Census Maryland 2020 Newsletter
July 17, 2020
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Congratulations to our Census Champions!
Five Named Maryland Census Champions - Each Help Make a Difference in Our Complete Count
Our champions this week are:
- Lori Carter, Wicomico County
- Rya Griffis, City of College Park
- Anthony Nolan, Prince George's County
- Senator Mary Beth Carozza, District 38, Wicomico, Somerset, and Worcester Counties
- Kim Crispino, Caroline County
A Maryland Census Champion is a person or group that has gone above and beyond in spreading the Census message in their community. Census Champions have devised innovative ways to get their community engaged in completing the 2020 Census. The individual or group being nominated could be a member of a local complete committee, a faith leader, a business leader/owner, or even someone in the community making a difference. Recipients of the Census Champion will be highlighted in this newsletter, on social media, and on the Maryland 2020 Census Champions web page.
Download the Census Champion Nomination form and nominate a champion in your community today.
Lori Carter
Lori Carter, the Director of the Wicomico County Department of Planning, Zoning, and Community Development, is the strategist and planner for the Wicomico County Complete Count Committee and has been a driving force for the committee since its inception. Along with Co-Chair’s Sonya Whited and Dr. Brante Dashiell, Lori has spearheaded the media campaign for Wicomico County's Census effort and several neighboring counties.
Rya Griffis
As a leader on the City of College Park Complete Count Committee, Rya Griffis has forged partnerships with leadership at the University of Maryland and U.S Census Bureau in order to achieve an accurate count for an area often plagued with under counts due to a transient population. She was instrumental in spearheading a city-wide event, Census Palooza, designed to increase knowledge and excitement around the Census (unfortunately due to COVID-19 the event was cancelled). Finding other ways to generate interest to complete the Census, Rya served as a panelist on the “Count Me In” series shared on Instagram Live. She has also been at the forefront of counting the immense student population in College Park by partnering with landlords and property owners to educate students on where to count themselves. As a Master’s student in the UMD School of Public Health, she has effectively bridged the topics of COVID-19 and the medical resources secured by federal funding from Census data.
Anthony Nolan
Anthony Nolan is Chief of the Special Programs Division in the Prince George’s County Department of Parks and Recreation. His primary professional responsibilities include the management of childcare, countywide youth and senior programs, and therapeutic recreation opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Anthony has gone above and beyond his professional responsibilities to support Census outreach activities, many of which have been held in facilities managed by his department. He has been extremely helpful, flexible, resourceful, and seemingly always available. As a member of the Complete Count Committee (CCC), Anthony serves as the co-chair of the Parks and Libraries subcommittee. Anthony has supported the participation of his colleague, Lynn Butler, in her role as the Senior Population subcommittee co-chair on the CCC. Their collaboration resulted in several innovative outreach activities such as Census Senior Bingo and other opportunities during COVID-19 to frequently communicate, engage, and keep in touch with our senior residents while reminding them to complete the census.
Senator Mary Beth Carozza
Senator Mary Beth Carozza represents some of Maryland’s most hard to count areas in the state. She has been an advocate for the Census in several ways including sending Census information to her constituents, sharing Census Social Media content, providing Census literature and information in her Annapolis Office for constituents, and implementing a “Take the Census” button on her emails that takes constituents directly to the form. Senator Carozza is the first Maryland legislator to include this button in her emails and to be named a Census Champion.
Kim Crispino
Kim Crispino has been active with the Town of Denton's Census outreach effort by attending every Farmers Market and Third Thursday event in town to promote and to have residents fill out their Census Forms on site. Kim also works on the print material used for Census outreach and maintains the Facebook page for the Visitor and Heritage Center to promote the Census.
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Already Taken the Census? Let Us Know
Let us know if you’ve already taken the Census by clicking the I've Been Counted link below. We’ll keep you updated to help you:
- Inspire your neighbors, friends, and family on social media to complete the Census
- Find out how Census results will impact your community
- Keep track of national and local response rates
The Census Deadline is October 31st
Self response to the 2020 Census continues through October 31. The Census can be completed online, by phone or by mail. Click here to take the Census now.
