Census Maryland 2020 Newsletter
May 15, 2020
Already Taken the Census? Let Us Know
Let us know if you’ve already taken the Census by clicking the I've Been Counted link below. We’ll keep you updated to help you:
- Inspire your neighbors, friends, and family on social media to complete the Census
- Find out how Census results will impact your community
- Keep track of national and local response rates
The 2020 Census Has NOT Been Suspended
The 2020 Census has been suspended or cancelled as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
Although some of the activities undertaken by the US Census Bureau have been adjusted or delayed, the self response to the 2020 Census continues. The Census can be completed online, by phone or by mail. Click here to take the Census now.
Congratulations Class of 2020
We know that this has been a difficult year for Maryland's graduating seniors. The Maryland Department of Planning congratulates this amazing class of graduates.
The U.S. Census Bureau has released a new webpage highlighting the importance of counting college students and recent graduates in the 2020 Census as they begin the next chapter of their lives. The webpage, 2020census.gov/grads, shows how census data can affect graduates’ futures, from continuing education to determining where they want to live and work.
In This Issue
- Planning Continues to Reach Out to Rural Families Through Partnership With Counties' School Lunch Distribution
- As of May 15, Maryland Self-Response Rate at 63.2 Percent
- Q&A: Carroll County’s Census Chair Don Rowe on Importance of an Accurate Count, Participation, the Impact of the Coronavirus
- Maryland CCC Co-Chair on Kirkland's Corner TV Show with Members of the Prince George's County CCC
- Check out Caroline County Census Complete Count Committee's Contest!! Be a Cool Cat!
- Make an Impact in Your Community. Respond to the 2020 Census Now.
- Pepco Sends Census Message to Its Maryland Customers
- Helping Our Nation’s Military and Veteran Communities Get the Support They Deserve
- Statistics in Schools Program Offers Free Resources to Keep Kids Learning Amid School Closures
- 2020 Census Is Critical for Your Community
- How the Census Shapes Public Health in Your Community
- Sign Up for the U.S. Census Bureau's Census Data Release Emails
U.S. 2020 Census Underway in Calvert County
Howard County Launches Census Dashboard
Census Maryland 2020 Social Media
- Census call-in assistance offered in St. Mary’s County
- Wicomico County Public Schools Include Census Flyers with Food Bundles at School Meal Distribution
Note: If the bookmark links to the articles above do not work, check that your pop-up blocker is turned off. Otherwise, scroll down in the newsletter to see the articles.
Follow Maryland Census 2020 on Twitter and Facebook – Follow @MdCensus2020 and like @MdCensus2020 – to stay in touch with Maryland's Census 2020 complete count efforts. Join the conversation by using hashtag #2020MDCensus on Facebook and on Twitter.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
For further details, go to the Maryland Census 2020 Events page
Planning Holds Regional CCC Meeting with Maryland Metro Area counties - Virtual
May 18 |
Planning Holds Regional CCC Check in Meeting with Northern Maryland Area counties - Virtual
May 19 |
Planning Holds Regional CCC Check in Meeting with Southern Maryland Area counties - Virtual |
May 19 |
Allegany County CCC Meeting - Virtual
May 19 |
3:00 p.m. |
Calvert County CCC Meeting - Virtual
May 20 |
10:00 a.m. |
Baltimore City CCC Meeting - Virtual
May 21 |
10:00 a.m. |
Planning Holds Regional CCC Check in Meeting with Maryland Eastern Shore counties - Virtual |
May 21 |
Planning Holds Regional CCC Check in Meeting with Western Maryland Area counties - Virtual |
May 21 |
News and Events
Planning Continues to Reach Out to Rural Families Through Partnership With Counties' School Lunch Distribution
The Maryland Department of Planning has been distributing Census flyers to rural counties school lunch distribution locations throughout the state. These flyers have touched several thousand families and have helped to reinforce the different options available to self-respond, particularly for those who do not have internet access. Planning sent an electronic version to all county Complete Count Committees. The flyer is printed in English on the front and Spanish on the back.
We've worked with several county public systems in the past week to ensure that these half-page two-sided flyers are distributed to local families in need
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Maryland Self-Response Rate at 63.2 Percent
As of May 15, Maryland’s self-response rate to the 2020 Census is 63.2 percent, while the national average is 59.3 percent. Maryland remains 2nd in the region, behind only Virginia at 64.4 percent. Maryland is ahead of Pennsylvania (62.2 percent), Delaware (57.5 percent), the District of Columbia (55.1 percent), and West Virginia (46.8 percent).
