Volunteers and advocates joined me at a press introducing the SAFE Act.

Great Seneca Transit Network

I was thrilled to take part in the “groundpainting” (aka groundbreaking) for the Great Seneca Transit Network (GTSN). 

GTSN will create two new Ride On bus service lines: the Pink line, which will connect the Shady Grove corridor to the Life Services Center and Universities at Shady Grove; and the Lime line, which will provide an express route to Rio, Crown Farm, and the Shady Grove Medical Center. Service is expected to begin late next summer. To learn more about the project’s next phases and see maps of planned station locations, go to MCDOT’s project webpage.

Equitable access to public transit is vital to creating and providing opportunities for our most vulnerable populations. This project is a reflection of our commitment to multi-modal transit opportunities throughout the county that will also help improve access to public health resources and jobs. 

Councilmember Glass joined by the County Executive, local transit leaders, and fellow Councilmembers Friedson, Balcombe, and Fani-Gonzalez

I joined the County Executive and colleagues at a "groundpainting"

Jewish Residents of Leisure World

My appreciation to the Jewish Residents of Leisure World for inviting me to speak about the rise in antisemitism, Islamophobia, racism and other forms of hate in our community. We discussed the final recommendations of the Anti-Hate Task Force and the need to work collaboratively with county agencies, MCPS educators and administrators, law enforcement officers, and community leaders to implement the recommendations presented by the task force and to achieve our shared goal of making Montgomery County a safe and welcoming home for all.

Councilmember Glass speaks with a table of residents at brunch

I had lots of engaging conversations with our seniors at Leisure World.

Constituent Corner

Last month a senior called my office to say she was on the verge of becoming homeless. My team helped her get emergency assistance from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which ensured her safety by allowing her to stay in her current unit until they found a more permanent solution. We also connected her with a social worker who helped her to apply for the Montgomery County Rental Assistance Program. At the end of November, she wrote back to inform us that she had found a place to live for 24 months.

Thank you to HHS and our incredible social workers for their daily service to residents of Montgomery County.

To find more information about the Services to End and Prevent Homelessness (SEPH), you can visit their website or call the 24/7 hotline at 240-907-2688.

A poster outlining the services that the 24/7 Homeless Information Line provides. Reach them at 240-907-2688.

Did You Know?

If you want to help neighbors in need this holiday season, start with the Montgomery County Volunteer Center! They’ve compiled a list of ways you can give back, including holiday volunteer opportunities, places to donate books, clothing, and other household items, and supporting local organizations that provide services to our most vulnerable residents this time of year.

Montgomery County Volunteer Center logo

Happy Holidays from Team Glass

From all of us at Team Glass, have a healthy, happy and safe holiday season!

From left to right: a photo of Hope, Hannah, David, Molly, Evan, and Valeria

Happy holidays from Team Glass!

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