MET Announces New Easement Program Manager
Ann Gutierrez Carlson is MET's new Conservation Easement Program Manager. We are thankful to have Ann fill this role. During her more than thirteen years at MET Ann has worked with landowners and conservation partners to complete 83 conservation easements protecting over 15,300 acres of forest, fields and wetlands. Her passion for land conservation is well known throughout the state as she has worked with numerous local, state, and federal partners to further land conservation in Maryland. Most recently, she led MET’s effort to update our Model Deed of Conservation Easement. Ann says, “I am thankful for the many opportunities I have had to explore the beautiful corners of our state and work with inspiring landowners to protect the natural beauty for future generations. I look forward to expanding on MET’s great work.”
Happy Earth Month!
Looking for something to do during April? Land trusts across the nation, and in Maryland, are celebrating Earth Month this April with events, initiatives and programs for you. Learn more.