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 The fall colors have finally emerged in Maryland and with the new year just around the corner, it's a good time to convene your green team to brainstorm and prioritize goals and projects for 2019. The "Greening Your Business" program that has helped Maryland Green Registry members with this process will be offered again in 2019 so stay tuned for that as well as some other new services. Meanwhile, smash, don't trash that pumpkin!
Laura Armstrong, Director, Sustainability Program and Maryland Green Registry
 Member Spotlights
To help shine a light on the great work being accomplished by Maryland Green Registry members, we are starting a new member spotlight series. Just e-mail the following information, which will be added to a template like the one shown here and then posted to MDE's Facebook and Twitter pages, the Maryland Green Registry LinkedIn group, and the Registry website to draw people to your company and your member profile. Of course, we hope you'll add it to your social media accounts as well!
Here's what we need:
1) a photo or two of your workplace (one should have people from your organization in it),
2) two or three very brief bullet points on your green practices and/or results, and
3) your logo if you have one.
E-mail to green.registry@maryland.gov
 Recycling and plastic bags
Does your recycling dumpster look like this? To ensure that the material your organization has taken the time to sort is truly recycled, it needs to be loose. Anne Arundel County's Release Your Recycling video shows what happens when recycled materials arrive at the sorting facility in plastic bags. Addressing this issue takes some coordination among building management and cleaning staff to deposit materials into a cart without the bag liner and then into the dumpster. Remember, at home, plastic bags should be taken to your local grocery store for recycling.
 Water Reuse
With all the rain we've had, water may not be the first thing you'd think we need to conserve here in Maryland but limited water supply in some parts of the state, aging infrastructure in others, and the considerable energy required to treat and transport water are all reasons to stay focused on ways we can conserve and reuse water.
MDE has been working to promote the use of reclaimed water by establishing standards and technical guidelines for safe reuse. Learn more here about State Water Reuse Laws, Regulations and Guidelines and identifying water reuse opportunities. Already doing this? Let us know through your member profile or spotlight!