2022 was a busy year as we worked to catch up on court proceedings delayed by COVID-19 and tackle an uptick in violent crime that we've experienced both nationally and locally in the wake of the pandemic. We are proud of the community outreach and education programs the SAO organized in 2022 and invite you to read through our Year in Review newsletter.
We wish you and your family a safe, happy and healthy 2023!
The State's Attorney's Office Special Victims Division is highlighting the fact that with stalking crimes, intervention can prevent violence. An estimated 13.5 million people are stalked annually in the United States according to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nearly 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men have experienced stalking. Educate yourself on stalking related laws in Maryland.
https://www.stalkingawareness.org/ is a great resource, and the Montgomery County Family Justice Center can help if you are being stalked by a current or former intimate partner. https://montgomerycountymd.gov/fjc/
Circuit Court Judge Marybeth Ayres
We are thrilled to announce that Governor Larry Hogan appointed (now former) Assistant State’s Attorney Marybeth Ayres, Chief of our Major Crimes Unit, as one of Montgomery County’s newest Circuit Court Judges.
For years Ms. Ayres has poured her heart and soul into some of the most complex and often high-profile cases in Montgomery County, including the prosecution of more than 20 murder trials.
Once again, an exceptional member of this State’s Attorney’s Office is being elevated to the bench, continuing our tradition of excellence. We have no doubt Ms. Ayres will serve the Circuit Court fairly and justly. There is no one more deserving of this appointment and the people of Montgomery County are privileged to have such a dedicated servant preside over criminal matters in our community.
Congratulations, Marybeth, and thank you for your years of leadership within the State’s Attorney’s Office.