Virtual Appointments Now Available
Our office has developed new remote ways to support our clients with our new virtual appointment form on our website. Clients needing assistance from our staff can now request a virtual appointment. These appointments are available Monday through Friday with start times ranging from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., using Google Meet.
Computer Users:
- A Google or Gmail account is not required to join the meeting. Simply click on the meeting link in your email and join the meeting.
Mobile Device Users:
- A Google or Gmail account is required to use the video call function for your appointment. Once logged in, you will be able to join the meeting.
All office visits to review or deliver documents are available by appointment only. You can schedule an appointment online to visit our new facility. If you need additional or immediate assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us; we remain dedicated to servicing all our clients and are here to assist via phone and e-mail in addition to our new virtual platform.
Urban Forestry in Baltimore
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service has a long standing partnership with the Baltimore Wood Project that may interest any forester that wants to contribute to the long-term sustainability of urban settings. The Forest Service Research & Development (R&D) and State & Private Forestry (S&PF) are working together with partners to rethink the value of what many consider to be urban wood “waste” and the role that urban wood can play in achieving a city's economic, social, and environmental sustainability goals.
While the main focus of the project is to reclaim, upcycle and salvage wood from abandoned properties, foresters can get involved in the process in the restoration stage of the process. This stage involves restoring land left behind by deconstruction of the abandoned properties. This can be achieved by planting new trees and creating green space which has been shown to have myriad benefits to public health, safety, crime, as well as to a community’s economy and to watershed health.
USDA Forest Service R&D is engaged in social-ecological research that examines how green investments in neighborhoods and communities can transform economies, safety, and human and ecological health. Their research, through their Vibrant Cities Lab, continues to demonstrate how thriving urban forests boost public health, safety, sustainability, and economic growth.
Learn more about how you can get involved with this program on the Baltimore Wood Project website.
Upcoming Public Meetings
All of our meetings are open and accessible to the public via Google Meet. Please make sure that your phone or computer is muted when entering the meeting. Most of the meeting will be for our Board members and staff to discuss official business and only they will be allowed to speak during those portions. However, toward the end of the meeting, there will be a portion of the meeting set aside for public comment where any members of the public on the call may share any questions or feedback about what was discussed during the meeting with the Board. You can find the agendas for upcoming meetings and minutes from past meetings on our website for both the Board of Foresters and the Board of Pilots.
Board of Foresters
The Board of Foresters meets quarterly. You can join the meeting using this link or by dialing in at 1-904-677-8977 and entering the PIN number: 726 438 539#.
Upcoming Dates
Monday, October 24, 2022 - 10:00 a.m.
Board of Pilots
The Board of Pilots meets quarterly. You can join the meeting using this link or by dialing in at 1-219-706-2288 and entering the PIN number: 948 673 750#.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, October 7, 2022 - 10:30 a.m.
Message from the Commissioner's Office
By Gregory J. Morgan, Commissioner for the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
As we enter the Fall Season of 2022, we often reflect on how quickly summer passed, and we move to the busy back-to-school season, soon followed by the winter holiday season. Our team continues to improve the licensing process for the over 260,000 licensees we support across 25 professions and occupations. With technological advances, we continue to expand our online resources, allowing licensees to apply and renew licenses at any time of the day. However, we know that not every question can be answered online, and our customer service team is available during regular business hours to assist our licensees and we have added experienced customer service representatives to our team. Each day we continue the mission of O&P “To help foster economic growth by assisting our customers in a timely, professional manner while protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public by assuring that our licensees have met a standard of expertise”.
This newsletter has all of the the meeting and contact information for the board or licensing unit that fits your profession. If you need assistance or have questions, please utilize these resources.
Go Ravens!
My best,
Gregory J. Morgan
Maryland Department of Labor / Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing 1100 N. Eutaw Street / Baltimore, MD 21201