Census Maryland 2020 Newsletter
October 23, 2020
Maryland Finishes In Top 10 States For 2020 Census Response, Hogan Says
Maryland was in the top ten states in the country in 2020 Census participation, Gov. Larry Hogan’s office said Friday. Maryland came in ninth out of the 50 states with more than 2.2 million households counted.
See Video at WJZ TV 13, CBS Baltimore
Governor Hogan: Maryland Finishes In Top Ten For 2020 Census Response
Governor Larry Hogan on Friday, October 16, announced that Maryland finished ninth in the nation for response to the 2020 Census. More than 2.2 million households were counted.
Read Full Article at States Top Leading News
Maryland Ranks Ninth for Census Response
Maryland finished ninth in the nation for response to the 2020 Census with more than 2.2 million households counted. “Our administration is proud that even amid all of this year’s challenges, Marylanders stepped up with one of the country’s leading response rates to the 2020 Census,” said Governor Larry Hogan.
Read Full Article at the Cumberland Times-News
Governor Hogan Announces Maryland Finishes In Top Ten For 2020 Census Response
“This process has been a testament to the power of collaboration,” said Maryland Planning Secretary Robert McCord. “Partnership efforts among the state and local complete count committees (CCCs) along with the tireless commitment of nonprofit organizations, businesses, faith leaders, and other state agencies will make a difference in the lives of all Marylanders for years to come. Each has played a role in helping to shape the future of Maryland.”
Read Full Article at The Southern Maryland Chronicle
Maryland Department of Planning's Al Sundara Honored With Governor's Citation for Outstanding Customer Service
At Wednesday’s Maryland Board of Public Works meeting, Governor Larry Hogan presented Al Sundara from the Maryland Department of Planning's State Data Center with a Governor's Citation for his exemplary service to the people of Maryland. Al was instrumental in creating several information and data products that helped Maryland achieve 9th place in national Census self-response. Congratulations Al!
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Congratulations to our Census Champions!
Twenty Named Maryland Census Champions - Each Help Make a Difference in Our Complete Count
Our champions this week are:
- Destiny Allen, St. Mary's County
- Nestor Alvarenga, NBC 4/Telemundo 44
- Jordan Baucum Colbert and Thomas Johnson, Prince George’s County
- Janet Bellizzi and Stacy Milor, Calvert County
- Melissa Cassimore, Wicomico County
- Circle of Leaders, Wicomico County
- City of Salisbury Council, Wicomico County
- Bob Culver, Wicomico County
- Austin Davis, Baltimore City
- Mayor Jacob Day, Wicomico County
- Rick Dwyer, Wicomico County
- Keith Hall, Wicomico County
- Terrence Jennings, Baltimore City
- LaToya Johnson, Kent County
- Holly Kamm Wahl, Wicomico
- Sergio Polanco, Anne Arundel County
- Dr. Jennifer Purcell, Anne Arundel County
- Tiffany Sutherland, Calvert County
- Reverend Lewis Watson, Wicomico County
- Wicomico County Council
A Maryland Census Champion is a person or group that has gone above and beyond in spreading the Census message in their community. Census Champions have devised innovative ways to get their community engaged in completing the 2020 Census. The individual or group being nominated could be a member of a local complete count committee, a faith leader, a business leader/owner, or even someone in the community making a difference. Recipients of the Census Champion will be highlighted in this newsletter, on social media, and on the Maryland 2020 Census Champions web page.
Download the Census Champion Nomination form and nominate a champion in your community today.
Destiny Allen
Destiny Allen, Economic Development Specialist at the St. Mary’s County Department of Economic Development, served as the Census Team Lead Assistant for the county’s complete county committee since its formation. She was in constant contact with the small business community, farmer’s markets, and the St. Mary's County Chamber of Commerce about the 2020 Census. Destiny assisted in creating oversized posters to place in county businesses and contacted businesses in some of the lowest response areas of St. Mary’s County with Census messaging. When pandemic restrictions began, she did not slow down. She continued her outreach through social media and email, and when the county restrictions lessened, she arranged to have flyers and handouts delivered to the farmer’s markets. Her work continued in her department’s small business newsletters and social media and we thank Destiny for her commitment to the 2020 Census.
