Implementing sustainable practices requires commitment, teamwork, innovation, and ongoing attention to all the details. The Maryland Green Registry Sustainability Leadership Awards acknowledge this hard work by recognizing up to five member organizations that demonstrate a strong commitment to sustainable practices, measurable results, and continual improvement.
To apply, 1) make sure your member profile is up to date, and 2) provide brief responses to just two questions on this form and submit by April 26, 2023.
The same form is used to apply for the 2023 Sustainability Leadership Circle designation, which recognizes a small number of former Leadership Award winners for their ongoing commitment to continual improvement and results.
Winners will be recognized June 22, 2023 at the One Montgomery Green Gala at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland. All Maryland Green Registry members are invited to this event for an evening of food, drinks, music, and fun. More information to follow. Profiles of the winners will also be released via social media and other outlets on "Winner Wednesdays" throughout June and July.
We look forward to receiving your applications so we can help Maryland Green Registry members get the recognition they deserve!
Laura Armstrong
Director, MDE Sustainability Program and Maryland Green Registry
Enter the Commuter Choice Challenge by June 1
The Commuter Choice Challenge provides a list of incentives that employers can use to ease commutes for employees and reduce environmental impacts. Share your organization's participation in at least one and submit this form by June 1 to be eligible for a variety of prizes.
Webinar on May 10 from 12:00 - 12:30 p.m.: Join CommuterChoice and the Maryland Green Registry staff for a lunchtime webinar on how to take advantage of CommuterChoice program benefits. The link will be posted here.