Census Maryland 2020 Newsletter
February 7, 2020
For any questions about the Maryland Census, call (410) 767-4500 or go to Census.Maryland.gov.
Follow Maryland Census 2020 on Twitter and Facebook – Follow @MdCensus2020 and like @MdCensus2020 – to stay in touch with Maryland's Census 2020 complete count efforts. Join the conversation by using hashtag #2020MDCensus on Facebook and on Twitter.
Become a Census Taker!
Help ensure your community gets counted in the 2020 Census by joining the U.S. Census Bureau team. Visit https://2020census.gov/en/jobs and apply today.
News and Events
Planning and Census Staff Deliver Information Packets to the Maryland General Assembly
On Thursday, Planning's census team hand delivered 188 Maryland Census 2020 information packets to all members of the Maryland General Assembly in Annapolis. These packets included the Maryland Census 2020 Outreach Report, the It's Important, Easy, and Safe flyer, and other information that is helpful in spreading the word about joining the effort for Maryland to get a complete count on April 1, 2020.
Follow Maryland Census 2020 on Facebook
Planning Secretary and Maryland Census Director speak to Interfaith Leaders in Prince George's County
On Friday, January 31, Planning Secretary Rob McCord and Maryland Census Director Lorena Rivera joined with the Governor's Office of Community Initiatives to speak to interfaith leaders about how they have an impact on the outreach for Census 2020 and have an impact on the count in their areas of influence.
Planning Secretary and Maryland Census Director Participate in Press Conference in Hyattsville
Planning Secretary Rob McCord and Maryland Census Director Lorena Rivera attended and spoke at the Maryland Latino Coalition's Census 2020 Press Conference on Wednesday, January 27, in Hyattsville.
Follow Maryland Census 2020 on Twitter
Maryland Complete Count Committee Co-Chair Talks Census on Howard Community College Radio
On Thursday, January 30, Walkiria Pool, Co-Chair on the Maryland Complete Count Committee and Chair of Governor’s Commission on Hispanic Affairs, joined Dragon Digital Radio for the Spanish show, “Caliente,” with Director and Host Cris Oviedo! Walkiria talked about the importance of a complete census count of Maryland residents and touted that the 2020 Census is “importante, fácil y seguro (important, easy, and safe).”
Celebrate Black History Month at Annapolis Museum
As you may know, 2020 marks the centennial of the Nineteenth Amendment and the culmination of the women’s suffrage movement. The year 2020 also marks the sesquicentennial (150 years) of the Fifteenth Amendment (1870) and the right of black men to vote. The Banneker-Douglass Museum, (84 Franklin Street in Annapolis) kicks off its year-long exhibit, The Black Vote Mural Project, with an Opening Reception. The event takes place on Saturday, February 15, 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Register at their event page. The Black Vote Mural Project exhibit explores the intersection of public art, Black voices, and civil rights with sixteen murals that transform the interior galleries of the museum. Painted by regional artists, these murals interpret the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) 2020 theme: African Americans and the Vote.
County CCCs Launch Website and Social Media
Through the Decades, How the Census Bureau Protects Your Privacy: A History of Census Privacy Protections
Did you know that when U.S. Marshals conducted America’s first census in 1790, they posted the answers in the town square so locals could check for accuracy, as required by law? It's true and this practice continued until 1850.
The privacy law, in Title 13 of the United States Code, mandates that information about specific individuals, households and businesses is not revealed, even indirectly through our published statistics.
A new U.S. Census Bureau infographic below charts the path of census safeguards from 1790 to now, from zero privacy to today’s absolute strictures designed to maintain public trust. See the full infographic at the U.S. Census Bureau
2020 Census Jobs: Fit Your Schedule
The Census Bureau is hiring up to 500,000 temporary, part-time census takers for the 2020 Census in communities across the country.
Temporary positions for the 2020 Census feature flexible hours—a perfect fit if you are looking to earn extra money, even if you already have other commitments.
Anyone age 18 and older, such as recent high school graduates, college students, veterans, retirees, military spouses, seasonal workers, and people who are bilingual are highly encouraged to apply. People who already have jobs and want to earn extra income in the evenings and on the weekends are also encouraged to apply.
Start Your Application at the 2020 Census Jobs
The Oscars are Coming on February 9th! There's Data For That
The 2017 Economic Census reports 22,063 establishments in motion picture and video industries with 314,943 employees and $15.8 billion annual payroll.
See more statistics about the U.S. motion picture and video industries at the U.S. Census Bureau website
How the 2020 Census Will Invite Everyone to Respond
In March, the Census Bureau will send invitations to 95% of U.S. households to respond to the 2020 Census online. Following that, there multiple follow steps that the bureau will take to get everyone counted.
Download this flyer that explains their schedule at U.S. Census Bureau
2020 CENSUS: What Nonprofits Need to Know
Nonprofits play a critical role in helping ensure a complete count in Maryland. Many households would not participate in the Census if they did not get encouragement from a trusted source. Community-based organizations are highly trusted sources of information. Therefore your encouragement and assistance to people who need it will truly make a difference.
Maryland Nonprofits has put published a comprehensive guide to why an accurate census is important to nonprofit organizations on their website.
Visit this guide at Maryland Nonprofits
American Community Survey February Events and Updates
In case you missed it, the 2014-2018 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Files and Variance Replicate Estimates, as well as the 2018 ACS 1-year Supplemental Estimates, were released on January 30th. See upcoming events.
With 2020 well underway, make sure to check out ACS resources and tools to help you explore the newest data for your community.
ICYMI: Your Response Matters
Health clinics. Fire departments. Schools. Even roads and highways. A freshman living on campus in student housing. The census can shape many different aspects of your community.
Get the facts about the census at Census 2020: Shape Your Future
Upcoming Meetings
For further details, go to the Maryland Census 2020 Events page
Dorchester County CCC Meeting |
Feb. 10 |
3:00 p.m. |
Wicomico County CCC Meeting |
Feb. 10 |
3:00 p.m. |
Talbot County CCC Meeting |
Feb. 11 |
8:30 a.m. |
Worcester County CCC Meeting |
Feb. 12 |
10:00 a.m. |
Charles County CCC Meeting |
Feb. 13 |
10:00 a.m. |
Harford County CCC Meeting |
Feb. 13 |
3:30 p.m. |
Allegany County CCC Meeting |
Feb. 18 |
3:00 p.m. |
Calvert County CCC Meeting |
Feb. 19 |
10:00 a.m. |
Kent County CCC Meeting |
Feb. 19 |
2:00 p.m. |
Caroline County CCC Meeting |
Feb. 24 |
10:00 a.m. |
Cecil County CCC Meeting |
Feb. 24 |
6:00 p.m. |
Howard Conty CCC Meeting |
Mar. 3 |
9:00 a.m. |
Prince George's County CCC Meeting |
Mar. 18 |
6:00 p.,m. |
Grasonville Community Day, Queen Anne's County |
Mar. 28 |
11:00 a.m. |