RELEASE: Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young Announces Further Extension of State of Emergency

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Bernard C. “Jack” Young


City of Baltimore

250 City Hall • Baltimore, Maryland 21202 • 410-396-3835



April 24, 2020

Media Inquiries:

Joint Information Center



Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young Announces Further Extension of State of Emergency

Mayor Young, City Council to introduce resolution at next Council meeting to extend City’s State of Emergency 

BALTIMORE, MD.  — Today, Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young announced an extension of the State of Emergency declaration issued on March 18, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mayor Young issued the following statement:

“While the City continues to respond to this unprecedented event, the extension of this declaration allows for us to cut through red tape and closely align our resources with our needs,” Mayor Young said. “Extending this declaration will better position us to protect the health and welfare of our residents.”

The City Council will introduce a resolution at Mayor Young’s request at this Monday’s City Council meeting to further extend the declaration. This will allow the City to continue to quickly procure goods and services that are needed to support and protect residents, the city’s frontline staff, and first responders. Chair of the City Council Health Committee, Kristerfer Burnett will introduce the resolution on behalf of the administration.

“As chairperson of the City Council's Health Committee, I am fully aware of the danger of reopening Baltimore City too soon during this COVID19 pandemic, and feel strongly that it is in our best interest to extend the state of emergency declaration instituted by Mayor Young to ensure the health and safety of our residents,” said Councilman Kristerfer Burnett.

“I want to thank the City Council for moving rapidly to introduce and pass this resolution, as it will allow our agencies to continue to effectively respond to this emergency,” Mayor Young said.