In this Issue
On Friday at 11:00 a.m., I attended and spoke at the press conference to announce the Wreaths Across America campaign. I look forward to this event every year and can't think of a more noble cause to support. The kick-off event was held at Brownsboro Hardware & Paint, 4858 Brownsboro Road, with the new Veterans Administration Medical Center site in the background. How apropos!
The mission of Wreaths Across America is to remember the fallen, honor those who serve, and teach the next generation the value of freedom. We can join this program initiative by sponsoring a wreath, volunteering, or attending the wreath laying ceremony on National Wreaths Across America Day, December 14, 2024, at 12:00 p.m., at the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery, 4701 Brownsboro Rd.
What does it mean to sponsor a wreath? Sponsoring a veteran’s wreath is a personal gift of gratitude and remembrance for someone who served this country so that we can be free. Each wreath is only $17. With each sponsorship made, a veteran’s wreath will be placed to honor an American hero at participating locations this year on National Wreaths Across America Day. The Louisville campaign is led by the Sons of the American Revolution and the Daughters of the American Revolution, with assistance from Brownsboro Hardware & Paint and other local businesses and organizations.
The goal is to place a wreath at all sites of deserving veterans. To date, 1,645 wreaths have been sponsored (only 14.4% of the goal!). The program needs 9,755 more wreaths purchased.
Here is how YOU can purchase wreaths: Visit and click on the red SPONSOR WREATHS button. District 7 let's make this year a huge success by helping Wreaths Across America place wreaths at 100% of veterans' gravesites. We can do this!
Can you read the green sign? Do we want fading, rusted, and peeling street signage in our community? Are these signs becoming of our beautiful District 7? The answers are "No," "No," and "No."
This is another example of how important it is to pay attention to our surroundings, and if we see something, we should say something. Shout out to Lynn for bringing this to my attention. I will reach out to the Public Works Department or the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to ask for replacement signs.
Keep an eye out for our district and call Metro311 to report issues. Send me a picture if it's worthy of inclusion in this See Something, Say Something column.
LMPD - Division 8 - Trunk-Or-Treat Event.
Over 1,000 children were served candy and lots of fun. LMPD had face painting and excitement flowing the entire time. THANK YOU, DIVISION 8 for your commitment to our community.
This week Metro Council committees met and adopted several resolutions, ordinances, and held discussions with One West and the Office of Resilience and Community Service.
The Planning and Zoning Committee approved a change in zoning on Dixie Highway, a street closure on 13th Street, a Revised Detailed District Development Plan on Beulah Church Road, a right-of-way closure along Bon Air Avenue, and recommended renaming Zane Street to Simmons Street and landmarking the façade of Louisville Slugger Field.
The Labor, Economic Development, and Appropriations Committee approved several council district appropriations, infrastructure ordinances, and a resolution to surplus the old Urban County Government Center on Barrett Avenue. The committee also held a discussion with One West leadership on commercial development west of 9th Street.
The Public Works Committee adopted resolutions for a rental registration software contract and a sidewalk installation along Blevins Gap Road.
The Government Accountability, Audit, and Appointments Committee approved appointees to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Air Pollution Control District Board, Commission for Persons with Disabilities, Jeffersontown Fire Protection District Board, Landmarks and Preservation District, and Planning Commission.
The Equity and Community Affairs Committee adopted resolutions with U of L for a Public Health Economist and requested a Metro inventory of public restrooms, handwashing stations, and drinking water fountains. The committee also approved three honorary street signs for Raoul Cunningham, Livingston Holder, and Roger Wilson.
The Public Safety Committee held a special meeting for public comment on the proposed revisions to the Public Mask Ordinance.
The Budget Committee approved two ordinances transferring Council District funds and released Industrial Revenue Bonds for the Vesta Derby Oaks Project. The committee also received a quarterly update from the Office of Resilience and Community Services on homelessness.
Click the link below to watch the last Metro Council meeting summary on YouTube.
