MCDOT Announces the Return of Decorated Winter Holiday 'Flash Lights' Buses
MCDOT is returning “Flash Lights” buses for the winter holiday season. Montgomery County residents and visitors can take in the roaming light display along Colesville Road/US 29 as five of the Flash Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) buses have been adorned with festive holiday lights. The buses will remain decorated throughout December.
Riders are encouraged to post pictures of the Flash Lights buses on X, Facebook, Threads or Instagram accounts and tag @MCDOTNow for a chance to win a $25 gift card. One winner will be randomly selected from all participants in a weekly drawing, beginning Monday, Dec. 4 through Friday, Jan. 5. Full details for the contest can be found on RidetheFlash.com.
The decorated Flash buses are running along Colesville Rd/Columbia Pike (US 29) between the Silver Spring Transit Center, Briggs Chaney and Burtonsville, with stops along the way. The County-operated bus line began in 2020 and offers fast, convenient service running every seven to 15 minutes on weekdays and every 30 minutes on weekends.
Fares on Ride On for most riders is only $1 per ride. Seniors (age 65 and older), persons with disabilities and youth under 19 ride free with specialized SmarTrip cards.
Learn more here.
 MCDOT Adds Dedicated Bus Lanes on University Boulevard (MD 193) in Wheaton
MCDOT has started lane painting between Amherst Avenue and Dennis Avenue and expects to complete the project in December. The dedicated bus lanes will provide faster Ride On and Metrobus service on this vital corridor, improving the connection between Four Corners and Metrorail at Wheaton Station.
The new bus lanes will allow for emergency vehicles and bicycles and are estimated to be complete in early January.
 MCDOT Posts Placards on Ride On Buses to Honor Rosa Parks Day in December
Montgomery County recognizes Dec. 1 as Rosa Parks Day, honoring the American hero who refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama bus on Dec. 1, 1955.
To honor Parks, MCDOT has placed placards inside all Ride On buses throughout December to commemorate her leadership, activism and bravery.
 MCDOT’s Flash Bus in Montgomery County's Thanksgiving Parade
Flash enjoyed its sixth year in the parade, while the 2023 Flash Lights bus made its debut blowing snow for a winter wonderland.
The Great Seneca Transit Network Will Bring Fast, Equitable Access to Medical Centers and Educational Facilities in Rockville and Gaithersburg
MCDOT announced the beginning of Phase 1 of the Great Seneca Transit Network (GSTN) at a ceremonial “groundpainting” of dedicated bus lanes at the Traville Parkway Transit Center in Rockville on Wednesday, Nov. 29.
Phase 1 of the GSTN will include two new Ride On extRa bus service lines. The project will continue through spring, with service to begin in late summer 2024.
The two new bus lines, designated as “Lime” and “Pink,” will run east-west connections between the Shady Grove Metro to the Universities of Shady Grove in Rockville. The Pink line will link the busy Shady Grove corridor with the Life Sciences Center via Medical Center Drive. The Lime line will use I-370 to provide an express route to RIO, Crown Farm and the heart of the Life Science Center at Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center. Project implementation will continue through this spring, with service to begin in late summer 2024.
Learn more here.
 MCDOT Promotes ‘Salt Wise’ Campaign, Using Less Salt and Keeping People Safe During Winter Storms
The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection and MCDOT are emphasizing the impact excessive salt use can have on the environment. Salt runs off into storm drains, local streams and eventually, to the Potomac and Patuxent rivers. Those waterways are drinking water sources for 1.9 million residents in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties. Salt can corrode concrete and masonry, harm pets, damage surrounding plants and lawns and adversely impact the water supply.
MCDOT manages the County’s snowstorm response and has implemented steps to reduce salt usage such as the use of brine to pretreat roads, installing rubber bumpers on all snowplows allowing for early plowing and staff and contractor training on salt usage.
Learn more about how you can play a part in protecting our waterways by being Salt-Wise at bit.ly/SaltWise.
 Holiday Transportation Schedule
Dec. 24-25
- MCDOT offices - Closed.
- Ride On bus service - Sunday schedule (until 10 p.m. on Dec. 24).
Flash bus rapid transit service - Weekend and Holiday schedule (Orange route only).
- Ride On extRa and Flex bus service - Not in service.
- TRiPS Commuter store at Silver Spring Transit Center - Open 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. Dec. 24 and closed on Dec. 25.
- TRiPS Mobile Commuter store - Closed.
- Public parking, lots and curbside meters - Free Dec. 25.
