FAMLI Regulatory Engagement Session - Phase 2 - Optional Self-Employed Plan

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Dear FAMLI Stakeholders,

Thank you to everyone who attended our Phase 1 informal regulatory engagement meeting on June 15. The slide deck is attached to this email for your reference. 

Our Phase 2 meeting will be held on Thursday, July 6 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. via Zoom. We will be focusing on the Optional Self-Employed Plan (OSEP). Interested parties must register to participate. During this meeting, the FAMLI team will provide an overview of our discussion questions for the Optional Self-Employed Plan.

Meeting Agenda

  • Introductions
  • Overview of OSEP Discussion Document 
  • Public Comment
  • Question & Answer (time pending)

Attached to this email is the discussion document for the meeting. We ask that anyone offering public comments limit the topic of their comments to the subject matters covered in the discussion document. You may submit comments orally at the meeting and/or in writing by July 10. The opportunity to offer oral comments will be extended to 20 registrants that request to provide oral comments. Public comments delivered orally will be limited to three minutes.  If you are not one of the confirmed speakers, we encourage you to submit a written response. All written comments should be sent to FAMLI.policy@maryland.gov

All oral and written comments will become part of the public record.

We look forward to hearing your input. 


The Maryland FAMLI Team