There are two materials recovery facilities (MRFs) that service Baltimore City, Waste Management Recycle America in Elkridge, Md., and World Recycling in Southwest Baltimore. Recycling is collected by the City from single-family homes every other week. The material is taken to the MRFs and sorted by type, then sold according to the market value each month. Mixed paper produces the highest revenue per volume out of all the materials sold.
 Visit DPW's website for more information.
When is my recycling picked up? To find the specific day and week your recycling will be collected visit Recycling Collection Weeks ( . If there are any questions or concerns regarding recycling please call 311.
Can I recycle even if I don’t have a recycling cart? Yes, you can! You can use any type of container to hold your recycling, cardboard boxes, labeled containers. Just NO plastic bags. please! You can also clearly label any trash container as RECYCLING and the recycling collectors will pick it up. In addition to curbside, there are also recycling drop-off locations, please visit DPW's Residental Drop-Off Centers
How do I report a stolen City-issued cart? If your recycling cart has been stolen, you can report it to 311 and they will replace the first one for free.
Do you have a recycling question? Please send an email to
 Download Recycling Guide Descargar la Guia de Reciclaje
Composting is a process that recycles food scraps by decomposing them for use in gardens and farms instead of filling up our landfills. Compost is collected and ground up to be distributed and used for soil or to feed farm livestock. The Institute for Local Self-Reliance has a great infographic about how composting combats climate change, for more info visit Composting Combats Climate Change.
MAKE ROOM FOR THE SWEEPER! Residential street sweeping back ! On July 13, 2022, DPW resumed its Mechanical Street Sweeping Operations. To give the mechanical sweepers room to reach the curb, residents and visitors are asked to follow the “No Parking Signs” which provide information about area parking restrictions on street sweeping days, Monday through Friday. A 30-day grace period (July 13 – August 12) will be implemented once the program resumes, allowing residents and visitors to re-adjust to the street sweeping schedules. Additionally, there will be a 5-day (August 8 – August 12) warning notice period prior to the expiration of the grace period before street sweeping parking citations are issued.
The June 14 Shake and Bake Sustainability Open House was a success! The DPW Recycling Team was able to connect with many Baltimore residents. Some of the frequently asked questions that the DPW team received are outlined in the FAQ section above.
Recap of Shred Day Event
There was a great turn out at June 25 the summer Shred Event! Over 200 cars drove through to shred documents and other paper materials. This event also featured a pop-up GROW Center, which distributed free mulch and information on recycling, food waste reduction, and other ways to make your home and community greener and more beautiful. In addition, master gardeners from the University of Maryland attended and answered gardening questions. The next DPW Shred Event will be held this fall.
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