Electric Vehicles & Charging
In June, Maryland purchased 40 Electric Vehicles (EVs) to add to the State's fleet! Vehicles were identified for replacement by aligning agency needs with infrastructure availability through a collaborative process involving DBM, DGS, MDE, and MEA.
In July, DGS was awarded $117,000 in funding from the Maryland Volkswagen Mitigation Plan Charge Ahead Grant Program, managed by MDE, to support the installation of 13 EV charging stations across the State.
A New Program is Born
The DGS Office of Energy and Sustainability is working hard to ramp up EV charging infrastructure to support the incoming vehicles for their fall arrival. To advance fleet electrification, DGS is standing up an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program to oversee the installation of charging at State facilities. Please spread the word that DGS is hiring two positions to support this work. Join this exciting effort!
EV Program Coordinator
EV Project Manager