In This Issue
- Five Named Maryland Census Champions Making a Difference in Our Complete Count
- As of July 17, Maryland Self-Response Rate at 66.1 Percent
- Congratulations to Maryland's Municipalities That Have Exceeded Their 2010 Response Rate for Census 2020
- Census Takers to Start Follow Up with Non-responding Households in Select Locations
- Census Adapts to Pandemic and Continues Count Encouragement
- Census Bureau Launches Mobile Questionnaire Assistance to Help People Respond Online to the 2020 Census
- Share This Image on Your Social Media
- Faith Communities Census Weekend of Action is Coming Soon: July 24-26, 2020
- Local Complete Count Committee Outreach Highlight: Caroline County
- Local Complete Count Committee Outreach Highlight: Frederick County
- More Than 75% of Howard County Residents Have Completed the 2020 Census
- 2020 Census Results Inform Funding for Hospitals and Health Care
- Carroll County Public Library Presents Census Storytime Video
- Maryland Department of Planning Releases New 21st Century Tool to Assist in Census 2020 Outreach
- What is Your Favorite: Chocolate or Vanilla? July 19 is National Ice Cream Day
- Households Complete Their Census at Haitian Community Event in Salisbury
- Pastor of Area Church and Census Outreach Coordinator Talk to People About Census at Food Distribution Event in Princess Anne
- Worcester County’s Census Responses Starting to Plateau Around 31 Percent
- Census 2020 on the Beach at Ocean City
- Census Maryland 2020 Social Media
Note: If the bookmark links to the articles above do not work, check that your pop-up blocker is turned off. Otherwise, scroll down in the newsletter to see the articles.
Follow Maryland Census 2020 on Twitter and Facebook – Follow @MdCensus2020 and like @MdCensus2020 – to stay in touch with Maryland's Census 2020 complete count efforts. Join the conversation by using hashtag #2020MDCensus on Facebook and on Twitter.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
For further details, go to the Maryland Census 2020 Events page
"Carroll Counts," Carroll County CCC Meeting - Virtual
July 22
1:00 p.m.
Faith Communities Census Weekend of Action
July 24-26
News and Events
As of July 17, Maryland Self-Response Rate at 66.1 Percent
As of July 17, Maryland’s self-response rate to the 2020 Census is 66.1 percent, while the national average is 62.1 percent. Maryland is 12th in the U.S., just 0.4% behind #11 Indiana, and remains 2nd in the region, behind only Virginia at 66.9 percent. Maryland is ahead of Pennsylvania (65.3 percent), Delaware (59.8 percent), the District of Columbia (58.4 percent), and West Virginia (53.6 percent).
Carroll (77.8 percent and number 27 in the entire U.S. out of 3,200+ counties), Howard (75.9 percent), and Harford (74.2 percent) counties are leading the state. Twenty two Maryland counties/jurisdictions have achieved self-response rates over 50 percent and 15 counties rates exceed the national average.
View Maryland County and Municipality Response Rates at the MDP's Census 2020 Response Rate At-A-Glance Dashboard
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Congratulations to These Municipalities that Exceeded Their 2010 Response Rate in the 2020 Census This Week
Poolesville and Walkersville
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Census Takers to Start Follow Up with Non-Responding Households in Select Locations
The U.S. Census Bureau announced that it will begin following up in select areas with households that have not yet responded to the 2020 Census. Starting the week of July 30, Census takers will begin interviewing households in areas managed by 35 area Census offices across 14 states and Puerto Rico. This includes the Census offices in Hanover, Hagerstown, and Towson, Maryland.
Read Full Article at the U.S. Census Bureau
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Census Adapts to Pandemic and Continues Count Encouragement
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the recalculating and rescheduling of countless events — perhaps none bigger than the 2020 Census. While the decennial count of every person in the country has been underway for many months, the U.S. Census Bureau shifted field operations due to the novel coronavirus. Enumerators were scheduled to begin knocking on the doors of non-responding households in May. For most areas, the start date was pushed to the summer.
Read Full Article at GOVERNING Magazine
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Census Bureau Launches Mobile Questionnaire Assistance to Help People Respond Online to the 2020 Census
More than 3,000 U.S. Census Bureau staff will begin going into communities with the lowest 2020 Census response rates to encourage and assist people with responding on their own to the 2020 Census. This operation, known as the Mobile Questionnaire Assistance (MQA) program, is a separate activity from Census takers going door to door to count households that have not yet responded.
Read Full Article at U.S. Census Bureau
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Share This Image on Your Social Media
...And many more from the Maryland Census 2020 website
Go the Census Social Media page to download this and other images that are ready to share with your followers.
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Faith Communities Census Weekend of Action is Coming Soon: July 24-26, 2020
Promote the 2020 Census in Your Faith Community
Shape the future of your congregation, neighborhood, and community by supporting the 2020 Census. Over the next 10 years, data from the 2020 Census will inform the distribution of hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funds each year that support education, health care, emergency services, housing and food assistance, and more.