Carroll (75.4 percent), Howard (73.1 percent), and Harford (71.5 percent) counties are leading the state. Twenty Maryland counties have achieved self-response rates over 50 percent and 18 counties rates exceed the national average.
View Maryland County and Municipality Response Rates at the MDP's Census 2020 Response Rate At-A-Glance Dashboard
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Q&A: Carroll County’s Census Chair Don Rowe on Importance of an Accurate Count, Participation, the Impact of the Coronavirus
Don Rowe is well-known in the community as the executive director of the The Arc Carroll County, a nonprofit whose mission is to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in their individual pursuit of a fulfilling life. But Rowe, who grew up in Ellicott City, graduated from Elizabethtown College, received a master’s degree in special education from McDaniel College and an MBA from Frostburg State University, has taken on another role for the past year or so. He is the chair of Carroll Counts, the county’s complete count committee for the 2020 U.S. Census.
Read Full Article at The Baltimore Sun
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Maryland CCC Co-Chair on Kirkland's Corner TV Show with Members of the Prince George's County CCC
Maryland Complete Count Committee co-chair Walkiria Pool was on Kirkland's Korner TV Show Thursday night. Walkiria appeared with other guests Julius Mania, Robin Brown, and Jordan Colbert of the Prince George's County CCC. The program was entitled "Why Is 2020 Census So Important This Time!" Walter R. Kirkland is the host and producer of this community-related television show on Verizon Channel 42 and Comcast Channel 76 that showcases “Movers and Shakers” in the Metro Region.
Watch Full Video on Kirkland's Korner Facebook page
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Check out Caroline County Census Complete Count Committee's Contest!! Be a Cool Cat!
That's right, Caroline County, you can be entered to win a $100 gift card to WalMart, Food Lion, or Royal Farms! You can enter this giveaway by simply posting a screengrab of your confirmation number in the comments on the post linked below at the Caroline County Census Complete Count Committee Facebook page. Contest runs from May 7–27 with a winner selected three times per week for three weeks! First drawing is Friday, May 8. Additional drawing every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until May 27. Entries received after the May 21 entry deadline will be ineligible for the contest. Questions about this contest? Email: bmcmahon@carolinemd.org or give them a call at 410-479-8120.
Post Your Entry to this Caroline County Census Complete Count Committee Facebook Post
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Make an Impact in Your Community Respond to the 2020 Census Now
The results of the 2020 Census will help determine how hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funding flow into communities every year for the next decade. That funding shapes many different aspects of every community—no matter the size, no matter the location. The 2020 Census is a massive undertaking. It requires counting a diverse and growing population. The census questionnaire asks a few simple questions about you and everyone who was living with you on April 1, 2020. You can still respond online at 2020census.gov — without ever having to leave home or meet a census taker.
Respond Now at 2020Census.gov
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Pepco Sends Census Message to Its Maryland Customers
A special thanks goes to Pepco for including a Census message in their newsletter distributed to Maryland households.
You Can Power Your Communities
It’s not too late! You still have time to respond to the 2020 Census, and it’s never been easier. You can get counted online, over the phone or by mail — all without having to meet someone in person. Census impacts funding for emergency services, healthcare, housing, education, and more for the next 10 years.
As a utility, while we know how many accounts we serve at a given time, census information will give us a better understanding of customer households and how many people may be relying on our service.
Read Full Article in Pepco's May Newsletter
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Helping Our Nation’s Military and Veteran Communities Get the Support They Deserve
Connecting With Partners: Veterans of Foreign Wars
For an inside look at the growing roster of 2020 Census partners, we asked nonprofit veterans service organization the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) what motivated it to join us to help ensure all veterans are counted in the 2020 Census. The results of the census help the federal government allocate billions of dollars in support of programs and services that directly impact our local communities.
Read Full Article at U.S. Census Bureau
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Statistics in Schools Program Offers Free Resources to Keep Kids Learning Amid School Closures
This week, the U.S. Census Bureau’s Statistics in Schools (SIS) program released four parent/caregiver toolkits that include valuable resources for parents and guardians to use at home with students from pre-K through high school. These new toolkits provide fun Census Bureau interactives that school-age children can enjoy at home while e-learning. “The Statistics in Schools program has always been focused on providing additional resources to make learning about statistics and the 2020 Census fun and engaging,” said Dr. Steven Dillingham, Census Bureau Director.
