City of Hyattsville: September - October Employee Newsletter
Members of the Hyattsville Police Department joined school leadership and County Executive Alsobrooks to welcome students at the new Hyattsville Middle School on the first day of classes!
City Administrator Update
Hello Team Hyattsville,
As we come to the end of summer I hope you all took some time this season to relax, reconnect with loved ones and even take a vacation or two. Wishing everyone who has headed back to school a joyful and productive school year! A special thank you to our HPD staff for fostering a safe environment at local schools and our Youth Services team for preparing an enriching series of fall youth programs.
I want to provide you with a few updates:
We are one quarter into our fiscal year and continuing to monitor our FY 24 budget to reduce costs and seek grant support where possible. I encourage everyone to review the City's Budget Guide for an overview of this year's budget plan. The full budget is available at If you have ideas of cost cutting measures, you can share them with
We have been training in preparation for a visit from a First Amendment Auditor, having heard about similar visits from neighboring municipalities. A few weeks ago a YouTuber in costume visited the City Building, recording his interactions with staff, and then posted the footage online. Fortunately, most of you have received the mandatory training for this. Kudos to Nate Groenendyk for his training and shout out to Lieutenant Gray and Roxana Guzman for their calm and professional response to what could have been a disruptive and unpleasant interaction. Despite several attempts by the "auditor" to provoke and escalate the situation, they reacted in accordance with the lessons taught during the training and provided the best level of customer service possible.
All employees must retain a copy of the First Amendment Auditor quick reference guide at their workspace.
We are assessing lessons learned for future audits. Some records are immediately available to the public. Others must be requested under the Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA), commonly referred to as FOIA (which is the Federal Freedom of Information Act).
If in doubt, contact the City’s official Records Custodian and City Clerk's Office. Laura Reams and Nate Groenendyk are the primary contacts for MPIA requests. Things like code inspection reports, police body camera footage, and copies of City contracts or agreements are examples of records which are required to have a legal review prior to release.
The Clerks Office is developing a guide for publicly available records and where to find them. For now, please be aware:
- Incident reports, calls for service information, accident reports, alarm registration details, and speed camera/red light camera information are public records that can be requested at the second floor Police Dispatch window. The Police Department’s Records Custodian is Roxana Guzman.
- Other publicly available records that can be requested at the front office or by contacting the Clerk's office include standard forms, Council and Committee agendas/minutes, ordinances, the City budget, and a myriad of documents posted on the City’s website. There is a full copy of the budget including the breakdown by department in the front office.
Thank you and happy Fall!
Top things to know, September - October:
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: While the City makes an effort to promote mental health and wellness year-round, we use the month of September to elevate the discussion around suicide prevention and reduce the stigma of seeking support. Find resources on our Mental Health 24/7 web page, and a reminder that the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is available 24/7 for anyone needing support. Just call or text 988 to speak to a crisis counselor. In Prince George's County, you can also get in-person crisis support from mental health professionals by calling 988 and requesting the civilian-only mobile response team. You are not alone!
Upcoming Staff Trainings:
- Save the date for an upcoming Harassment Training for all 3rd Floor staff and Department Directors on Wednesday, October 25, 1 p.m. -3:30 p.m. in the City Building Multipurpose Room. Additional training dates for other City staff members will be shared soon.
- A reminder that all staff are required to take a NARCAN training to learn how to recognize an opioid overdose and safely administer NARCAN, a life-saving treatment. If you've not already taken the hour long course, free trainings are offered monthly at the City Building. The September trainings are scheduled for September 21 at 6 p.m. and 22 and 10 a.m. Register at
Front Office Procedures: Now that the City Building front office is fully operational, please be aware of some new procedures for City Building staff.
- If you are expecting a visitor, please email and indicate if your guest should wait for you on the first floor or be escorted to the third floor. Police Department visitors will be directed to contact Dispatch using the intercom.
- If you are entering or leaving the building and see someone looking for assistance, please direct them to the exterior window.
- Be careful not to allow "tailgaters" into the building when using your key fob for entry. Gently direct community members to the front window, or if they are inside, the front office door next to the Multipurpose Room.
- Departmental mail will be stored in the mailboxes in the first floor lobby (next to the Multipurpose Room). Staff are responsible for checking these mailboxes. The front desk will notify staff of packages when they arrive, and staff are responsible for retrieving them from the first floor lobby.
Employee Health Insurance Open Enrollment coming in October: Information about enrollment will be sent to all employees through their work email. The Human Resources Department will be conducting an informational session for employees; details coming soon.
COVID-19 & Flu Season:
- The City and region are experiencing a rise in COVID-19 cases and other illnesses. Please test yourself for COVID-19 if you feel sick. Staff who test positive for COVID-19 should stay home for five days. Returning staff should wear a mask around others for an additional five days as a precaution. Free COVID-19 self-test kits are still available in the front office.
- Protect yourself from the flu with a flu vaccine! Check out the CDC's Flu Vaccine finder for local vaccination opportunities. The CDC has helpful resources on Flu Facts, When to Stay Home, and Differences between the Flu and COVID-19.
NEW Communications Partnership Policy: The Communications Team now requires completion of a Partnership Form to share information with the community on behalf of a partnering organization. This includes events, programs, or resources hosted by a partner that City staff are participating in or supporting financially. The updated policy and form link are available in the Staff Communications Guide on Sharepoint, along with other useful templates and resources!
Fall events: It's a busy season for the City! Highlights are below and the full calendar is at
- Come join the fiesta at the Hispanic Heritage Month Summer Jam on TODAY, September 15 in Hyatt Park, celebrating the diversity and culture of our local Latino community!
- The Community Health & Wellness Fair hosted by the First United Methodist Church of Hyattsville, the City, and Luminis Health will take place this Saturday, September 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Church, 6201 Belcrest Road. Come by for free flu and RSV vaccines, health screenings, and community health resources for the whole family! Bring proof of insurance to take advantage of the free vaccines. RSV vaccines are only approved for those 60 years or older, or pregnant persons.
- Staff are invited to participate in the September 30 Community Paint Day to transform the intersection of Gallatin Street and Church Place with asphalt art! Space is limited and registration is required.
- City staff are partnering with local organizations to support several upcoming events this fall. Join us for an Age Friendly Summit on September 26-27 and October 3-4 to hear how regional leaders are helping older adults age-in-place. The popular Hyattsville Zombie Run, a 1K, 1M, and 5K fundraiser for local schools on returns to Driskell Park on October 14, and the Prince George's County Green Summit will be hosted in Driskell Park on October 21. The summit will feature local environmental vendors, a pet adoption event, kid-friendly activities, food, music, and more!
- On October 11, City staff are invited to an Organization Day team building activity and lunch! Join your coworkers to paint the fence at Hyatt Park in fun colors. Boxed lunch for all staff will be served from 12-1 p.m.; paint shifts will take place from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 - 3 p.m. Registration coming soon.
Spooky season is just around the corner! The City will be hosting Halloween events for the community on October 28. Staff in the City Building can expect our annual visit from trick-or-treaters from the St. Jerome's Child Center! More information about the Door Decorating contest and other staff festivities will be shared in October.
The July Summer Jam at The Spot celebrated Independent Retailers month and brought out local vendors and pop-up shops. You can view the concept design for the re-imagined Spot and give your feedback at through September 23!
Happy Birthday to our September Babies!
We couldn't forget about October!