November 2024 | Land Trust eNews
Maryland Environmental Trust Spotlight |
MET Held Land Trust Roundtable on November 7
MET held a Land Trust Roundtable, Partnerships: Collaboration, Expectations & Enforcement, on November 7, 2024. The presentation slides have been posted to MET’s Roundtable webpage.
This Roundtable discussed the changes to MET’s updated Cooperative Agreement template and monitor reporting options and requirements. The Roundtable also included an introduction to MET’s draft process for managing documented violations. Participants shared their experiences, insights, and challenges with violation detection and management. Missed the Roundtable, but interested in learning more? Please contact Michelle at michelle.grafton@maryland.gov.
Is it Time to Renew Your Cooperative Agreement with MET?
A Cooperative Agreement sets out the relationship with MET and the land trust organization to clarify roles and establish common understanding. The purpose of the Cooperative Agreement is to advance local land conservation plans and programs for environmental protection by working collaboratively.
If your land trust's Cooperative Agreement has expired or if your land trust is interested in updating to the new Agreement template, please contact Michelle at michelle.grafton@maryland.gov.
Understanding Remote Monitoring Principles and Limitations
November 21 | Free
The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests has used remote monitoring for more than 20 years to assist its easement stewardship program. This session will introduce remote monitoring practices that can increase efficiencies, reduce costs and improve easement compliance and stewardship programs. Learn more.
Aldo Leopold & the Development of a Land Ethic
November 21 | Free
Join the Maryland Forest Foundation for their free monthly webinar series, Framing the Future. Guided by Aldo Leopold’s idea of the land ethic, this month's webinar will highlight both tangible and philosophical transformations for those dedicated to conservation, promoting responsible land stewardship, and safeguarding our natural community. Learn more.
Untangling the Mysteries of Maryland Land Records
December 2 | Free
Join the Maryland State Archives, for a hands-on workshop and learn how to research and navigate land records. This program will begin with a presentation about using Maryland’s online land records system. In the second half, you will dig into hands-on, pre-planned activities to experience land research first hand. Whether you’re an experienced researcher or new to using land records, there will be lots to learn! Learn more.
Tools, Tech and Tutorials |
Maryland Releases Habitat Connectivity Network Map
DNR and the Chesapeake Conservancy recently partnered to produce an updated mapping of Maryland’s Habitat Connectivity Network. This project also provides additional enhancements, including differentiation of hub and corridor types, a breakdown of land cover types, and more!
HabiChat: For Stewards of Maryland's Backyard Wildlife
Presented for your autumnal perusal is a mildly spooky collection. This edition includes a Native Plant Profile of the ghost flower in all its unusual glory, a Native Animal Profile about the Eastern whip-poor-will, insights on spiders and more!
The Power of Land Conservation to Address the Climate Crisis
Trust for Public Land has released a new report highlighting how land conservation is a critical strategy that can help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, the very driver of climate change, while improving community resilience to climate-driven hazards.
Share Your News
If you would like to share relevant conservation news, success stories, announcements or events with Maryland's land trusts and conservation partners through this publication, please contact Michelle Grafton by the first of each month at michelle.grafton@maryland.gov.