Download the 2020 Census Action Guide for the Faith Community
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Local Complete Count Committee Outreach Highlight: Caroline County
Caroline County's current self-response rate is 63.7% as of July 15, which is just 0.2% away from its 2010 self-response rate. The county's Complete Count Committee is working to ensure that every county resident is accurately counted in the 2020 Census. Some of their local outreach actions include:
- CCC members remained connected and keep the community engaged with virtual meetings during COVID-19.
- The county has an active social media presence where they share content on the importance of a complete count, engage followers in Census contests, and -provide updates on Census self-response progress.
- The committee distributed Census information at local Food Banks and pantries to encourage participation in the count.
- Caroline County secured time on local radio stations and shared Census messages in the mid- and lower shore areas on Spanish radio 95.7 Maxima.
- Through its strong partnership with Caroline County Public Schools, the CCC placed Census messaging on the school's social media channels and had MDP's bilingual "Did You Know?" flyer distributed at school lunch program sites throughout the county.
- The CCC engaged the county's 10 municipalities in the Census outreach effort. These towns, including Denton, Federalsburg, Goldsboro, Greensboro, Henderson, Hillsboro, Marydel, Preston, Ridgely, and Templeville, are committed to the county's plan and to getting their residents counted.
- The committee found an opportunity to hand out Census information and encourage people to participate at COVID-19 testing sites.
Visit the Caroline County Census 2020 Facebook page
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Local Complete Count Committee Outreach Highlight: Frederick County
The Frederick County Complete Count Committee is working in the county to ensure that every person is accurately counted in the 2020 Census. Some local outreach actions include:
- The CCC added the Census phone numbers in English and Spanish to all marketing materials.
- Through its partnership with Frederick County Public Schools, the committee inserted 11,000 Census flyers into students report cards, focusing on schools in those areas with the lowest self-response rate in the county.
- Another great partner, the Frederick County Public Library included MDP’s “Did You Know?” flyers in English and Spanish with book pickups at its branches throughout the county.
- The CCC worked with local restaurants to place stickers with the Census website and phone number in both English and Spanish on carry-out meals.
- The county inserted the "Did You Know?" bilingual flyer into meals that were distributed to students, seniors, and lower-income families.
- Frederick County key leaders and trusted voices created videos and public service announcements micro-targeting households in the county’s hard-to-reach areas.
Visit the Frederick County Census 2020 Facebook page
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More Than 75% of Howard County Residents Have Completed the 2020 Census
A look at the HoCoCounts 2020 Census Dashboard shows Howard County at 75.9% Cumulative Census Self-Response Rate as of the morning of July 15, 2020. Of the counties in Central Maryland Region Howard County currently only trails Carroll County in cumulative self-response rate – they are reported at 77.9%.
Read Full Article at Scott E's Blog
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2020 Census Results Inform Funding for Hospitals and Health Care
Hospitals, health care clinics, and health care programs such as Medicaid, the need-based health insurance program for low-income people, and Medicare for people over age 65 are among the many public health care services that use population statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau. Results from the 2020 Census underway now will help federal, state, local, and tribal officials plan funding for health care services for the next decade.
Read Full Article at U.S. Census Bureau
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Carroll County Public Library Presents Census Storytime Video
Everybody Counts! Learn about the Census with Ms. Erin, Ms. Belinda, and Corky. For ages two and up (13 minutes).
View the Census Story time Video at the CCPL Kids & Families YouTube Channel
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Maryland Department of Planning Releases New 21st Century Tool to Assist in Census 2020 Outreach
A new online mapping application is now available for local Census outreach efforts on Maryland Census website. Called Census 2020: Food Distribution Centers and Census Tracts by Response Rates, this new application displays the location of food banks and food distribution sites in Maryland in relation to Census tracts. The tract areas on the map are color-coded to show the current 2020 Census self-response rates. The darker purple shows areas that have a lower response rate. Local complete count committees and other outreach groups can use this map to identify low response areas and potentially meet with people at food distribution sites to stress the importance of a complete count for the 2020 Census.