Nester Alvarenga
Nestor Alvarenga oversees and executes the community affairs strategies of NBC4 and Telemundo 44, Washington, DC, as its Community Manager. Due to COVID-19, digital communication has never been more important. Thanks to partners like Nestor, the Census message never missed a beat. He was active in discussing and supporting strategic communication plans with the Prince George’s County Complete Count Committee and its sub-committees. He served as moderator of a bilingual “Count Me In” social media broadcast focused on counting Spanish-speaking communities. He made his presence felt in Prince George’s communities by being a participant in a Census Caravan event. Nestor made attaining a complete count a priority demonstrated by his efforts to include phone banks for the Census and sharing Census messages in more than one language. Nestor Alvarenga and NBC4/Telemundo 44 colleagues made a real difference in the 2020 Census.
Jordan Baucum Colbert & Thomas F. Johnson II
Jordan Baucum Colbert and Thomas F. Johnson II have been out front and behind the scenes in Prince George’s County’s 2020 Census outreach efforts. They were part of the Prince George’s County Complete Count Committee’s (CCC) “Proud to be Counted” Census Coordination and Outreach Team. The combination of their energy, enthusiasm, innovation, and excellent communication skills in promoting the Census went over and above the committee’s expectations. They worked in partnership for the past eighteen months to ensure Prince George’s County would get each resident counted – while representing their respective county agencies. Jordan and Thomas coordinated more than 500 Census events including information and promotional outreach events, speaking engagements, social media postings, training sessions, press briefings, and committee meetings. Jordan and Thomas’ constant availability and accessibility as Census resources and their dedicated commitment to the Proud to be Counted outreach team resulted in a successful engagement of our residents and a milestone self-response rate in Prince George’s County. They brought their engaging personalities and sincere dedication to the community, along with a vast network of individuals and partners, to collectively reach thousands of Prince George’s County households.
Janet Bellizzi & Stacy Milor
As soon as the U.S. Census Bureau gave the Calvert County Complete Count Committee direction, Co-vice Chairs Janet Bellizzi and Stacy Milor immediately targeted undercounted communities as the focus of its Census outreach. They provided Census messaging at voter registration events encouraging residents to respond to the 2020 Census. Their networking and outreach to the undercounted communities – to the far reaches of Solomons Island – were critical to the success in Calvert County. They ventured to businesses, schools, and nonprofits to deliver Census posters, flyers, ads, and other outreach papers and pamphlets. Once the pandemic restricted in-person contact, they personally placed Census materials in meal packets delivered to seniors and school children. When pandemic restrictions began to ease, they scheduled Census events to help residents complete their Census forms and answer questions. Janet and Stacy increased the visibility of Census 2020 in the county and the municipalities of North Beach and Chesapeake Beach beyond expectations.
Melissa Cassimore
Melissa Cassimore assisted the Wicomico County Planning, Zoning, and Community Development team with their setup for “Census Roadshow” activities by stuffing bags with giveaways, keeping the team organized with outreach events, and volunteering many nights and weekends with the Salisbury-Wicomico Complete Count Committee to ensure everyone in the county was counted. Melissa was a great asset to the team, and we thank her for her dedication to county residents.
Circle of Leaders
The Circle of Leaders (COL) is a 501 C-3 community-based organization. The organization’s strategic plan directed its focus to the matter of the 2020 Census as a critical issue of importance to the welfare of the community. The COL members engaged with the Wicomico County’s ‘Complete Count Committee” and performed in vital positions and roles throughout the county's 2020 Census Campaign.
City of Salisbury Council
The City of Salisbury Council was especially supportive of the efforts put forth by the Salisbury-Wicomico County Complete Count Committee. Several members of the council volunteered and sponsored community outreach events. The members also appeared in social media videos and shared the message of the Census and its importance on their personal social media pages.
Bob Culver
Even though Bob Culver passed away after a battle with liver cancer in July 2020, he was heavily involved and dedicated to ensuring all the citizens of his beloved Wicomico County were counted from the start of the Census campaign in 2019. The Salisbury-Wicomico Complete Count Committee honor his memory and legacy by nominating him posthumously as a Maryland Census Champion for his dedication to the Census in Wicomico County.
