NEW ORLEANS — Mayor LaToya Cantrell today issued the following statement on Entergy New Orleans' application for change in rates and other relief:
“Monday morning's power outage in the CBD reminds us how intentional we need to be about ensuring a reliable energy grid. The current rate case is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to address issues such as these and to set the direction of New Orleans’ energy future,” said Mayor Cantrell. “Through this case, the City is working to ensure Entergy New Orleans provides safe and reliable service at a reasonable cost for residents and businesses. The way forward must also include efficient and renewable energy to make housing more affordable, and build a resilient and sustainable city.
“In fact, it is because of the historic nature of this case that the City of New Orleans intervened to make sure we’re getting the best deal possible for the people of New Orleans and a fair share for the City,” Mayor Cantrell added. “Rates established under this case are important because they will likely be in effect for many years to come. The City is fighting for reasonable rates, reliable power, and a promising energy future.”
Entergy New Orleans’ application for a change in rates, commonly referred to as a “rate case,” is currently before the New Orleans City Council, which is responsible for regulating Entergy New Orleans. It has been more than 10 years since Entergy New Orleans underwent a rate case to examine its rates and services.
The City of New Orleans has intervened in the current case through the Mayor’s Office of Utilities and the Department of Finance, and has also joined a coalition of other ratepayers called the Crescent City Power Users Group (CCPUG). The City, as a party to the case, has taken positions that represent the best interests of our residents, businesses and the City as a ratepayer.
“As part of a coalition of ratepayers, the City has brought in some of the nation’s best utility experts to provide an in-depth analysis of Entergy New Orleans’ rate filing,” said Jonathan Rhodes, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Utilities. “Our position differs in many important respects from that of Entergy New Orleans and the Council’s advisers. For example, CCPUG’s analysis recommends the greatest rate reductions for residents and businesses. It also recommends that rates be based on established costs and not future projections.”
The rate case is expected to go before the City Council’s Utility, Cable, Telecommunications and Technology Committee, with final action by the full Council before the end of the year.
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