January 2023 | Land Trust eNews
Maryland Environmental Trust Spotlight |
Land Trust Monitoring Reports
Submit your co-held easement monitoring reports to Maryland Environmental Trust for CY2022 no later than January 31, 2023. For more details contact Michelle at michelle.grafton@maryland.gov.
Renew Your Land Trust's Cooperative Agreement with MET
The Cooperative Agreement sets out the relationship with MET and the land trust organization to clarify roles and establish common understanding. The purpose of the Agreement is to advance local land conservation plans and programs for environmental protection by working collaboratively. If your land trust's Cooperative Agreement has expired please contact Michelle at michelle.grafton@maryland.gov.
Donated Conservation Easement Protects Talbot County Woodlands
Eastern Shore Land Conservancy is excited to announce the closing on a donated conservation easement in Talbot County. The property, owned by 500 Beaver Road II, LLC, protects 128.5 acres of land, including 100 acres of productive agricultural land, 9 acres of mixed deciduous woodlands, and 12 acres of installed wildlife habitat (impoundment and associated grass plantings). In addition, the property’s residential development potential has been completely removed, as the landowner chose to remove all residential rights from the property. By donating this easement and restricting the use of the property primarily to agriculture, the owners of 500 Beaver Road II, LLC have ensured the agricultural nature of this idyllic farm in Talbot County.
Managing the Transition from Acquisition to Stewardship
January 24 | Registration Fee
We all know that conservation is not finished when the easement is signed and recorded. No, it is an ongoing partnership between landowner and land trust that works best when it is structured as a holistic process that begins at the first conversation and carries on through annual monitoring and landowner engagement. Filled with stories and lessons learned, this webinar will leave plenty of time for participant questions and discussion. Learn more.
Landowner Oriented Agricultural Law Workshop
Multiple Dates in January | Free
The Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC) will host two one-day workshops on Jan. 26, 2023, in Boonesboro and on Jan. 31, 2023, at Chesapeake College. The free program will cover those legal issues that Maryland landowners and other professionals in rural areas may face. The workshop will address leasing, landowner liability issues, right-to-farm law, fencing laws, livestock liability, and estate planning. Learn more.
How Can Farm Leases Support Conservation?
February 1 | Registration Fee
Forever Maryland's 2023 webinar series starts in February! During the February webinar panelists will discuss the challenges to implementing conservation on leased farms and conserved farms. The webinar will include a demonstration of new resources to support farmers and farm landowners to form simple farm leases to protect business interests, encourage environmental stewardship, and support on-farm conservation practices. Learn more.
Tools, Tech and Tutorials |
My Coast: Maryland Toolset
My Coast: Maryland is a portal to collect and analyze shared photos and data to create reports that help government agencies, business owners, and residents understand impacts in your community. The toolset includes buttons for High Tide Flooding, Storm Reporter, Coastal Storm Damage, and a Restoration Tracker.
AI Deep Learning Model for Mapping Wetlands Yields 94% Accuracy
Chesapeake Conservancy’s data science team developed an artificial intelligence deep learning model for mapping wetlands, which resulted in 94% accuracy. This method for wetland mapping could deliver important outcomes for protecting and conserving wetlands.
New Tool Uses Birds to Help Target Conservation Opportunities
The Northeast Bird Habitat Conservation Initiative Mapping Tool is a free, mapping project designed to aid conservation practitioners in their work. The tool will support activities such as habitat management plans, land prioritization and acquisition strategies, and landowner engagement.
Share Your News
If you would like to share relevant conservation news, success stories, announcements or events with Maryland's land trusts and conservation partners through this publication, please contact Michelle Grafton by the first of each month at michelle.grafton@maryland.gov.