Rothstein Reappointed to Governor’s Workforce Development Board
Westminster, MD, Thursday, July 1, 2021 – Carroll County Government is pleased to announce Governor Larry Hogan’s reappointment of Commissioner Ed Rothstein, District 5, to the Governor’s Workforce Development Board for a new four-year term. Commissioner Rothstein serves as a Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) representative to the board.
According to the GWDB website, “The Governor's Workforce Development Board (GWDB) is the governor's chief policy-making body for workforce development.” The GWDB, a 53-member business-led board, works together to address the challenges of Maryland's workforce needs in the 21st century.
The website further states, “The GWDB is responsible for developing policies and strategies to form a coordinated workforce system from a variety of education, employment, and training programs. It brings together and focuses various workforce development partners and stakeholders on two key outcomes—a properly prepared workforce that meets the current and future demands of Maryland employers, and opportunities for all Marylanders to succeed in the 21st century workforce.”
“I am honored to accept the reappointment to serve Governor Hogan, the state and Carroll County regarding important workforce issues,” Commissioner Rothstein said. “Continuing to serve provides an opportunity for me to represent Carroll County residents and businesses at the table discussing strategic long-range vision and operational goals for workforce development in Maryland.” |
Contact: Chris Winebrenner