July 14, 2023
The minimum wage rate for all workers in Montgomery County increased on July 1, as required by county law. The county’s $15 minimum wage law stipulates that the rate be adjusted annually for inflation. Based on the consumer price index for all urban wage earners and clerical workers for the Washington-Baltimore area, Montgomery County has set the rate for large employers at $16.71 per hour, mid-sized employers at $15 per hour and $14.50 for small employers.
As someone who was raised by a single mom who worked two jobs, I understand the significance that raising the minimum wage will have on so many Montgomery County families and how it will help ease some of the economic burden that many residents are currently feeling.
This month, Maryland became the 21st state to legalize recreational cannabis. While D.C. and Virginia have legalized personal use of marijuana, Maryland is the first legal recreational market in our region. Customers aged 21 and older can now buy various cannabis products at licensed dispensaries. According to the Maryland Cannabis Administration, consumers can buy “legal, tested and safer” cannabis from a list of approved dispensaries. Many dispensaries will continue to serve patients by offering medical-only hours and express lines for medical cardholders.
Did you know that there are 26 senior “villages” in Montgomery County? These local organizations provide a robust network of services to neighbors who wish to live independently in their community as they age. Last week I invited members from all the Villages to speak with the Council about issues most important to them. Villages reduce social isolation by providing opportunities for social events, volunteer rides, light yard work, household chores, friendly visits and phone calls, and errands. At the meet and greet, Councilmembers heard about how Villages drastically reduce isolation by providing opportunities for social and civic engagement and how Villages can serve as a liaison for those in need of county government services. As our population continues to age, it’s so important that we ensure everyone is able to age in place with respect, dignity and the support services they need.
If you are interested in learning more about a Village near you or starting a new one, visit the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services web page.
You can watch our hour-long discussion here.
The Council recently presented a proclamation to U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry A. Dunn, a Montgomery County resident who protected the country during the January 6 insurrection. County Executive Marc Elrich and representatives from the Offices of Congressman Jamie Raskin, Congressman David Trone and Senator Chris Van Hollen joined us in recognizing Officer Dunn for his bravery during the attack on the U.S. Capitol.
“My name is attached to this proclamation, but you can substitute hundreds of names that day,” Dunn said during the ceremony. We will always be grateful for Officer Dunn and his colleagues in law enforcement for protecting our democracy and the rule of law.
The Pedestrian Master Plan is Montgomery Planning’s first comprehensive vision to create a safer and more accessible place for pedestrians, cyclists and wheelchair users using a data-driven, equity-focused approach for future infrastructure investments. Examples of improvements include longer crosswalk times for residents of all ages and abilities, sidewalks that are more accessible, especially for people with mobility issues, updated lighting standards, exploring taking county control of certain state highways, and reimagining Safe Routes to School programming.
Montgomery Planning has held numerous in-person and virtual community engagement events and activities, designed and distributed a survey to 60,000 households, and collected and analyzed commute and crash data to have a deeper understanding of the issues important to pedestrians of all backgrounds, ages, and types of mobility. There will be an opportunity for more public comment on the plan with the County Council’s public hearing and work session review. Sign up to testify.
The Rolling Raptor EduKitchen is a 26-foot-long mobile food lab that arrived at Montgomery College in October. It’s equipped with the most cutting-edge culinary equipment and technology to serve as a business lab that facilitates experiential learning experiences for students within the Hospitality Management Program. Its design enables students to develop a food truck business, fabricate and test out products to be served, cost out and develop menus, operate the food truck in a real setting and evaluate the success of the concept based on customer feedback and financial gains or losses.
I recently tried out the EduKitchen food truck and it was delicious. Next stop, Top Chef!
A Rockville resident recently contacted our office about damage to his yard from fallen branches that had been trimmed from trees adjacent to his property. His lawn was pitted and left with large areas with no grass. We called the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to find out if they knew who was responsible for cutting the trees and they suggested that we check with Pepco. Pepco immediately contacted their contractor who came out and repaired the damage to the yard.
 Before and after photos of repairs to damaged yard.
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is asking residents to donate extra or unused bicycles in good condition to the County’s BikeMatchMoCo program. By donating your unused bicycle, you can provide someone locally with a means of transportation, which can improve their access to employment, education, healthcare and other essential services. The free Bike Match program, which launched in June 2020, matches donated bicycles with requests from individuals in need who live or work in Montgomery County. BikeMatchMoCo has distributed more than 500 bicycles so far, but demand is still high.
The bike match program also accepts donations of and requests for children's bikes. Donated bikes must be in ready-to-ride condition and should be cleaned and sanitized before drop-off. For more information: BikeMatchMoCo - Montgomery County Commuter Services (montgomerycountymd.gov).
Please do not reply to this email. To contact my office, email me at Councilmember.Glass@montgomerycountymd.gov.