Staying on top of what's going on around Westwood is easier than ever! The Town has several options - on a variety of platforms - for all residents to stay on top of public safety information, school, and town business.
The Town of Westwood values and seeks to recognize the diversity of our community. Please reach out to, with any suggestions for these monthly highlights.
News Update from Massachusetts Department of Public Health: Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and West Nile Virus (WNV)
Risk Level: Norfolk County is at moderate risk for acquiring EEE and WNV infection. The risk of human infection with WNV is moderate in the Greater Boston area (Middlesex, Norfolk, and Suffolk counties), and in parts of Bristol, Essex, Hampden, Plymouth, and Worcester counties. September is one of the months when most people are exposed to West Nile virus in Massachusetts.
Source of Infection: EEE and WNV is usually transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. EEE is a rare but serious and potentially fatal disease that can affect people of all ages.
What can you do to prevent EEE and WNV infection:
1. Repair window screens
2. Wear mosquito repellent between dusk and dawn
3. Wear long sleeves and long pants from dusk to dawn
4. Use mosquito netting on baby carriages and playpens
5. Wear mosquito repellent when outdoors, especially between dusk and dawn
6. Avoid outside areas with obvious mosquito activity Click here for more information.
Westwood Private Well Regulations
Private Well Regulations require that before transferring ownership of a property with a private well, a water quality test must be conducted, and the results must be sent to the Board of Health office. This requirement applies to both drinking water and irrigation wells.
Trash and recycling collections will have a ONE-DAY DELAY the week of September 2, 2024.
All items for collection, including trash, recycling, yard waste, and bulk items, must be placed at the curbside by 7 am on your designated collection day.
If there are any missed pick-ups (items that were at the curbside by 7 am), please report them promptly. You can email or call 781-251-2587 within 24 hours of your scheduled collection day.
Follow Westwood Youth and Family Services on Social Media @westwoodyfs
To learn more about our upcoming programs, mentor programs, counseling, mental health resources and services please follow us on social media @westwoodyfs.