Austin Davis
As the 2020 Census Project Manager for the City of Baltimore, Department of Planning, Austin Davis worked tirelessly to encourage Baltimoreans to complete their Census. As the leader of the city's Complete Count Committee, he gathered team members often to discuss ways of adapting their overarching plans to reach city residents after COVID-19 shutdowns and restrictions. Austin engaged multiple organizations to assist with barriers to Census completion such as WiFi capacity, building access and even homelessness. His commitment and perseverance led to higher counts for the city and more federal funding for the state of Maryland.
Mayor Jacob Day
Even though Mayor Jacob “Jake” Day was deployed for active military service in early 2020, he was heavily involved in the Wicomico County Census campaign. Mayor Day provided his staff and resources as mayor to make sure the city of Salisbury and Wicomico County as a whole were counted. The Salisbury-Wicomico Complete Count Committee thank Mayor Day for his military service and appreciate his passion and dedication to the city and county.
Rick Dwyer
Rick Dwyer, Town Commissioner President for the Town of Hebron, served on the Census team for Wicomico County’s 2000 Census outreach campaign and assisted the Wicomico County Complete Count Committee and the county’s Planning, Zoning, and Community Development team with their setup for “Census Roadshow” activities to spread the word in the community. Rick assisted with making sure citizens of Hebron completed their Census.
Keith Hall
Keith Hall served on the Census team for Wicomico County in 2010 and again assisted the Wicomico County Planning, Zoning, and Community Development team with their setup for 2020 “Census Roadshow” activities. Keith, Executive Director for the Salisbury/Wicomico Metropolitan Planning organization, emphasized the importance of Census completion at several of the meetings.
Terrence Jennings
Terrence Jennings is an Operational Officer for the City of Baltimore Mayor’s Office of Neighborhoods and Economic Development. He served as the chair of the city’s CCC Business and Institutions Census Subcommittee administered by the city’s Department of Planning. Throughout the Census, Terrence played a strong role in multiple partnership efforts for the 2020 Census. Terrence stepped up to assist in matters involving Wi-Fi access for Baltimoreans as well as access to housing units to which Census enumerators were unable to visit. His assistance paved the way for many Baltimore City residents to be counted who otherwise might not have been able to complete the Census.
LaToya Johnson
LaToya Johnson of Saving Hope, LLC in Chestertown was originally hired by Kent County in February to manage a group of Census Ambassadors and organize events in the county’s hard-to-count areas. When COVID-19 forced the cancellation of in-person events, LaToya quickly pivoted to organizing volunteers to work at lunch distribution sites and setting up social media events. She is one of the reasons Kent County surpassed its self-response rate from 2010. LaToya’s knowledge of the community and ability to make connections was instrumental in our Census 2020 efforts.
Holly Kamm Wahl
Holly Kamm Wahl’s resolute attitude and commitment to encourage every resident to take the Census made her a truly special asset to the Calvert County Complete Count Committee. Her bold and creative vision along with her resourceful leadership, broadened the perspective of the committee. She generated Census messages in the town of Chesapeake Beach’s weekly email newsletters to residents, included a hyperlink to the Census website and in town correspondence, and ensured coordination of the town’s activities with the towns of North Beach’s and Chesapeake Beach’s elected officials. Holly coordinated with Census Partnership Specialists, the Maryland Department of Planning, and Calvert County Government staff, and with Census 2020 video producers, to provide indispensable outreach. Holly helped coordinate the friendly competition between the mayors of Chesapeake Beach and North Beach to reach higher self-response rates and provided Census updates to the mayor, council, and residents at town council meetings. Using her age-friendly communities concept, Holly coordinated a special three-day Census promotion at the Chesapeake Beach Water Park, where she gifted residents who showed proof of completing their Census questionnaire with a bag of beach treats.
