While the fall season bring about lots of treats like candy, pumpkin spice everything, and caramel apples, there are lots of tricks. Now is a good time to make sure you are aware of fraudsters and how to report a scam. You can better protect yourself and avoid insurance claims and losses. Here are a few resources to help you spot a trickster:
Get Your Mind IN the Gutter
It's that time of year! This fall, remember to clean debris from your gutters and downspouts. Also, address missing shingles and remove overhanging tree limbs. For more information, here's a consumer guide to Homeowners Insurance, click here.
Rising Costs
Have you considered how the rising costs of goods and services may impact your insurance coverage? It is important to review your insurance coverage to make sure it is adequate to meet your needs before you suffer a loss. Read this consumer advisory, click here.
Explore Your 2024 Health Plan Options
Marylanders can now preview 2024 health plans and prices on marylandhealthconnection.gov, the state’s online health insurance marketplace. Use the “Get an Estimate” tool to compare health plans and savings.
Open enrollment to sign up for a 2024 health plan runs from November 1, 2023, through January 15, 2024. Enroll in plans from Aetna, CareFirst, Kaiser Permanente and UnitedHealthcare. Vision and dental plans also are available.
Medicare Open Enrollment
Now is a great time to review your current Medicare coverage and think about what benefits matter to you for 2024. Medicare Open Enrollment for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D runs from October 15 - December 7. Create or log into your secure Medicare account and select “Compare Plan Details” to see how your costs and benefits may change next year if you stay in the same plan: medicare.gov
Need Help with Navigating Medicare?
SHIP is your local State Health Insurance Assistance Program. SHIP provides unbiased help to Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers. Whether you are new to Medicare, reviewing Medicare plan options, or have questions on how to use your Medicare, SHIP can help and is free and confidential.
Click here to locate your local SHIP office.
Be Medi-Careful!
Every year, healthcare fraud, waste, abuse and error results in the loss of billions of senior and taxpayer dollars. You can help prevent Medicare fraud. For resources on how to prevent, detect, and report this crime, click here.
Older Adult Resources
As an older adult, your insurance needs may change. That's why we created a resource page just for older adults. Click here.
For additional resources for older adults, visit the Maryland Department of Aging.
Attention Medicaid Members
Important notices about changes to your health insurance are on the way. To ensure your contact information is up-to-date, log in to your account: MarylandHealthConnection.gov/Checkin
- Use glow sticks or battery-operated candles for jack-o’-lanterns and other Halloween decorations.
- When choosing costumes, stay away from long trailing fabric.
- Provide children with flashlights to carry for lighting or glow sticks as part of their costume.
- Teach children to stay away from open flames, including jack-o’-lanterns with candles in them.
- Keep Halloween decorations away from open flames and other heat sources, such as light bulbs and heaters.
- Remember to keep exits clear of decorations so nothing blocks escape routes. Make sure all smoke alarms are working.
For more safety tips and fun activities for the kids, click here.
Got insurance questions? We've got answers! Join us online or in person. Visit our website for an event near you or join us virtually.
Pictured: Outreach Staffer for MIA, Kejuana Walton.
Maryland State Employees celebrated Walk Maryland Day on October 4th by participating in Maryland's official state exercise - walking. October is also "Walktober" when agencies promote and host events and webinars spotlighting Maryland pedestrians' safety, health, and commuting options in current walk programs and Initiatives. Click here to learn more.
Come and join a great team with a strong culture of service! The Maryland Insurance Administration is hiring for all levels of experience. Learn more about our opportunities on our website:
 Have you been denied insurance coverage for medically necessary care or emergency appeals? Call our 24/7 Hotline at 1-800-492-6116. Click here for more information.