EPA ANNOUNCES $40 MILLION FOR CHESAPEAKE BAY CLEANUP The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced $40 million to help restore the Chesapeake Bay, promote environmental justice, and counter climate change. The $40 million is part of $238 million targeted for the Chesapeake Bay region over five years under the infrastructure law. Click the link for a breakdown on how the funding will be spent.
LONG-TERM CONSERVATION PAYS MDA is offering farmers a one-time bonus payment of $1,000/acre to transition qualifying land into long-term conservation contracts through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Clean Lakes, Estuaries, and Rivers initiative (CLEAR30). The incentive is available to farmers with existing CRP and CREP contracts that expire September 30, 2022.
Nutrient management planning helps farmers protect local water quality while improving farm efficiency and profitability. Meet a Washington County dairy and grain farmer who gets the most out of his nutrient management plan.
WILL YOUR GARDEN SURVIVE CLIMATE CHANGE? WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Are you looking for ways to reduce your lawn's carbon footprint? Can green landscaping really reduce your home's heating and cooling costs? What's the secret to building healthy, resilient soil? The experts at the University of Maryland Extension Home and Garden Information Center have teamed up with MDA to provide you with what you need to know and do to fight climate change in your own backyard.
USDA WANTS TO SHOWCASE YOUR SEASON AT #PLANT 2022 This planting season, USDA wants to hear and share farmers' stories about growing more with less. The program aims to highlight the innovation and leadership demonstrated by Maryland farmers through photos and stories shared on social media, blogs, and a nationwide story map.
COLOR ME HEALTHY Soil conservation districts are sponsoring their annual coloring and poster contests for students in grades K through 12. Winning entries will be entered in the state competition, judged later this summer. Entries are due to local soil conservation districts by May 13. Please reach out to your local soil conservation district for more information, rules, and entry forms.
PUT THIS PASTURE WALK ON YOUR CALENDAR Join University of Maryland Extension, NRCS, and Steve and Ruth Ann Derrenbacher for a pasture walk on May 18 at Johnsville Meadows Farm in Woodsboro. The Derrenbachers raise 100% grass-fed sheep and cattle and will discuss grazing management and strategies for finishing livestock on forage.
SHARE THE ROAD TRUCKING FORUM The Washington County Farm Bureau will host a Trucking Forum May 10, 2022 at the Washington County Agriculture Education Center. Representatives from the State Highway Administration, Maryland State Police, Motor Vehicle Administration and Nationwide Insurance will be on hand to discuss issues facing farmers on rural roads and state highways. Questions? Contact Lindsay Stine at lstine@marylandfb.org
Stephen Lerter has joined MDA's Conservation Grants Program as a program specialist.
Check out the latest job openings throughout the department on our website.
For additional information on MDA conservation programs, please contact your local soil conservation district.
Photo credits: Edwin Remsberg, Office of the Governor, MDA, Shutterstock, University of Maryland Extension, and USDA-NRCS.