COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 continues circulating in Carroll County, due to the more contagious BA5 variant. Currently, Carroll County has a medium community level, which reflects the risk to the community and healthcare facilities, and a high transmission level, which reflects the COVID-19 infection risk for individuals.
The good news is, though hospitalizations have remained somewhat elevated, deaths due to COVID-19 in Carroll County have declined, with only one death in the last month. 73% of the county population is fully vaccinated, and 95% of our residents over age 65 are fully vaccinated, so many Carroll County residents are well-protected from severe illness and death due to COVID.
However, only 57% of fully vaccinated individuals who are eligible for a booster shot have received one. Booster shots literally provide a “boost” for your immune system, refreshing your protection. Everyone aged 5+ should get a booster, and two boosters are recommended for people 50+ and people who are immunocompromised.
COVID vaccines are now available for children ages 6 months and up, protecting them from MIS-C and other serious health conditions caused by COVID. A new vaccine is now available for people who are not yet vaccinated against COVID: Novavax, which is protein-based, like the shingles and Hepatitis B vaccines.
To keep up with the most recent local data, information, and services, visit the Health Department’s COVID-19 website and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Look for information on a long COVID project, and updated COVID guidance based on risk levels, coming soon.
Monkeypox is another disease in the news, but it is not as contagious as COVID, spreading mainly through close contact with someone with monkeypox or items they have prolonged contact with, such as clothing or towels. CCHD is working with the state health department to help prevent the spread of monkeypox and to support people at risk. Anyone who thinks they may have monkeypox should talk to their healthcare provider; people without a provider can call CCHD. Learn more at
Safety During the Heat
When forecasters anticipate excessive heat for our area, local partners operate cooling centers around the county. The county announces the openings using press releases and social media.
Carroll County Emergency Management offers the following safety tips for when temperatures and humidity are high:
- Slow down. Strenuous activities should be reduced or rescheduled to the coolest time of the day.
- Wear loose, lightweight, and light-colored clothing.
- Eat less protein and more fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water.
- Stay in air-conditioned buildings or rooms, and limit time outside if possible.
Additional places you can go to cool down in Carroll County include: stores, malls, restaurants, churches, movie theaters, and homes of friends and family. For additional information, visit the Carroll County Health Department website at:
MACo Priorities
Every year the commissioners participate in Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) summer and winter conferences. This is a very effective event as it gives us access and opportunity to meet with State of Maryland elected officials and senior staff. These meetings are very productive for the county as we network with other jurisdictions and staff to help move the county's projects forward.
The summer conference is this week and my priorities are to work with Maryland's Departments of Transportation, Veterans Affairs and Commerce to further our priority initiatives.
Commissioner Rothstein Hosts Two Town Halls on September 20th
I will hold two Town Hall meetings on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at the South Carroll Senior Center, 5928 Mineral Hill Road, Eldersburg. In order to accommodate more citizens, a daytime and an evening meeting are planned. Town Hall meetings provide a great opportunity to brief citizens and for citizens to ask questions and share concerns, thoughts, and ideas. All are welcome.
Some topics to be discussed are residential zoning and development, commercial development and schools.
Two meetings: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m
 The spotted lanternfly is a threat to many fruit crops and trees. Learn how to spot it and report it. Report Spotted Lanternfly Sighting:
Call (410) 841-5920, Or email:
Or fill out form at:
New Department of Fire/EMS Ready to Hire!
The new Carroll County Department of Fire/EMS is preparing to hire. Shift lieutenants will be hired first followed by other firefighters and paramedics for the department. The hiring process will begin in September. Stay tuned by watching the Fire/EMS website.
FY2023 Budget Adoption
On May 24th, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners (BOC) adopted the FY 2023 budget. In three additional, but separate votes, the BOC voted to approve the property tax rate with no increase, Water and Sewer Rates, and Solid Waste Fees.
Look for the Carroll County Government FY23 Adopted Budget Summaries available on the county’s budget website.
Roadway Projects:
MD 851 (Springfield Avenue) in Sykesville
The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) has a project to upgrade the aging drainage system along MD 851 (Springfield Avenue) in Sykesville.