Sergio Polanco
Sergio Polanco has been the face of Anne Arundel County’s 2020 Census outreach effort, particularly to the multi-cultural populations of the county. Sergio’s actions were linked to expanding Census awareness, education, and participation across the state of Maryland. Sergio was a steady foundation of ideas, support, hands-on work, and boots-on-the-ground outreach to assure his commitment for a better community, a better Maryland, and a better United States to his fellow county residents. From day one, his passion to make sure everyone in Anne Arundel County is counted never diminished. His self-starter attitude brought together community leaders to discuss the importance of the Census and the necessity to motivate a complete count when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. As the county required Sergio to wear multiple hats to make sure the non-English speaking residents were informed during the pandemic, he continued his relentless approach to make everyone count. Anne Arundel County is a better place to live knowing that Sergio Polanco is on the team. His effort reflects the best of our county and a mission of community service all should strive for.
Dr. Jennifer Purcell
Dr. Jennifer Purcell, Director of Special Projects in the Anne Arundel County Executive’s office, has been among the most valuable people working on behalf of the residents of Anne Arundel County for the 2020 Census. As Director of Special Projects, her days are constantly loaded with creating and improving on opportunities to benefit the people who call Anne Arundel County home. When Dr. Purcell became a full-time leader of the county’s Census 2020 efforts, it was evident that outreach and networking resources were critical to increase county participation. Her efforts, organizational skills, and knowledge of county operations were instrumental in achieving the Anne Arundel County Complete Count Committee’s (CCC) milestones and surpassing the Census 2010 self-response rate. The attention to detail that Dr. Purcell displayed made the committee confident that everything submitted was done with the highest integrity. During the COVID-19 pandemic, her ability to coordinate between inter- and intra-agency actions for Census related activity obtained results that led the CCC to leverage its efforts to success. The CCC Chair said, “Having Jennifer on our CCC has not only been a wonderful learning experience, but a personal privilege knowing the level of commitment she gives our residents every day. Her effort reflects the best of our county.”
Tiffany Sutherland
Tiffany Sutherland, Reference Supervisor with the Prince Frederick Branch of the Calvert County Public Library, brought enthusiastic outreach initiatives to the Calvert County Complete Count Committee. Her ideas were multi-pronged and extensive. Tiffany encouraged the Calvert County Library staff to send email messages solely focused on the 2020 Census. In December 2019, her message was to “Get a job with Census 2020;” then in spring and summer 2020, the message was “Calvert Library Urges You to be COUNTED!” In addition, she had Census messages included in the library’s monthly e-newsletters to more than 27,000 library patrons. While the main library and the branches were closed to patrons, she helped staff insert Census flyers for adults and boxes of Maryland 2020 Census crayons for children in curbside pick-up bags. Also, patrons were able to take Census logo items when they came for their book pick-up bags. Tiffany and staff had Census messaging placed on the library’s signboard on Calvert County’s major highway. Tiffany and the library staff vigorously continued to spread the Census message until the counting stopped.
Reverend Lewis Watson
The Watchmen with One Voice Ministerial Alliance is a nondenominational organization of pastors, faith leaders, and ecumenical, representing churches on the lower Eastern Shore. The goal of the organization is to give voice to the voiceless and to be an advocate for social justice. As a part of their strategic 2019-2020 goals, the group became Census 2020 ambassadors for the initial groundwork of the development of Census 2020 activities among the faith-based organizations. The Salisbury-Wicomico County Complete Count Committee would like to thank the Watchmen for their assistance during the Census 2020 Campaign. Reverend Dr. Lewis N. Watson serves as president and pastor of First Baptist of Salisbury.
Wicomico County Council
The Wicomico County Council was especially supportive of the efforts put forth by the Salisbury-Wicomico County Complete Count Committee and many members of the council volunteered with our community events by appearing in social media videos. Members shared the message of the Census and its importance on their personal social media pages.
Follow Maryland Census 2020 on Twitter and Facebook – Follow @MdCensus2020 and like @MdCensus2020 – to stay in touch with Maryland's Census 2020 complete count efforts. Join the conversation by using hashtag #2020MDCensus on Facebook and on Twitter.
