I am pleased to announce that Raquel Meyers, a longstanding member of Team Labor and the administrator of the State Board of Plumbing, has accepted a promotion to deputy director of the professional design boards and the Maryland Board of Pilots. Raquel’s last day with the Board of Plumbing was April 2nd and she assumed her new duties on April 7th. Raquel’s current and previous board members, as well as our mechanical licensing staff, will miss her pleasant demeanor and wish her the best in her new position. While we are in the process of hiring new staff, please direct all plumbing-related questions to our plumbing e-mail address.
Contractors who receive a complaint from their respective state mechanical licensing board have 30 days from the date on the letter from the board to respond to the complaint. Failure to respond to a complaint within the 30-day period can result in a disciplinary action against your license.
Consumers who wish to file a complaint against a contractor can obtain a copy of the complaint form from our website. Please be advised that complaints related to service performed by a licensed master electrician should be sent to the local electrical licensing board, except for Garrett and Allegany counties. For work performed in Garrett County or Allegany County, please send a complaint to the state board. Addresses for all of the local electrical licensing boards can be found on our website.
Individuals who wish to file a complaint against a plumber/gasfitter should be aware that if the work was performed in Baltimore County or areas served by the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, the board lacks jurisdiction in those areas. As such, a complaint cannot be investigated by the State Board of Plumbing so an individual wishing to file a complaint must contact one of those entities directly. To file a complaint with Baltimore County or to file a complaint with the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission please follow the directions provided on their websites.
All other complaints can be submitted to the address at the bottom of our complaint form.
Message from the Commissioner's Office
By Gregory J. Morgan, Commissioner, Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing, Maryland Department of Labor
This time last year the world was deep in the early stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the economy stalled as businesses were forced to close or drastically alter operations. Schools were closed and all of America was feeling the impact of this deadly virus. A year later we still are in the midst of the pandemic, however, in Maryland, we have adapted to the “current normal” and have shown the resiliency and determination that makes our state so great. Our economy is on the path to recovery, and while some industries never slowed down, many others adapted to the restrictions and challenges forced by the pandemic and continued to serve customers while protecting employees and the public they serve.
The Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing (O&P) supports 24 professions and occupations, and the resiliency I mentioned above is seen every day as we work with our licensees to ensure the safety of all Maryland residents. We have added over 10,000 new occupational and professional licenses since the onset of the pandemic and many Marylanders have taken the steps to secure gainful employment and support their families and the Maryland economy. Our team at O&P has worked through the pandemic to provide the highest level of service to our licensees while protecting the health of our team. We will continue the mission of O&P “To help foster economic growth by assisting our customers in a timely, professional manner while protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public by assuring that our licensees have met a standard of expertise.”
I join all Marylanders in the hope and vision of an end to this pandemic and a return to the life we knew before its onset. It may take some time, but patience and determination will be the key to a successful return to normal life inclusive of a flourishing economy and our ability to enjoy time with family and friends.
Best wishes for a great summer of 2021 and Go O’s!
 Gregory J. Morgan Commissioner