Adaptation and Resilience
Businesses and organizations across the state are doing some extraordinary things to adapt to and contribute to the COVID-19 response. In recognition of that, we have decided to defer the Leadership Awards until next year while our members focus fully on response and recovery. We will work, however, to get your stories out throughout the year and continue to provide technical assistance and information.
Looking at just last year's Maryland Green Registry Leadership Award members, we see that Founding Farmers Restaurant Group is preparing to pivot to groceries and meal kits; the Baltimore Convention Center is working to convert space for a field hospital; AstraZeneca is donating face masks, and the list goes on as our members show that adaption and resilience are part of their commitment to sustainability.
As Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles has shared in his recent post, MDE is operating with staff working remotely, but we are here to serve you in this challenging period. Please call the main number, 410-537-3000, or use the directory below to reach specific staff for assistance. Help is also available through the variety of government and community organizations listed below.
Laura Armstrong
Director, Sustainability Program and Maryland Green Registry
Resources and Support a one-stop-shop of state health department information and financial assistance for business and non-profits.
Maryland Business Express Site: Comprehensive Information on business relief programs. Site allows you to subscribe to updates.
Phone/E-mail Directory of State Employees
Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership: offers resources and support for manufacturers
Maryland Made to Save Lives Directory: a directory of Maryland companies working to help address the medical supply needs of our healthcare workers and hospitals.
Maryland Unites: a resource guide and ways Marylanders can help.
Purge the Plastic Prize Drawing
This year's annual member contest is still on! Take just a few minutes to check off the boxes listing some of the plastic reduction measures you've put in place and you'll be entered into a prize drawing that includes a free sustainability assessment by an independent contractor to help your organization identify sustainable cost-saving measures.
Find more information here and enter the contest here.
Deadline is June 1, 2020.