The existing storm drain between Main Street and Vantage Point Drive will be replaced and the storm drain network will extend to Central Avenue to improve performance. Sidewalk and driveways impacted by construction will be replaced. New sidewalk, curb and gutter will be installed north of Central Avenue to improve pedestrian safety.
Carroll County is simultaneously working on a project to upgrade aging water and sewer infrastructure along MD 851. The County has advertised their project and is working with the apparent low bidder to start construction. The MDOT SHA project will follow the County project and is projected to start in Spring 2023.
MD 91 (Emory Road) Bridges over the North Branch of the Patapsco River and the Maryland Midland Railroad (not in District 5 but could impact residents and businesses there)
MDOT SHA has initiated a project to replace both bridges on MD 91 (Emory Road), located between Congoleum Road and Cedarhurst Road. The bridges were constructed in 1967 and are nearing the end of their service life. Construction is expected to start in early 2023 and take approximately eight months.
During construction, MDOT SHA will shut down both bridges on MD 91 to safely perform the work. All traffic will be detoured to either MD 140 (Baltimore Boulevard) to the south or MD 30 (Hanover Pike) to the north. MDOT SHA will hold a public informational meeting in January 2023.
MD 97 between MD 26 and Piney View Court
MDOT SHA will improve the roadway by removing the current layer of asphalt, patching failures and depressions on the surface and then installing a new layer of asphalt. The project starts Sunday, August 14. Crews will work overnight to complete the project.
Sykesville Farmers' Market
Sykesville Farmers Market Baldwin Drive & Main Street Sundays May 15 – October 30 • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Land and Resource Management Wins State Award
The Carroll County Board of Commissioners is pleased to announce receiving the 2022 Maryland Quality Initiative (MdQi) Under $5M Project of the Year award for a stormwater management project managed by the Department of Land and Resource Management. MdQi is a professional organization formed to foster “coordinated and continuous improvement to insure safe, efficient, environmentally sensitive and sustainable systems to meet the needs of all transportation stakeholders” in the state of Maryland.
This award was presented in recognition of an outstanding project that addressed the needs of the citizens, provided a cost-effective solution, and demonstrated innovative engineering and construction. This is the second significant award received by Carroll County for this project. The project also received the Project of the Year award from the County Engineers Association of Maryland in 2021.
Carroll County Environmental Symposium 11/12
Mark your calendars for the morning of Saturday, November 12, 2022! Many of the county’s local groups focused on environmental stewardship will gather to share information about the issues they address and what they do. Find out more about these groups and what you can do to help!
In addition, entries for the recycled art contest, which is open to Carroll County high school students, will also be showcased. Come out and vote for your favorite!
Join us at Carroll Community College in Room K-100 between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM!
Watch for more information about the event and the recycled art contest on Carroll Environment Facebook page or at the Carroll County Land & Resource Management website at, or contact Kelly Martin at or 410-386-2566.
Zabel Property Update
A subdivision plan for the Zabel property, titled Harvest Creek, was initially submitted to the County for review on June 6, 2022. The plan was reviewed at the public meeting of the Technical Review Committee on July 25, 2022. The plan may be viewed online on the Developments in Process GIS map:
For more information, contact the Bureau of Development Review at 410.386.2722 or
Beaty Property Update
A plan submittal for development on the Beaty property has not yet been received by the County for technical review.
Stone Manor Project Update
Construction is continuing on Millstone Court for the Stone Manor Stormwater Management Facility retrofit. The contractor has completed excavation and will be installing a liner in the facility and media to support the submerged wetland vegetation over the next few weeks. When completed, the site will treat stormwater from a 19.4-acre drainage area with 5.6 acres of impervious area.
Patapsco Valley Overlook Project
Design work was recently completed by Carroll Land Services for a maintenance and improvement project to be constructed at the Stormwater Management Facility at Patapsco Valley Overlook near the intersection of Swallow Road and Riverview Trail. This maintenance project will include improving downstream water quality by upgrading the facility to current surface sand filter technology.
A contract was awarded to Kibler Construction, Inc. for $167,500 to complete the renovation of the facility. Construction will begin in late August or early September. Residents can expect to see some truck traffic as extraction begins and the contractor will be hauling materials to and from the site.