Dec. 31 - Jan. 1
- MCDOT offices - Closed.
- Ride On bus - Sunday schedule.
- Flash bus rapid transit service - Weekend schedule (Orange route only).
- Ride On extRa and Flex bus - Not in service.
- TRiPS Commuter and Mobile stores - Closed.
- Public parking garages, lots and meters - Free on Jan. 1.
250 Residents Learned How to Ride a Bike or E-Scooter This Past Fall
MCDOT recently completed its fall series of adult bike and e-scooter safety training classes. More than 250 residents learned basic skills to safely ride a bicycle or an electric scooter this fall. MCDOT contracted with the Washington Area Bicyclists Association to lead the adult bike classes throughout the County. Additionally, MCDOT worked with Bird, Lime and Spin to host five additional free adult e-scooter classes.
One of the five scooter trainings catered to adults with disabilities who participate in the Montgomery County Public School’s Transition Programs. The class gave residents the opportunity to test ride an e-scooter as an alternative mode of transportation.
Nine additional classes are planned for spring 2024. Information about those classes will be posted on the MCDOT website at tinyurl.com/cycleclss in early February. Registration is required for the bike classes and spaces typically fill up fast. No registration is required for the e-scooter training.
Bus Routes Servicing Montgomery County Homeless Shelters
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Housing Stabilization staff provide emergency assessment services to homeless families with children. Emergency shelter capacity for individuals expands during the winter months. Case management services are provided to all homeless clients to link clients to needed services, including housing referrals, treatment, employment and entitlements.
Montgomery County has four shelters for those in need. See the bus routes serving them below.
MidCounty DHHS Building 1301 Piccard Drive, Rockville, 20850
- Ride On Rt 63
- Ride On Rt 66
- Ride On Rt 54
Silver Spring DHHS Silver Spring Center 8818 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, 20910
- Metro Rt Q4
- Ride On Rt 5
- Metro Rt Z6
UpCounty Regional Services Center 12900 Middlebrook Road, Germantown, 20874
- Ride On Rt 100
- Ride On Rt 61
Takoma East Silver Spring (TESS) Center 8513 Piney Branch Road, Silver Spring, 20901
- Ride On Rt 15
- Ride On Rt 13
- Ride On Rt 12
- Ride On Rt 20

Learn About Pedestrian and Bike Safety at Westfield Wheaton Mall This Weekend, Dec. 16-17
MCDOT's pedestrian safety team will distribute safety educational materials and reflective gear to mall shoppers during mall hours. Shoppers can take a shot at the prize wheel for a chance to win prizes.
The “Lives Shatter on Impact” testimonial exhibit will also be on display across from the Macy’s entrance and in front of the T-Mobile store, on the second floor. The exhibit shares heartfelt testimonials from area residents whose lives have changed when they or their loved ones have been struck by drivers and includes an educational wall with written stories and photographs. The exhibit is a part of the ongoing Street Smart campaign, focused on reducing injuries and deaths of people walking and biking.
Youth Cruiser SmarTrip Card Now Available in Over 100 Schools
With the Youth Cruiser SmarTrip card, students ride for free on all Ride On buses and most Metrobuses within the County.
The Youth Cruiser SmarTrip cards are free and can be obtained at any county library, the Silver Spring and Mobile TRiPS stores, the Montgomery County Division of Treasury in Rockville, and now in over 100 schools across the county. See if your school participates here.
 MCDOT is Hiring!
JOIN OUR TEAM! Our positions offer applicants a competitive benefits package and a fun, supportive atmosphere, with ongoing professional development opportunities. For details on a position search the IRC number on Montgomery County's Career website here.