In This Issue
- Maryland Finishes In Top 10 States For 2020 Census Response, Hogan Says
- Maryland Governor Hogan: Maryland Finishes In Top Ten For 2020 Census Response
- Maryland Ranks Ninth for Census Response
- Governor Hogan Announces Maryland Finishes In Top Ten For 2020 Census Response
- Maryland Department of Planning's Al Sundara Honored With Governor's Citation for Outstanding Customer Service
- Twenty Named Maryland Census Champions Making a Difference in Our Complete Count
- Census Efforts Lead to Census Success in Maryland!
- Congratulations to These Municipalities that Exceeded Their 2010 Response Rate in the 2020 Census This Week
- 2020 Census Response Rate Update: 99.98% Complete Nationwide
- Director’s Blog: The End of 2020 Census Data Collection, Next Steps and a Heartfelt Thanks
- 2020 Census Frequently Asked Questions
- U.S. Census Bureau Statement on Requests for Additional 2020 Census Metrics and Upcoming Data Quality Measures
- Census Maryland 2020 Social Media
Note: If the bookmark links to the articles above do not work, check that your pop-up blocker is turned off. Otherwise, scroll down in the newsletter to see the articles.
Census Efforts Lead to Census Success in Maryland!
We are now one week past the end of the 2020 Census count and are extremely proud of Maryland’s accomplishments during this decennial event. With the kickoff for the Census coinciding with the beginning of a nationwide pandemic and stay-at-home orders, marketing plans were modified from a mostly out-of-home advertising campaign to a more digital and in-home approach. Further, we added a paid social media campaign in targeted areas to reach thousands of families where programs and services are highly utilized.
Read Full Article at the Planning blog
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Congratulations to These Municipalities that Exceeded Their 2010 Response Rate in the 2020 Census This Week
Bladensburg and District Heights
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2020 Census Response Rate Update: 99.98% Complete Nationwide
According to updated numbers released by the U.S. Census Bureau today, 99.98% of all housing units and addresses nationwide were accounted for in the 2020 Census as of the end of self-response and field data collection operations on Oct. 15, 2020. In all states, the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, more than 99% of all addresses have been accounted for, and in all but one state that number tops 99.9%.
Read Full Article at the U.S. Census Bureau
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Director’s Blog: The End of 2020 Census Data Collection, Next Steps and a Heartfelt Thanks
Written by: Dr. Steven Dillingham, Director, U.S. Census Bureau
We completed data collection for the 2020 Census on October 15, 2020. Every decennial census makes history, but this was like no other in living memory. Over the coming days, weeks and months, we will provide periodic updates on our post-processing efforts. We are working hard to deliver complete and accurate state population counts as close to the Dec. 31, 2020, statutory deadline as possible.
Read Full Blog at U.S. Census Bureau Director's Blog
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2020 Census Frequently Asked Questions
The U.S. Census Bureau has posted answers to frequently asked questions about the 2020 Census completion rates, the upcoming results and the response deadline.
Read the FAQs at the U.S. Census Bureau
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U.S. Census Bureau Statement on Requests for Additional 2020 Census Metrics and Upcoming Data Quality Measures
As a federal statistical agency, the U.S. Census Bureau welcomes open discussions about our work and the methods used to produce our statistics. As of the end of data collection operations, well over 99.9% of addresses nationwide have been accounted for in the 2020 Census, with 67.0% accounted for through self-response online, by phone or by mail, and 32.9% accounted for through our Nonresponse Followup (NRFU) operation.
Read Full Article at the U.S. Census Bureau
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Census Maryland 2020 Social Media
Follow @MDCensus2020 on Facebook and Twitter
October 19: After the Weekend Update from the U.S. Census Bureau, both District Heights and Bladensburg surpassed their 2010 numbers. Congrats to District Heights and Bladensburg on surpassing your 2010 Census Self-Response! #2020MDCensus
October 20: Today is World Statistics Day! We’re kicking off celebrations with a special message from Director Steven Dillingham. Check out the video to learn how we are building innovative tools and systems to ensure data is secure, accessible, and relevant.
October 20: Happy World Statistics Day! We especially want to give a huge shoutout to our entire data team at the Maryland State Data Center for all their hard work during the Census!
October 21: At today's Maryland BPW meeting, Governor Larry Hogan presented Al Sundara from MD Planning’s State Data Center with a Governor's Citation for his exemplary customer service. Congratulations Al!!
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