Commissioners Provide 2 Proclamations to Health Department

Commissioners Provide 2 Proclamations to Health Department


National Suicide Prevention Week

September 5, 2021 through September 11, 2021

Today, in open session, the Board of County Commissioners read from proclamation for National Suicide Prevention Week. Commissioner Bouchat read the proclamation that was then delivered to Katie Mack of the Carroll County Health Department. 
Suicide is a national and statewide public health problem and suicide prevention is a national and statewide responsibility. The State of Maryland designates September 5, 2021 through September 11, 2021 as “National Suicide Prevention Week". According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), over 47,000 people died by suicide in 2019. Suicide remains the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and the 2nd leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 10 to 34.

National Suicide Prevention Week
Adopted this 9th day of September, 2021

Click here for full proclamation. 


2021 Recovery Month

September 2021

Behavioral Health is an essential part of health and one’s overall wellness. Mental health and substance use disorders affect all communities nationwide. With commitment and support, those impacted can embark on a journey of improved health and overall wellness. The focus of National Recovery Month (Recovery Month) is to celebrate all people that make the journey of recovery possible by embracing the 2021 theme, “Recovery is For Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community.” Recovery Month spreads the message that people can and do recover every day.

Click here for full proclamation.
