Baltimore City Department of Planning is seeking a Design Planner to join the
Land Use and Urban Design Division (LUUD). Architects, Landscape
Architects, and Urban Designers with experience in creating dynamic plans and
concept renderings and who have an interest in working to reimagine the built
environment should apply.
is June 5, 2018 https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/baltimorecity?page=3
Upcoming Events
5/30 - A Better Maryland Online Listening Sessions
In August 2017, Governor Hogan issued Executive Order 01.01.2017.20 charging the
Maryland Department of Planning (Planning) with drafting a new state
development plan.
If you were unable to attend one of the
listening session meetings, please plan on joining us for one of two online
meetings on Wednesday, May 30. Register for a meeting at the links below:
2:00 to 3:30 p.m. session
7:00 to 8:30 p.m. session
5/31 & 6/21 - Planning Commission
The Planning Commission meets regularly each month. All meetings are held in the Phoebe B. Stanton Boardroom of the Department of Planning, located on the 8th floor of 417 East Fayette Street and are open to the public. Live streaming is available.
The agenda and staff reports are available on this website.
6/6 - Office of Sustainability Comment Storm
Over the past 2 years, the Office of
Sustainability has reached a diverse network of stakeholders to update the city’s
Sustainability Plan, interweaving racial equity throughout. We are hosting a comment storm on all of our social media channels on 6/6 from 1 to 2 PM. Please share your thoughts on the Sustainability Plan, and encourage others to do the same. Use the #sustainbmore hashtag to participate!
6/6 - Food PAC
Established in 2010, Food PAC members work actively to improve food access and the food system. Facilitated by the Baltimore Food Policy Initiative, Food PAC provides opportunities for collaboration and idea sharing around food-related organizations in Baltimore.
More information provided here.
6/12 - Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation (CHAP)
The Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation (CHAP) oversees 33 local historic districts, over 200 landmarks, and manages a local historic preservation tax credit program. CHAP helps preserve and revitalize neighborhoods, celebrates City history, and promotes historic preservation as a proven economic driver for Baltimore City.
For more information on the upcoming meeting agenda, visit this site.
6/14 - UDAAP
The Urban Design and Architecture Advisory Panel’s role is to provide the Planning Commission and the Department of Planning design review expertise in the areas of urban design, architecture, and landscape design for all proposed master planning efforts and significant development projects with the goal of achieving high quality designs for the planned and built environment of Baltimore City. More information found here.
6/26 - 2018 City of Baltimore Design and Construction Presentation
Baltimore City Departments of General Services,
Housing and Community Development, Public Works, Recreation and Parks, and
Transportation cordially invite you to attend the fifteenth annual Design and
Construction Presentation. This is a presentation for projects that will be
advertised within the 2019 fiscal year.
This program will run from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the War Memorial Building at 101 N. Gay Street.
To register, click here.