The next Metro Council meeting is Thursday, November 7, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.
To see all meetings on Facebook Live, go to the Metro Council Facebook page by clicking here.
The public can also view all council and committee meetings on Metro TV, Spectrum Cable Channel 184 or on UVERSE at Channel 99. Proceedings are live streamed from the Metro Council Clerk’s Archived Media page here.
To watch the Council meeting and access the agenda and related attachments, click HERE.
These proceedings can also be viewed live on Metro TV, Spectrum Cable Channel 184, or UVERSE Channel 99, or streamed live from Swagit’s page at (only when live) and on Facebook on the Louisville Metro Council’s page at (when live and after the meeting).
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, is General Election Day.
For detailed information about the election, visit "My Ballot" at
Call the Board of Elections hotline with election-related questions and concerns at 502-574-6100.
Mowing over leaves to mulch them back into your lawn is a great option for reducing waste. Mulching not only returns vital nutrients to the soil, but experts say that it can help your grass grow even better the following year!
Never blow leaves into the street! If you see Street Sweeping signs posted on your street, please make sure to move your vehicle so any leaves that fell naturally on the street can be properly cleaned.
Leaf Drop-Off Sites
The Metro Public Works free leaf drop-off sites will be open Tuesday-Saturdays, November 5 through December 7. Drop-off will not be available on November 28 and 29 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Only leaves will be accepted. Leaves can be loose, in paper/compostable bags, or reusable containers. Containers used to bring leaves to the drop-off sites must be taken back by residents.
Locations and hours starting Tuesday, November 5:
Public Works Yard, 10500 Lower River Road (enter from Bethany Lane), Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Public Works East District Operations Center, 595 N Hubbards Lane, Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Shawnee Park, 230 Southwestern Parkway (Athletic Complex), Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Waste Reduction Center, 636 Meriwether Avenue, Tuesday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
This service is for residents ONLY and not for businesses!!
Join us for the Kentucky Veterans Parade and Celebration, an annual event dedicated to honoring and thanking our veterans. The festivities kick off with a traveling parade, Operation Rendezvous, which will bring convoys from north, south, east and west to converge in downtown Louisville. From there, the traditional parade steps off at noon, proceeding east on Jefferson Street from 7th to 4th Street. After the parade, enjoy the static display along 6th Street, where you can meet veterans and view historic military vehicles.
This year’s parade will be led by Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, Don Ballard, representing the Armed Forces Medic Corps.
To participate in the parade, visit We look forward to welcoming you on Saturday, November 9 to downtown Louisville for the Kentucky Veterans Parade and Celebration!
The Office of Planning, after a couple of years of research and listening sessions, is proposing an amendment to the Louisville Metro Land Development Code (LDC) that will allow Middle Housing to be built in residential areas throughout Louisville Metro. The proposed changes include six different Middle Housing types: duplex, triplex, fourplex, townhouses, walking courts, and cottage courts.
Middle Housing will be included in LDC Chapter 4, Part 3: Permitted with Special Standards. You will find Middle Housing types, such as duplexes and walking courts, built throughout Louisville’s older neighborhoods. Zoning laws in Louisville-Jefferson County would eventually lead to the end of Middle Housing construction and support the post-WWII building and isolation of single-family detached homes and their populations. Re-legalizing Middle Housing will expand attainable housing across Louisville Metro and execute the goals of Plan 2040 by increasing housing choices and opportunities in new and existing neighborhoods.
Public Comments Accepted
To learn more about the proposed amendment, Middle Housing and to submit comments visit:
Feedback can also be emailed to or called into 574-5860 or 574-8272.
Click here to watch an informative video:
What is Middle Housing?
Sea Love | A Candle Bar and Boutique - 1301 Herr Lane, Suite135
Rainbow Blossom - 4946 Brownsboro Rd.
MELANnaire Marketplace - Mall of St. Matthews
(Near JC Penney)
Bank of America - 4621 Shelbyville Rd.
Click here to read the social media policy of the Louisville Metro Council.