Register Now! April 29 Planning Directors Roundtable Videoconference

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Planning Directors Roundtable Videoconference 

Planning Directors Roundtable

Thursday, April 29, 10:00 a.m. to Noon   

Please join the Maryland Department of Planning’s spring Planning Directors Roundtable videoconference on April 29 to learn about some of the initiatives the department and our state partners are working on.  Join Secretary McCord and other Planning staff to discuss the following topics:  

Building Permit Data – the EKG of Community Investment

The Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) has been compiling the region’s building permit information into a standardized database for many years. BMC staff uses this information as a leading indicator of new regional development patterns. Planning staff will also share the results of the statewide building permit software survey and discuss next steps. 

Maryland’s Climate Change Mapping Resources

Maryland has two new climate change mapping tools that you may find useful. MDOT SHA Climate Change Vulnerability App showcases geospatial data related to climate change and the potential impact to the State of Maryland's transportation infrastructure. The Coast Smart Climate Ready Action Boundary (CS-CRAB) map was developed in a multi-agency effort by the Maryland Coast Smart Council to identify and mitigate future flood risk to the state's existing infrastructure.  

Multifamily EV Charging Station Incentive Program  

The Maryland Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council (ZEEVIC) tracks growth of Electric Vehicles (EVs) and EV infrastructure in Maryland. Under a pilot program established by the Public Service Commission, Maryland Utility companies have incentive programs to help property owners install EV chargers. Utilities have encountered particular challenges with EV charging in multifamily communities. BGE will be speaking on behalf of the multifamily EV charging station incentive program and will discuss barriers the utilities are facing. Multifamily EV charging station programs are currently available from BGEPepcoDelmarva Power, and Potomac Edison. 

Updates on Planning & Other State Agency Initiatives  

Planning and our state partners have been working on a variety of projects. We will provide you the latest updates on Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan technical assistance, the Rethinking of Maryland’s Growth Model, the Generalized Zoning project, the Land Use Map, and Census related matters. Staff will be available to answer questions.

Please register at our GoToWebinar webpage. Please forward this invitation to other planning professionals or citizen planners who may be interested in joining the roundtable discussion. All participants must register. This is a video conference, so we encourage you to join the video conference using your computer. 

To learn more, contact Joe Griffiths, Manager, Local Assistance and Training at Planning: 

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