Resident-leaders join a discussion of Our Baltimore at Pimlico ES this month.
Join us to generate ideas and recommendations during the "Shape Your City" Workshops!
Join us over the coming weeks for the remaining “Shape Your City” workshops, co-hosted by the Department of Planning and organizational members of our Community Engagement Leadership team (CELT).
What happens at the workshops?
At each workshop, the facilitators will give an overview of the Our Baltimore project process, and an overview of one priority topic. Facilitators will share information like data, definitions and potential models.
From there, residents will collaborate with their neighbors to propose recommendations related to the priority topic.
What if I can not attend the workshop in my area?
Feel free to attend any of the other workshops scheduled. You can also save-the-date for December 3rd - for another opportunity to weigh in, in-person. More information about that event will be in November's compass.
Finally, if you prefer online engagement, please check out the topics page of our website: Topics Areas and Content | OurBaltimore ( You can also submit your suggested goals and recommendations through this form.
On the topics page, you can read background briefs for our priority topics. As we begin to collect recommendations from the public, we will upload the recommendations online. This will be a living document over the next few months with an opportunity for you to leave feedback and add more ideas.
What will happen once recommendations are generated?
Our team will develop a system for vetting recommendations according to consistent criteria. We are looking for recommendations that we can implement; can have a broad impact and can further equity. Once recommendations are vetted, we will begin to draft a plan in 2023.
This draft plan will be shared with the public and revised further next year.
Click here to view a PDF of the fall workshops!
DHCD, in partnership with DOP, is pleased to release the City of Baltimore's FIRST-ever Request for Proposals (RFP) specifically for urban agriculture. The RFP is for one of 4 available city-owned sites. The four sites are located in Ten Hills, Rosemont, Central Park Heights and Broadway East.
“Urban agriculture” per this RFP means: the cultivation, processing, and/or marketing of food, flowers, and other farm products, whether on a for-profit, non-profit, community-based, or individual basis.
All submissions must be received electronically by 11:59 p.m. (EST) on Wednesday, November 16, 2022. Details are available via this informational packet. Submit your proposal now or by November 16.
Federal Grant Funds en Route to Middle Branch
State and local officials announce $47.7 million in grant funding to protect South Baltimore neighborhoods from flooding.
As part of the Middle Branch Resiliency Initiative, grants from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and state and local government will come together to form a a network of wetlands.
The Middle Branch Resiliency Initiative (MBRI) is a comprehensive implementation strategy for mitigating flood risks to public utilities, hospitals, transportation infrastructure, and communities surrounding the Middle Branch of the Patapsco River in Baltimore, Maryland.
In particular, the wetlands will be designed to mitigate flooding in the South Baltimore residential neighborhoods often hardest hit. One goal is to ensure that residents are able to maintain access to the rest of the City and especially medical facilities at MedStar Harbor Hospital.
This initiative aligns with Reimagine Middle Branch, a redevelopment project to create waterfront parks, trails and natural amenities for South Baltimore residents.
To read more, visit this story from Baltimore Banner.
Now Hiring: Climate and Resilience Program Manager
Climate and Resilience Program Manager (City Planning Supervisor)
Salary Range: $80,743.00 – $129,075.00
Description: The Baltimore City Office of Sustainability is recruiting for a Climate and Resilience Program Manager (CRPM). We are looking for a passionate leader to help catalyze climate actions across Baltimore. The CRPM will oversee the implementation of the citywide Climate Action Plan (CAP), the city’s pathway to carbon neutrality, hazard mitigation planning, advance and track actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, climate mitigation and climate adaptation approaches. This role will also lead, advise and support climate-focused working groups (covering such topics as: buildings, climate, heat, flooding/infrastructure transportation and waste) under the administration’s Sustainability & Resiliency Subcabinet. The CRPM will execute strategies to further energy conservation efforts, renewable energy adoption and advance access to environmental amenities for climate vulnerable communities in collaborations with city agency staff. All applications must be submitted through this portal.
Please contact Ava Richardson ( with questions about this position. ***Application closes November 6th.***