View the Census 2020: Food Distribution Centers and Census Tracts by Response Rates application
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What is Your Favorite: Chocolate or Vanilla? July 19 is National Ice Cream Day
Americans consume about 23 gallons of ice cream each year, on average. As the summer reaches peak temperatures in July, Americans cool off and enjoy the nation’s favorite frozen treat with friends and family. According to an International Dairy Foods Association survey, most ice cream companies are family owned and have been in operation for more than 50 years! The U.S. Census Bureau’s 2018 County Business Patterns program reports that the ice cream and frozen dessert manufacturing industry had 433 establishments and 21,464 paid employees. Celebrate National Ice Cream Day and learn about how many ice cream and frozen dessert makers are in your state with the bureau’s State Facts for Students tool. For added fun, conduct a mini-survey with your family and friends by asking what their favorite flavor is: chocolate, vanilla, or a different flavor. Then, display the results in a graph!
And Did You Know…
Maryland has 10 dairy farms that offer fresh, delicious on-farm ice cream. Together, they make up the Maryland’s Best Ice Cream Trail. Visit each creamery between July 10 and September 26 and you could be named Maryland’s Best Ice Cream Champion Trailblazer for 2020!
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Households Complete Their Census at Haitian Community Event in Salisbury
Last weekend, the Wicomico Complete County Committee partnered with the local Haitian community in Salisbury and hosted a Census table at the One Stop Shop Community Event. At the event, staff were able to get approximately 25 households to complete their Census on tablets provided by the Maryland Department of Planning. There were Census giveaways on hand which brought a lot of excitement to the event.
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Pastor of Area Church and Census Outreach Coordinator Talk to People About Census at Food Distribution Event in Princess Anne
Carroll Mills, Pastor of the Mount Carmel Baptist Church, and John Watson, Maryland Census Outreach Coordinator, teamed up together at the church's food pantry in Princess Anne, (Somerset County) this past Thursday. Pastor Mills offers a drive through service for families in need due to COVID-19 and his staff was gracious enough to hand out information on completing the Census. For any family who had not completed their Census, John offered the use of tablets provided by the Maryland Department of Planning for people to fill out their form onsite.
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Worcester County’s Census Responses Starting to Plateau Around 31 Percent
Worcester County’s U.S. Census response-rate is starting to plateau at a 31 percent response rate, according to Kelly Henry, Complete County Committee coordinator and technical services manager. As of Monday [July 13], Worcester’s response-rate ranges from 5.5 percent in an Ocean City tract to 69.3 percent in a Snow Hill tract. Henry highlighted that some of the participation numbers are low because the county has a high number of secondary or vacation homes. According to the Maryland Department of Planning, 63 percent of homes in Worcester are secondary or vacation, 10 percent are rental and 27 percent are owner occupied, with the highest rate of second homes being in Ocean City, South Point, West Ocean City and Ocean Pines. When accounting for occupied homes only, the count for the lowest tract in Ocean City jumps from 5.5 to 71.4 percent. South Point jumps from 38.7 to 78.8 percent.
Read Full Article at the Bayside Gazette
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Census 2020 on the Beach at Ocean City
If you are hanging out on the beach in Ocean City, you may spot this Maryland Census 2020 message as it passes by.
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Census Maryland 2020 Social Media
Follow @MDCensus2020 on Facebook and Twitter
July 10: Congrats to this week's Census Champions!!
July 13: This video is a call to all Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders to participate in the 2020 Census.
July 13: Salisbury-Wicomico 2020 Census Page · Have you seen our new sign outside the Government Office Building in Downtown Salisbury?
July 13: Congrats Walkersville: Our Town on surpassing your 2010 Self-Response Rate! Let's keep the momentum going!!
July 13: Here’s Johnny! If you have been helping with your local Census efforts odds are you know our awesome Statewide Census Outreach Coordinator & recent Census Champion John Watson! Here he is with our new Ocean City Advertisement at the Convention Center. If you're in Ocean City and by our new ad be sure to snap a picture and share it with us!
July 14: The Census impacts the business community in so many ways! Fill out the Census today at 2020Census.gov
July 14: Why is the Census important for business? Check out this short video!
July 15: Congrats to the Town of Poolesville on surpassing your Census 2010 self-response rate! Let's keep it up!
July 15: Every penny counts for Maryland! Be sure to fill out your Census at 2020Census.gov to ensure your community gets its fair share of funding!
July 15: PG Census 2020 Page - As part of the County Executive’s 100 Events of Summer, the Office of Community Relations is hosting Census Completion and Drive-Up Distribution Events throughout the County! Congrats Barclay, Maryland on surpassing your 2010 Self-Response Rate! Let's keep the momentum going!!
July 16: Complete the Census today to make sure your community gets its fair share of resources. Visit 2020Census.gov to complete the Census.
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