- Program Manager II (Security Manager), IRC61074
- Capital Projects Manager, IRC57387
- Public Service Worker III, IRC60043
- Work Force Leader II, IRC60450
- Apprentice/Equip. Operator I, IRC61076
- Equipment Operator III, IRC60085
- Operations Supervisor, IRC60245
- Information Systems Technician, IRC60020
- Planning Specialist III, IRC60011
- Analyst, IRC59613
- Senior Information Systems Technician, IRC59961
Traffic Engineering
- Engineer II / III, IRC60884
- Engineer Technician I/II (Sign & Marking Team), IRC60704
- Transportation Systems Technician I (Overhead), IRC60108
- Work Force Leader III, IRC59982
- Engineer Technician I/II, IRC59559
- Traffic Management Technician I / II, IRC59483
- Engineer III/II/I (Fiber - Telecom), IRC59484
- Senior Engineer, IRC58960
- Senior Planning Specialist, IRC58781
- Transportation Systems Technician I/II/III (Installation, Maintenance, and Repair), IRC58678
Transportation Engineering
- Capital Projects Manager (Bridge Unit), IRC60564
- Engineer III (Lab Manager), IRC60428
- Capital Projects Manager, IRC57961
- Manager III (Contracts Unit Chief), IRC60105
New Bike and Ride Facility Opens at the Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro Station
Metro recently opened a new Bike and Ride facility at the Grosvenor-Strathmore station. Metro cyclist customers can store their bikes at the station, which has a safe, secure facility with room for up to 100 bikes. It has video monitoring, emergency call boxes, and repair stands equipped with tools and air pumps. The Bike and Ride can be accessed 24/7 and has bright LED lighting and steel mesh walls.
To get free and unlimited access to the new Bike and Ride facility, or any of the other three Metro-operated Bike and Ride facilities, customers must have a registered SmarTrip® card. SmarTrip cards can be registered at smartrip.wmata.com. Customers will need to sign up for free with Metro for the Bike and Ride at wmata.com/bikeandride. People should allow 3 days for a confirmation email. They can then access the Bike and Ride by tapping their physical SmarTrip card at the entrance -- mobile SmarTrip cards will not give access.
Gift Outside the Box
The Department of Environmental Protection is reminding you to “gift outside the box” and “gift greener” during the 2023 holiday season. Did you know the amount of household waste in the United States increases an average of 25 percent between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day?
The “Gift Greener” holiday campaign is all about reducing waste, saving money and supporting our local economy. The campaign is focused on five areas: Buy Local, Gift Experiences, Gift Greener, Give Back, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Learn more by visiting the Gift Greener website at montgomerycountymd.gov/dep/gift-greener.html.
Look out for Ride On buses that will have interior and exterior bus ads.
A Conversation on Bus Shelter Maintenance with Ride On Passenger Facilities Manager Wayne Miller
Read the interview online here.
 High School Students Can Apply to be a Vision Zero Youth Ambassador by Friday, Dec. 15
MCDOT is seeking up to 30 County high school students to serve as “Vision Zero Youth Ambassadors.” The project-based learning program teaches teens leadership skills, outreach and engagement techniques to address traffic safety needs in their community. Applications are now being accepted. The deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 15.
Interested public, private and home-schooled high school students can learn about the program and apply online.
Ride On Employee Spotlight Interview - Innocent Nartey
Read the interview online here.
Montgomery County’s Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security Offers Tips to Prepare for Winter Storm Season
As the winter season begins, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich and the County’s Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security encourage residents to familiarize themselves with what to do before, during and after a winter storm.
This year, many forecasts for winter weather in the Washington, D.C. Region include above-average snowfall predictions. Winter weather may include freezing rain, ice, heavy snow, high winds or a combination of all these conditions.
Residents are encouraged to be prepared, stay informed and have a plan to keep themselves and their loved ones safe, whether at home or on the road. From snow removal tips to guides on preparing emergency kits and information on where to seek shelter from the cold, Montgomery County is preparing to help residents get ready for winter storms and extreme cold.
Visit the OEMHS Winter Storms and Extreme Cold webpage for detailed tips, tools and guides on preparing for and coping with winter storms.
Look Out for MCDOT's Painted Snowplows This Winter
MCDOT held its second Paint the Plow Middle School Snowplow Naming Contest this past May, in honor of “Public Works Week.” There were 14 entries from local middle school students with three winners chosen for a first, second and third place cash prize for the school's art program.
The contest was free and was a unique and fun way to introduce middle school students to some of the work done by MCDOT.
The decorated snowplows will be part of the MCDOT fleet that will be clearing snow from streets this winter.
The contest will run again this spring. Last year’s winners can be seen online here.
MCDOT Offers Driver Safety Outreach at Motor Vehicle Administration Locations in January
Each Saturday in January the MCDOT Pedestrian Safety team will be visiting the Gaithersburg and White Oak Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) branches to spread awareness on driver safety.
View dates and locations on MCDOT’s calendar.
 Ride On Winter Transportation Tips
Taking public transportation in the winter is a great alternative to avoid the hassle of driving in poor weather conditions. Our valued customers can count on Ride On to be safe and reliable, getting you to your destination while you stay warm and relaxed in our buses. View winter transportation tips online here.
