City of Baltimore Transportation - Press Releases
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Press Release
Contact: Adrienne Barnes
Kathy Dominick
(410) 361-9296
Monday, March 13, 2017
Citizens Urged to Plan Ahead for the Tuesday Morning Commute
Accumulating snow expected overnight may cause hazardous driving conditions
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to encourage citizens to plan ahead for the Tuesday morning commute, as a significant winter weather event is forecast for the Baltimore region. Periods of heavy snow is expected to start this evening and continue throughout the night. Citizens should plan ahead for the morning commute, as hazardous driving conditions may develop.
City snow crews have been pre-treating primary roadways since Sunday afternoon in preparation for the storm. A full deployment of snow crews will activate today at 4:00 p.m. to monitor roadway conditions and treat city streets. With over 17,000 tons of salt on-hand, crews will focus on treating both primary and secondary roadways.
“The Department of Transportation has readied its equipment and we are fully prepared for the storm,” said Acting Director Frank Murphy. “Snow crews will be treating city streets throughout the night, but dangerous roadway conditions may develop due to accumulating snow.”
DOT urges citizens to plan ahead and prepare for pending storm. Motorists are strongly encouraged to delay their morning commute or refrain from travel Tuesday morning if possible. Roadway conditions will be dangerous, especially on bridges, ramps and overpasses.
Citizens who must commute should be prepared by planning ahead and allowing additional travel time. Motorists should drive with caution during the storm and allow extra stopping distance, as roadways may be slippery. Citizens should always remove snow from their vehicles before traveling and should never try to pass snow plows or salt trucks.
For updated information on weather and traffic conditions, including delays and closings, citizens should tune into local media stations. Be sure to follow DOT on Twitter @BmorecityDOT, Facebook at Baltimore City Department of Transportation, or the city’s snow page at for additional updates during the storm.
Baltimore City Department of Transportation:
“Keeping Baltimore Moving Safely”