Development Review Updates
Age-restricted developments in the plan review process:
- Freedom’s Grant at Slacks Road & Arrington Road, 237 units
The Developments in Process GIS map layer provides information on commercial and residential projects that are currently in the review process.
The Development Review launch page includes Technical Review Committee meeting and Planning and Zoning Commission meeting agenda items with links to an overview plan.
Chapter 155, Development and Subdivision of Land, is under review for adjustments to provide clarity and predictability to this section of the code. The proposed amendments, summary of modifications, and outline of the process may be found online.
The Department of Planning continues its work with the commissioners on Comprehensive Rezoning efforts and the final phase of the project is near completion. A multi-member work group comprised of private and public sector individuals who reviewed and provided insight on the Agriculture and Conservation zoning text, met monthly for approximately 6 months from October 2021 through March 2022. Building on the foundation of their recommendations, an interagency team met throughout the spring and has transmitted their recommended text amendments to Chapters 155 and 158 to the Planning Commission for their consideration.The commissioners are currently having worksessions to discuss possible changes.
Information on Agriculture/Conservation Zoning.
Upcoming Timeline available on the dedicated website.
Residents are welcome to send written comments to the Department of Planning, 225 North Center Street, Room 106, Westminster, Maryland, 21157 or email Questions should be addressed to the Department of Planning at or 410-386-5145.
Annual Planning Report and Mid-cycle Review
The most recent 2021 annual report is complete and can be found at:
Required under the Land Use Article (§1-207 and §1-208) of the Annotated Code of Maryland, each annual report describes the type, location, and stage of development that occurred during the previous calendar year, using a series of tables and maps.
Recreation and Parks Partners with Carroll County Public Library to Offer Story Strolls
Story Strolls are free family-friendly activities that the whole family can enjoy together and bond through literacy while spending time outdoors exploring our community parks. Featured books along the trails will be rotated and each park has additional partners unique to the stroll including the Partnership for a Healthier Carroll County and local scout troops. Story Strolls are currently located at Deer Park and Leister Park with more coming soon including a TBD location in South Carroll. No registration required.
Program Open Space Town Projects
Since 1977, the County has had an agreement with the municipalities to allocate 25% of its annual Program Open Space (POS) apportionment to the towns for municipal park projects. For FY 2023, their allocation is $554,750. Each year, the local chapter of the Maryland Municipal League recommends how these funds will be spent among four of the county’s eight towns. Included in the FY 2023 funding are two projects for the Town of Sykesville in District Five:
- Millard Cooper Park pedestrian bridge rehabilitation $90,000
- Sykesville Linear Trail rehabilitation $48,687
A ten percent match of the POS funds is required with Carroll County and the Town of Sykesville each contributing half of that match (5% each).
On June 16, 2022, the Carroll County Commissioners approved the inclusion of these town projects in Carroll County’s annual program for Program Open Space. Further approval is required from the Maryland Board of Public Works prior to reimbursement of project expenses.
South Carroll Dog Park Update
Beginning September 15, 2022, memberships to the South Carroll Dog Park will be sold for ½ price ($15). This is a great way to sample the park for a 3-month period at a reduced rate. The park has seen many recent improvements such as installation of new shade structures, park benches and landscaping
Piney Run Park Update
Thanks to compensation changes approved by the County Commissioners, Piney Run Park staffing is back to adequate levels and the gatehouse and boathouse are now open 7 days per week. Fall is a great time to visit the park, hike the trails and enjoy cooler temperatures and autumn colors. In addition, anglers continue to pursue the $1,000 prize money in the annual “Big Fish” contest which concludes November 30.
Piney Run Park Wagon Rides & Campfire
Enjoy a 45-minute private wagon ride on the trails of Piney Run Park followed by up to an hour campfire! We'll supply the wagon ride and campfire, families bring your own supplies for making s'mores, hotdogs, and other fun campfire treats!
