Montgomery Council Seeks Applicants for County Committee to Recommend Funding for the Public Election Fund (Deadline February 6 at 5 p.m.)

Montgomery Council Seeks Applicants
for County Committee to Recommend Funding
for the Public Election Fund
Deadline for Applications is Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 5 p.m.

ROCKVILLE, Md., January 9, 2019—The Montgomery County Council is seeking applicants for positions on the Committee to Recommend Funding for the Public Election Fund. Letters of interest must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, February 6, 2019.

The Council enacted Bill 16-14 in 2014 that established a voluntary public campaign financing system for candidates for County Council and County Executive. Beginning with the 2018 election, a candidate for Council or Executive could seek matching funds for small dollar contributions of $150 or less from a Public Election Fund. The Council must appropriate funds for the Public Election Fund as part of the annual County government operating budget.

The legislation created the Committee to Recommend Funding for the Public Election Fund to estimate the funds necessary to implement the public campaign finance system and recommend an annual appropriation by the Council for the Public Election Fund.

The Committee to Recommend Funding for the Public Election Fund will be composed of five County residents appointed by the County Council for four-year terms beginning on May 1 of the first year of the new Council’s term of office. The term of this committee will begin on May 1, 2019, and end April 30, 2023. No more than three members can be from the same political party. The Council will designate the chair and vice chair. The committee must issue its report to the Council on or before March 1 each year.

All five positions are up for appointment. The committee, once it is formed, will determine how often it will need to meet. Members of County boards, committees and commissions may not serve on more than one such group at a time.

Letters of application expressing interest, including a resume listing professional and civic experience, should be addressed to: Council President Nancy Navarro, County Council Office, Stella B. Werner Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20850. Applications can also be submitted via email to

Applications must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, February 6, 2019. Letters of application and resumes are made public as part of the appointment process and are available for public review. After the closing date, the Council will review the applications and resumes and will select applicants for interview. The Council anticipates making the appointments in April 2019.

For more information, call 240-777-7925.

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