The Department of Planning has been working to update the Baltimore City Design Manual that was enacted in 2017 with the City’s new Zoning Code. The updated draft addresses areas of ambiguity and introduces new design and development trends.
There are TWO remaining opportunities to weigh in on this update over February:
1. The proposed Design Manual will be presented to the Planning Commission for consideration on February 21st. There will be no vote of the Commission on that date, but public testimony will be taken.
2. Review the proposed Design Manual online and offer your input online via Civicomment by February 27, 2019 (link here) & below.
Design Manual Public Comment Period Ends on February 27
Submit your feedback and ideas on the Proposed Design manual by February 27, 2019 at
On 2/21, Planning Commission will be discussing PRELIMINARY recommendations on the FY20-25 Capital Improvement Program at 12:30.
There are THREE ways to learn more:
---> ✏️(1) Join the Commission at our office (417 E Fayette St, 8th FL) to learn more. ---> 💻 (2) You may also view the discussions via our livestream: ---> 🖱 (3) Finally, you may check out the preliminary recommendations on our website.
On December 26, 2018, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued new Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). The FEMA preliminary maps show 200 structures will be placed within the new regulated 100 year floodplain. The 100 year floodplain is generally the highest risk area.
If your business, or residence is in the Special Flood Hazard Area, please attend our FEMA Preliminary Flood Map Open House on April 2, 2019. The open house will occur between 4PM-7PM at the Department of Planning located at 417 E. Fayette Street, 8th floor, Baltimore, MD 21202. Email for more details, floodplain development guidelines, or Map Information Services.
The Department of Planning’s floodplain management staff regulates development based on effective and preliminary FIRMs. You may visit the Department of Planning’s webpage for detailed maps showing changes since the last flood insurance map update. You will also find fact sheets for further detail about the mapping process and flood data.
Upcoming Grant Opportunities
Neighborhood Placemaking Grant from the Baltimore National Heritage Area
Launched in 2018, the Neighborhood Placemaking grant program is a source of funding for neighborhood groups designed to provide small, but strategic, investments in cultural heritage tourism projects within the heritage area.
The following are eligible grant projects by category:
Green Your Neighborhood
Projects that promote neighborhood greening activities, environmental stewardship, cleanliness, beautification, citizen community education and stewardship.
Navigate Your Neighborhood
Festivals, performances, reenactments, and events that promote heritage tourism and attract visitors. Projects that aid in navigating through neighborhoods such as interpretive signage, pedestrian way-finding signage, interpretive brochures, development of online navigation platforms and apps, walking tours, educational programs and materials, other interpretive activities that support the heritage area’s neighborhoods.
Revitalize Your Neighborhood: Plan!
Planning and feasibility studies, vacant lot development planning, market research, branding and marketing projects, research for content development, and project evaluation surveys.
The deadline for this grant opportunity is April 1. Additional information about this opportunity is available through the Baltimore National Heritage Area webpage.
Community Catalyst Grants Program: Phase Two Open Through March 22
Mayor Catherine E. Pugh and the City’s Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) have initiated the second phase of the Community Catalyst Grants Program (CCG). The Agency will award up to $3 million in grants to support projects that are critical to locally-driven community revitalization efforts in Baltimore City.
Applications are due March 22. The guidelines and application can be found on DHCD's webpage via this link.
BMORE Beautiful now Accepting Applications for Care-A-Lot Program: Deadline March 9
Care-A-Lot is a BMORE Beautiful initiative that supports Baltimore City 501(c)3 organizations that want to clean, mow, maintain and beautify vacant lots in Baltimore City.
Selected community groups can receive a grant fund for up to $5,500 to care for up to 25 lots during the grant period of May-October.
This year's program offers an opportunity to apply for project coordinator funds. This funding supports a coordinator to take on administrative and managerial tasks related to the greening efforts.
The deadline for submitting the grant application has been extended to Friday, March 9.
Starting this month, we will be featuring information related to the 2020 Census. Baltimore is currently building a Census campaign to raise 2020 Census awareness among all residents. Our goal is ensure that all residents are "fully counted" in the 2020 Census.
Why does being "fully counted" matter to Baltimore?
Institutions including local and state governments; businesses; nonprofits and foundations all rely on data from the Census to allocate funding, define where services are delivered, and promote community based economic development.
MD Department of Planning to Administer $5 Million Census Grant Program
The Maryland Department of Planning is offering grant funding through the 2020 Census Grant Program to support the accurate counting of local jurisdictions for the 2020 Census.
The 2020 Census Grant Program Panel was established and funded following the passage of Senate Bill 855 (Chapter 18 of the Acts of 2018).
Local governments and nonprofit organizations are encouraged to apply to the Grant Panel through March 1 by going to this website.
The Census Grant Panel will award grants to eligible applicants to conduct census outreach activities throughout Maryland to:
- Ensure a fair, accurate, and inclusive count for Maryland
- Increase the response rate of hard-to-count communities and populations in Maryland
The Grant Panel will make decisions on the award recipients by April 1 and funding will be allocated after July 1. Grant awards will range from a suggested minimum of $25,000 to a suggested maximum of $250,000.
For more information on this important opportunity to ensure that Baltimore City is fully counted, please visit
Enhancing Routes to Schools
Two 21st Century school buildings will be opening in the Fall of 2020 – Arlington Elementary and the Fairmount Harford Building (REACH! Partnership).
This Spring, INSPIRE will be working with Tree Baltimore/Department of Recreation and Parks and the Department of Transportation on tree plantings and sidewalk improvements along the “primary walking routes.” Look for sidewalk and crosswalk repairs, pruning and planting street trees, and more, to be completed over the spring and summer.
Contact Jennifer Leonard with questions about these INSPIRE efforts.