SEPTEMBER Fridays: 4-5:45pm • 6-7:45pm Saturdays: Noon-1:45pm • 4-5:45pm • 6-7:45pm Sundays: 4-5:45pm • 6-7:45pm
OCTOBER (no rides available 10/7 - 10/9) Fridays: 3-4:45pm • 5-6:45pm Saturdays: Noon-1:45pm • 3-4:45pm • 5-6:45pm Sundays: 3-4:45pm • 5-6:45pm
$120 per group (up to 25 people) REGISTER TODAY AT CCREC.RECDESK.COM
Piney Run Park Fall Festival 10/8
This year’s festival will be held on October 8 from 10am-4pm. The event features artisan & craft vendors, live music & entertainment, scarecrow making, food vendors & bake table, pumpkin painting, wagon rides and more! For more information, contact Piney Run Park Nature Center at 410-795-6043.
Halloween Kids Bash at Deer Park
Come in costume and celebrate Halloween with Carroll County Recreation & Parks on Friday, October 28 from 6-8pm at Deer Park. Families will be spending the evening decorating trick or treat bags, hunting candy by flashlight and watching “It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”.
For more information regarding recreation and parks programs and facilities, please visit or call 410-386-2103

24/7 Hiring Event 8/23:
Businesses use the 24/7 Virtual Hiring Room as their own personal recruitment center to schedule and keep track of interviews, chat with candidates by text, or invite them to a video interview.
Job seekers access the Virtual Recruitment Room 24/7 website from anywhere to research employers, view open positions/locations, submit their resume, and schedule interviews.
Live online Job Fair - Tuesday, August 23rd 10 am to 11:30 am
Registration link:
Maryland Wine Festival
Saturday, September 17, 2022 | 11 am to 5 pm Sunday, September 18, 2022 | 11 am to 5 pm Carroll County Farm Museum
The Maryland Wine Festival® returns to the Carroll County Farm Museum for the 38th annual celebration of Maryland wine. Wine enthusiasts are invited to enjoy the beautiful grounds while tasting delicious wine, shopping from juried artisans, and dancing to live music!
Carroll Biz Challenge
Carroll County Chamber of Commerce presents the 11th annual Carroll Biz Challenge.
It's like American Idol meets Shark Tank, only it's LOCAL!
August 18 @ 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Carroll Arts Center, 91 West Main St. Westminster.
BGE Energizing Small Business Grants
Round 2 applications are being accepted now through August 26th at 6PM. Applicants must be an existing BGE electric and/or gas customer with positive BGE credit history. Other eligibility criteria include:
- For-profit business founded in 2020 or priorIn good standing (or on the way to) with the State of Maryland
- A maximum of twenty-five (25) employees
- Annual gross revenues in 2021 of less than $7 million USD
- Demonstrated need for funding to support business and serve customers
- For a full list of eligibility criteria, please see the terms and conditions.
Selected grant recipients will receive a $20,000 (USD) grant to be used for business expenses incurred because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Living Healthy, Living Well Virtual Workshop Series Scheduled
Carroll County Bureau of Aging & Disabilities provides at NO COST the Evidence-Based Living Healthy, Living Well Program. Living Healthy, Living Well is a suite of self-management workshop series originally developed at Stanford University for those with Chronic Disease, Diabetes and Chronic Pain. Call 410-386-3818 or email for more information!
A community-based workshop to help people manage their ongoing health conditions. This interactive workshop is designed to improve individual’s self-management skills. Different subject matter is taught each week with an overall goal of improved health and fewer sick days. A Virtual CHRONIC CONDITIONS self-management workshop series is currently scheduled for Tuesday mornings 9:00 to 11:30am beginning August 30, 2022.
A community-based workshop to help people manage their diabetes. This workshop is recommended for adults who have Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. This interactive workshop is designed to improve individual’s A1C’s and reduce the complications associated with diabetes. This workshop series is currently scheduled for Thursday afternoons beginning October 6, 2022.
Register HERE or at 410-386-3818
Carroll Transit Tickets
Older adults and adults with disabilities who are interested in donation/reduced priced CTS transportation tickets may call the Bureau of Aging & Disabilities at 410-386-3800 or their local Senior Center.
Carroll Transit is running a Saturday Service Pilot Program from August 6 - October 29th. Contact Carroll Transit for more information at 410-386-5550.
Carroll County Commissioners 225 N. Center Street, Westminster, MD 21157 410.386.2043