 Protecting Land Forever!
 New Easement in Dorchester County Protects Nearly 300 Acres
Maryland Environmental Trust received a conservation easement from Patriot Point, LLC protecting 291 acres along Slaughter Creek in Dorchester County. A team effort by The Conservation Fund, Maryland's Program Open Space and MET resulted in the protection of the significant forest, wetlands and farmland of the Patriot Point property. The mission of Patriot Point will continue as the land is protected forever.
MET Easement Landowner Survey
We want to improve our communication with you. To update your contact information with Maryland Environmental Trust, please scan the QR code or click this link and complete the easement landowner survey form. Thanks in advance!
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Shoreline Conservation Service
The Chesapeake & Coastal Service (CCS) unit at the Department of Natural Resources works with federal, state and local governments, conservation groups and private citizens to apply innovative best management practices that reduce harmful run-off from entering the State’s waters. Through the Shoreline Conservation Service, the CCS provides assistance to Maryland property owners in resolving shoreline and stream bank erosion problems. Assistance is provided through site visits and evaluations, problem assessments and recommended solutions. For more information visit DNR's Habitat Restoration and Conservation webpage.
July 4: Free Fishing Day
July 4, 2022 is a license-free fishing day across Maryland! Maryland’s annual license-free fishing days offer anglers a unique opportunity to explore the state’s diverse fishing without needing a fishing license, trout stamp, or registration. On these days, licenses are not required to catch and possess finfish in tidal and non-tidal waters for recreational purposes. All other fishing laws and regulations apply. Learn more.
SUPPORT the long term stewardship of more than 1,100 conservation easements held by Maryland Environmental Trust with a tax deductible contribution to the MET's Stewardship Fund.