Use the Trip Planner App for easy, regional public transit planning.
Montgomery College Students Ride Free This Winter
Montgomery College students ride free on Ride On buses with valid university sticker on their student identification (ID) cards. Students may ride free if their IDs have the light green color stickers for the Winter session effective Monday, Dec. 18 through Friday, Jan. 19. The light green winter 2023 stickers will expire on Friday, Jan.19.
As a reminder, Montgomery College issues different versions of student IDs. One ID is purple and white, another is dark purple and black, and a vertical version. All ID versions with the current light green stickers are valid for free rides on Ride On.
Consideration of the Requested Access Restriction on Leland Street in Chevy Chase
On Wednesday, Dec. 6, MCDOT held a virtual public hearing to discuss the process of considering an access restriction, including the installation of a regulatory sign to restrict southbound right turns from MD 186 (Brookville Road) to Leland Street between 7-9 a.m., Monday through Friday, pursuant to a request made by the Hamlet Citizens Association in Chevy Chase. Questions and comments may still be submitted by Friday, Jan. 12 by email to trafficops@montgomerycountymd.gov or via the online written testimony/comment form.
MCDOT Speaks at TRB Webinar
Click here to join MCDOT Senior Planner, Matt Johnson, as he discusses how to make floating bus stops safe and accessible to passengers with vision disabilities at a recent Transportation Leadership Board webinar.
Enhanced Mobility Grants Program
MCDOT is soliciting grant applications for the Enhanced Mobility Grants Program from qualified organizations providing direct transportation services in the County. This program aims to increase access to transportation services for residents who are disabled as well as seniors, individuals with limited incomes, and other vulnerable populations. Learn more here.
Proposed Amherst Avenue Bikeway in Wheaton
On Tuesday, Dec. 12, MCDOT held a hybrid public meeting to present the proposed Amherst Avenue Bikeway project in Wheaton. The Amherst Avenue Bikeway project provides for the design and construction of a 2-way cycle track for an approximately 1.1-mile section of westbound Amherst Avenue between Windham Lane and Arcola Avenue.
The public has until Friday, Jan. 12 to provide comments via email to Angel Cheng at angel.cheng@montgomerycountymd.gov or via this online comment form. All information provided will become a matter of public record.
Carroll Avenue Separated Bike Lanes Project in Silver Spring
On Tuesday, Dec. 5, MCDOT held an in-person public meeting on the proposed design that will provide one-way separated bike lanes on each side of Carroll Avenue from Merrimac Drive to University Boulevard and a two-way cycletrack on the east side of the street from University Boulevard to Piney Branch Road (MD 320).
Feedback and questions may still be submitted (in English or Spanish) by Friday, Dec. 22 to Project Manager Matt Johnson by email at Matt.Johnson@ montgomerycountymd.gov.
Maryland State Highway Administration Work to Improve Surface of I-495 in County Will Lead to Extensive Lane Closures Through End of Year
The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration has started a project to maintain pavement and improve ride quality on I-495 (the Capital Beltway) that will impact Montgomery County drivers through the end of the year. The work will be done five nights a week between MD 191 (Bradley Boulevard) and east of Linden Lane and between east of Northwest Branch Anacostia River and US 29 (Colesville Road).
The work will be performed nightly from 9 p.m.-5 a.m., Sundays through Thursdays. The work is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year, weather permitting. At times, as many as three lanes will be closed in each direction. Closing three travel lanes will provide a safe buffer to enhance the protection of road workers. Learn more here.
Amtrak Ridership Increases During Fiscal Year 2023
Northeast Regional ridership grew more than 29 percent and served nearly 9.2 million customer trips. Fourth-quarter ridership levels were 8 percent higher than pre-pandemic levels. Read the Transportation Today article here.
Heads Up: DC Now Ticketing Vehicles in Bus Zones
Watch the NBC4 report here.
Montgomery County Activates ‘Holiday Task Force’ to Detect Impaired Drivers with Sobriety Checkpoints and Saturation Patrols Through Saturday, Jan. 13
As part of Montgomery County's Vision Zero effort to prevent death and injury on its roadways, the County annually implements a Holiday Task Force in which police officers from multiple agencies devote time and attention to detecting impaired drivers. The Holiday Task Force began on Wednesday, Nov. 8 and will operate through Saturday, Jan. 13. Learn more here.
SoberRide will offer free Lyft codes for safe rides home to adults who choose to celebrate with alcohol. Learn more at wrap.org/soberride.
