The Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing (O&P) extends warm wishes and congratulations to Joseph Cullingford, who resigned at the end of April as executive director of the Maryland boards of architects, professional engineers, landscape architects, land surveyors, certified interior designers, and pilots. Joe was an integral part of our division since August 2018 when he first joined us as an assistant executive director. He will be sorely missed by his board members, licensees and colleagues at the Maryland Department of Labor.
O&P Commissioner Gregory J. Morgan notes, "Joe Cullingford served the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing with true determination and dedication to the licensees and citizens of Maryland we support each day. Joe was a true team leader and has developed a very strong team over the past few years who will continue the mission with the experience and confidence that Joe was able to instill in his team. Team O&P wishes Joe much success in his new career and he will be missed by our entire team."
Along with all of the COVID-related challenges we have faced, this past year has brought many changes to the professional design boards’ staff, including a new assistant executive director, Raquel Meyers. Our new assistant executive director brings years of leadership and customer service experience. Raquel is pictured to the right.
In addition to the new assistant director, the boards of architects, landscape architects, and land surveyors each gained new board administrators over the past six months. As always, we are committed to providing outstanding service to our customers even during the most challenging circumstances. We welcome your comments and suggestions, so please do not hesitate to contact your board’s staff.
Although our building has been closed to the public during the pandemic, the boards of architects, land surveyors, professional engineers, certified interior designers, and landscape architects are open for business providing all application and licensing services. For questions about your license or help with an application please visit our website or contact us using the information below:
Raquel Meyers, Assistant Executive Director
raquel.meyers@maryland.gov or 410-230-6263
By Gregory J. Morgan, Commissioner, Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing, Maryland Department of Labor
This time last year the world was deep in the early stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the economy stalled as businesses were forced to close or drastically alter operations. Schools were closed and all of America was feeling the impact of this deadly virus. A year later we still are in the midst of the pandemic, however, in Maryland, we have adapted to the “current normal” and have shown the resiliency and determination that makes our state so great. Our economy is on the path to recovery, and while some industries never slowed down, many others adapted to the restrictions and challenges forced by the pandemic and continued to serve customers while protecting employees and the public they serve.
The Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing (O&P) supports 24 professions and occupations, and the resiliency I mentioned above is seen every day as we work with our licensees to ensure the safety of all Maryland residents. We have added thousands of new occupational and professional licenses since the onset of the pandemic and many Marylanders have taken the steps to secure gainful employment and support their families and the Maryland economy. Our Team at O&P has worked through the pandemic to provide the highest level of service to our licensees while protecting the health of our team. We will continue the mission of O&P “To help foster economic growth by assisting our customers in a timely, professional manner while protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public by assuring that our licensees have met a standard of expertise.”
I join all Marylanders in the hope and vision of an end to this pandemic and a return to the life we knew before its onset. It may take some time, but patience and determination will be the key to a successful return to normal life inclusive of a flourishing economy and our ability to enjoy time with family and friends.
Best wishes for a great summer of 2021 and Go O’s!
 Gregory J. Morgan Commissioner
Contact Us
The offices of the Maryland Professional Design Boards are open and serving our customers through our online licensing resources, and via e-mail and telephone. To protect the health and safety of our customers and employees, walk-in assistance is not yet available. We can be reached using our contact pages for telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of individual staff members:
Architects Professional Engineers Land Surveyors Landscape Architects Certified Interior Designers
Maryland Department of Labor / Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing 500 N. Calvert Street / Baltimore, MD 21202