Read Full Article at U.S. Census Bureau
And More at Activities and Worksheets for Teaching Children at Home
Follow Maryland Census 2020 Facebook or Twitter for daily posts every morning that highlights an activity for that day.
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2020 Census Is Critical for Your Community
Whether you live in a metropolis or a tiny crossroads, in the suburbs or on a boat sailing from port to port, responding to the 2020 Census is critical for your community. But a community isn’t always a geographic location, such as a town or a neighborhood. It’s not just where you are but who you are, too. For example, you can be part of the nationwide community of college students, not just college students at, say, the University of Maryland in College Park.
Read Full Article at the U.S. Census Bureau
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How the Census Shapes Public Health in Your Community
As our normal routines and daily lives are altered by COVID-19, the importance of an accurate count becomes clearer. For the years to come, 2020 Census data will shape public health decisions in your community like:
- How vaccines are allocated into communities
- Funding for nutrition-based services like school lunches and SNAP
- Emergency medical services
Now more than ever, we want to make sure every Marylander has their voice heard. Stand up for your community and fill out your Census today – it only takes about 10 minutes and your information is safe and secure.
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Sign Up for the U.S. Census Bureau's Census Data Release Emails
Stay current on the latest Census Data releases and more by subscribing to the U.S. Census Bureau email updates.
Sign up here
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U.S. 2020 Census Underway in Calvert County
The 2020 United States Census is underway and it’s not too late to visit my2020census.gov to fill out a census form and ensure every resident is counted once, only once and in the right place. Census data helps shape health decisions in the community including:
- How vaccines are allocated into communities
- Funding for nutrition-based services like school lunches and SNAP
- Emergency medical services
Read Full Calvert County Press Release at the Southern Maryland Chronicle
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Howard County Launches Census Dashboard
Howard County yesterday launched the HoCoCounts 2020 Census dashboard, an innovative online tool providing real-time statistics on census completion within Howard County. The dashboard provides the current response rate for Howard County, other Maryland Counties, and total state effort. The deadline for completing the census has been extended to October 31, 2020.
Read Full Article at the Conduit Street blog
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Census Maryland 2020 Social Media
Follow @MDCensus2020 on Facebook and Twitter
U.S. Census Bureau Page: The #2020Census is your once-in-a-decade chance to shape the future of your family and community.
Salisbury-Wicomico 2020 Census Page: The #2020Census results are important to all in our community - funding for programs, redistricting, and infrastructure - including businesses.
Great work by our Carroll CCC Members including their Chair Don Rowe!
Special thanks to Pepco for including a Census message in their newsletter!
Salisbury-Wicomico 2020 Census Meeting!
Special thanks to the Chesapeake Human Resources Association for including the Census in their newsletter!
The 2020 Census Is Here. Complete It Today!
Special thanks to the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce for including the Census in their newsletter!
Check out Caroline County Census Complete Count Committee's Contest!! Be a Cool Cat!
Looking for something fun to do with the kids? Check out the Census' Statistics in Schools Coloring Pages!
Today's featured student activity from the Census is called Diversity: Minority Entrepreneurship and the Economy. Students will examine minority-owned business growth over the past decade and how it has affected our nation. Check it out!
Has your family read the Census Story Book? Check it out below if you haven't!
Today's featured Census Student Activity is called Make Data Speak. Students will learn how to make visual representations of data to give meaning to numbers. Using a census infographic as a model, students will create their own infographics about their communities.
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Census call-in assistance offered in St. Mary’s County
The St. Mary’s County Department of Aging & Human Services is proud to support the 2020 Census by offering call- in assistance to the community. Any St. Mary's County resident seeking help completing their 2020 Census should contact Jenny Beyer, MAP Coordinator, at 301-475-4200, ext. 71057.
Read Full Article at Southern Maryland Chronicle
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Wicomico County Public Schools Include Census Flyers with Food Bundles at School Meal Distribution
Wicomico County Public Schools, in partnership with the Maryland Department of Planning and the Salisbury-Wicomico Complete Count Committee, delivered Census information in English and Spanish highlighting the three self response options - online, by phone, and by mail - to more than 3,000 Wicomico County families during its weekly school lunch distribution program.
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