Giant Food to Add Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Giant Food will soon add free electric vehicle charging stations at the supermarket chain's downtown Silver Spring location. Read the Source of Spring article here.
MDOT MTA Temporarily Suspends All Light-Rail Service
During a recent inspection, the MTA discovered the potential for a punctured conduit on its light-rail vehicles; limited service will be restored once at least eight railcars are available.
Learn more here.
Metro Plans to Shut Down Red Line Service at Four Stations from December 18 –30 for Critical Repairs and Upgrades
On Monday, Dec.18, Metro will begin a two-week construction project on the Red Line to perform critical safety repairs to the tunnel and track infrastructure, upgrade signal and communications systems, and install new platform edge lights.
WMATA will provide free shuttle buses, during Red Line station closures.
Other rail lines will continue to serve downtown stations, with Blue, Orange, and Silver Line service at Metro Center and Green and Yellow Line service available at Gallery Place. A full list of shuttle and travel alternatives is available on WMATA's website at wmata.com/majorconstruction.
Important Dates & Service Information:
Dec. 18-21 and Dec. 25-30
- Free shuttles replace trains between Dupont Circle and Gallery Place.
- Trains will operate in two segments:
- Between Shady Grove and Dupont Circle every 8 minutes (every 10 minutes after 9:30 p.m.).
- Between Gallery Place and Glenmont every 10 minutes.
- Farragut North will be closed.
- Metro Center’s upper level will be closed.
Dec. 22-24
Free shuttles replace trains between Dupont Circle and Union Station.
- Trains will operate in two segments:
- Between Shady Grove and Dupont Circle every 8 minutes.
- Between Union Station and Glenmont every 8 minutes (every 10 minutes after 9:30 p.m.).
- Farragut North will be closed.
- Judiciary Square will be closed.
- Metro Center’s upper level will be closed.
- Gallery Place’s upper level will be closed.
New All-Door Boarding, Service Improvements and Facility Upgrades to Provide Metro Customers With a ‘Better Bus’ Experience, Starting Dec. 17
Beginning Sunday, Dec. 17, Metrobus will make changes to 43 bus routes in DC, Maryland, and Virginia, including all-door boarding and 24/7 bus service on select routes. Rail to bus transfers will be made easier at Greenbelt, with full implementation of bus transfer lights, followed by bus loop improvements starting at Friendship Heights on Monday, Dec. 18.
Learn more here.
Metro Begins Repressing Wheels on 7000-Series Fleet to New, Improved Standard
In early December, Metro announced that it has begun replacing the wheels on all 7000-series railcars under new, higher standards that will allow Metro to resume regular maintenance intervals and gradually add more 7K railcars to service.
Learn more here.
Metro: Silver Spring Escalator Replacement Project Now Complete
Metro has announced that the year-plus escalator replacement project at the Silver Spring station is complete. The project is part of Metro’s escalator replacement program, which will replace 130 escalators across 32 stations by the year 2028.
Learn more here.
Bus Loop Construction at Friendship Heights Metro Station to Impact Ride On Bus Routes Beginning Sunday, Dec. 17
Beginning on Sunday, Dec. 17 the bus loop at Friendship Heights Metro Station will close for approximately two months due to a WMATA concrete replacement project. During the closure, all Metrobus and Ride On routes normally served inside the loop will be temporarily relocated.
Learn more here.
Shared Mobility to Make Up 7% of All Urban Journeys by 2030 - Report
A recent report from a European consultant said that shared micromobility will become a $400 billion industry and make up seven percent of all urban trips by 2030. Read the Reuters article here.
Extreme Weather And Sea Level Rise Among Top Climate Risks To D.C. Area, New Assessment Says
The latest National Climate Assessment shows the D.C. region is especially at risk of extreme weather, flooding, and sea level rise as the earth warms. The congressionally mandated assessment also shows uneven progress in the region responding to a hotter planet.
For the purposes of the assessment, the country is broken up into regions — there are seven in the contiguous U.S. The D.C. area is split between the Northeast and Southeast regions, with the Potomac River as the dividing line. Learn more here.
Car Safety Agency Takes Step Toward Requiring Anti-Drunk Driving Tech
The infrastructure law called for systems that would stop people from driving drunk, and regulators are exploring how to mandate them in new a car.
The federal car safety agency took a significant step toward requiring that new vehicles be equipped with sensors to detect whether a driver is under the influence of alcohol and prevent them from pulling away, technology that experts say could save thousands of lives each year. Read the Washington Post article here.