December 2020 | Land Trust eNews
Maryland Environmental Trust Spotlight |
Maryland Dairy Farm Gives Virtual Tour of Organic Operation
In 2016, Ed and Matt Fry were approached by a dairy company from North Carolina. They were asked if they wanted to convert their 500-head registered Holstein herd in Maryland to an organic operation. Read more.
Great Cypress Swamp Project Boosts Sussex Wetlands
The Great Cypress Swamp, Delaware Wild Lands Inc.’s 10,600-acre property nestled between Gumboro, Frankford and Selbyville in southern Sussex County, has been his playground and classroom. Read more.
This is Why I Preserve
As part of a Eastern Shore Land Conservancy's series titled This Is Why I Preserve, ESLC gives staff, board members, volunteers, donors and supporters the opportunity to share why they became interested in preservation on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Read more.
The Trust for Public Land Tracked 26 Conservation Ballot Measures Across the Country
Election Day 2020 was a huge success for parks and public lands: voters approved nearly $3.7 billion in new funding for land conservation, parks, climate resiliency, and habitat. Read more.
Land Trust Monitoring Reports
The deadline to submit your co-held easement monitoring reports for CY2020 is January 31, 2020. For more details contact Michelle Grafton at michelle.grafton@maryland.gov.
First Day Hikes 2021
Maryland State Parks will be offering self-guided hike opportunities across the state from January 1-3, 2021. Be sure to follow Maryland State Parks’ guidelines for outdoor exercise and recreation to slow the spread of COVID-19. Learn more.
Free Webinar: Telling Your Land Trust's Story
The Land Trust Alliance is sharing a free webinar through the end of December, "Telling Your Land Trust's Story." You'll learn how to craft a compelling story to engage your organization's stakeholders, volunteers, donors, board members, and other audiences. Learn more.
11th Annual Nonprofit Institute Conference
The 11th Annual Nonprofit Institute Conference will be virtual and free! The conference will take place on February 25, 2021 and includes breakout sessions focusing on strategic planning, communications, development/fundraising, management, and leadership. Learn more.
Chesapeake Bay Commission
The Chesapeake Bay Commission is a tri-state legislative assembly representing Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania, the Commission's leadership covers a full spectrum of Bay issues. Founded in 1980, the organization is marking its 40th anniversary this year. Watch this 10-minute film by award winning author Tom Horton commemorating the Commission. Watch the video.
A Treasure Trove of Climate Tools and Data
The Forest Service Office of Sustainability and Climate collaborates with R&D to develop powerful resources for forest management planning and adaptation around the United States. Many are available as Web Mapping Applications, including the Climate Map Explorer, a Drought Summary Tool, and several region-specific products. These intuitive and accessible resources connect the best available science with land managers to help them anticipate and plan for changes in climate.
African American History Focus of Bay Mapping Effort
The National Park Service is joining the National Trust for Historic Preservation and three Bay area states on a $400,000 effort to map sites and landscapes important to the Black experience within the watershed. An advisory committee of professionals will help guide the work. Learn more.
Natural Highways and Neighborhoods: Conserving a Network of Climate-Resilient Lands
Over the past 10 years, TNC scientists have mapped a network of landscapes across the United States with unique topographies, geologies, and other characteristics that can help withstand climate impacts. This roadmap of “natural highways and neighborhoods” shows where plant and animal species have the best chance to move away from growing climate threats and find new places to call home. Learn more.
Grants, Jobs and Other Opportunities |
Vice President of Advancement, Forever Maryland Foundation
Deadline January 4, 2021
Forever Maryland Foundation seeks a dynamic individual with an entrepreneurial, passionate spirit for the role of Vice President of Advancement. Learn more.
2021 Chesapeake Bay Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Grants Program
Deadline January 15, 2021
NFWF, in partnership with the EPA and the CBP, is soliciting proposals to restore water quality and habitats of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributary rivers and streams. Learn more.
Chesapeake Conservation Corps Application is Open
Deadline March 4, 2021
CBT anticipates placing 35-40 Corps Members with nonprofits and government agencies throughout Maryland to work full-time for a stipend-support year of service from August 2021 to August 2022. Learn more.
Marylanders in Congress Remember Sarbanes for His Humility, Work and Service
Members of the Maryland congressional delegation and several other members of Congress gave tributes to former Maryland Sen. Paul Sarbanes on the Senate and House floors. Read more.
Successes Around New England Show How Open Space Opens Economic Pathways Across the USA
Three new case studies from conservation science organization Highstead showcase the Wildlands and Woodlands vision and demonstrate how collaborations to protect land in New England pay off in employment, tax revenue, and housing investment. Read more.
A Massive Seagrass Project Is Restoring a Lost Food Web for Wintering Geese
When the Chesapeake Bay's eelgrass forests disappeared, Atlantic Brant lost a major food source. Decades of work have helped reverse those losses. Read more.
Working Lands are the Future of Conservation
They are the cornerstones of both human communities and the ecosystems we all depend on. And they are disappearing. Read more.
Preservation Grant Program Invests in Stewardship of Heritage Tourism Anchors During Difficult Times
Preservation Maryland and the Maryland Historical Trust are pleased to award over $50,000 in grant funds to several significant heritage tourism destinations, including Main Streets, open spaces, historic sites, and cultural attractions. Read more.
Western Maryland Haven for Outdoor Recreation
Potomac State Forest in Garrett County, Maryland seems to have something for almost every outdoor enthusiast. Read more.
Cultivating Culture: Highlighting the Resiliency of Shellfish Farmers and Watermen in Uncertain Times
Time seems to revolve around the bounty they catch. The summer is marked by crab feasts and the winter by oyster festivals. Read more.
CBF Applauds House Passage of Ecosystem Restoration Bill
The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the Water Resources Development Act of 2020. Read more.
Maryland's Eastern Shore Collaborates, Plants More Trees, Shrubs through Environmental Partnership
With the help of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and a number of collaboration projects, more trees, shrubs, and meadow plantings are coming to at least five jurisdictions. Read more.
Homestead Gardens Launches Native Habitat Center
Recognizing the importance of using sustainable plant materials to ensure a healthy habitat to support our ecoregional biodiversity, Homestead Gardens has established The Native Habitat Center. Read more.
Share Your News
If you would like to share relevant conservation news, success stories, announcements or events with Maryland's land trusts and conservation partners through this publication, please contact Michelle Grafton by the first of each month at michelle.grafton@maryland.gov.