TRC Five-Year Summit
Not understating our current challenges, we have a lot to celebrate regarding Louisville’s trauma-informed care abilities.
In the last five years, by working together, we’ve developed a network of support and cooperation that has given real change for those suffering with the trauma caused by violence, racism and toxic stress.
You are invited to the one-day “Trauma Resilient Communities Project” five-year summit event to get firsthand knowledge of what has changed, what is planned and how we’ve moved forward in ensuring anyone in Jefferson County has access to mental health assistance. Spots are now limited. So please reserve your ticket now.
Shawnee Neighborhood: August 24, 2023, 5:30 p.m. at the Shawnee Library
Parkhill Neighborhood: September 21, 2023, 11:30 a.m. at Parkhill Community Center
If You Can Do It - Do It!
Become a Community Coalition Member
A major responsibility of OSHN’s Reimagine Network division is “community mobilization.”
That is a tried-and-true term for neighborhood coalition-building, an influential platform where everyday residents have hands-on involvement in the fight to defeat violence. And these coalitions matter because when a community mobilizes, change happens.
This is where people transcend their differences and work tangibly and in earnest. Coalitions are powerful forces in addressing inequities through their grass roots activism.
OSHN employs a team of project specialists that work exclusively in mostly targeted, distressed communities to help coalitions address issues ranging from the placement of street lighting to food insecurity. The specialists are driven by ideas and issues that citizens prioritize.
Calling All Louisville Youth Ages 16-24
The Metro Youth Cabinet (MYC) is full of civic-minded change makers interested in helping local youth gain greater equity and a stronger voice on issues and policy that affect them.
The Cabinet’s hub is in the YES! Youth Engagement Services division at OSHN. The 26-member Cabinet works directly with Louisville’s Mayor and Metro Council to offer advice on policy, community building and equity. The cabinet will work to identify and transform systems that prevent young people – throughout our city – from living healthy and happy lives. Youth are in the best position to identify the range of struggles they face and to suggest solutions.
OSHN staffers have some of the most unique jobs in Louisville.
Get to know them here at SPOT ON!
Jacob Hazel is coordinator for the Reimagine Network, OSHN’s division for community mobilization and volunteerism.
A large aspect of his job is coordinating and recruiting for the division’s “Networking Nights” (NN) and “Ambassador” trainings, both major component’s of OSHN’s community outreach efforts.
NN aims to connect local change makers working to reduce violence through unique programs and approaches. The Ambassador training give residents a chance to hear about and understand the complexity of violence and how they can help remedy the issue through mobilization.
Working in the anti-violence profession was not squarely in Jacob’s life plan. He earned a bachelors in sports management at Mount. St. Joseph University in Cincinnati where he also played football. He matriculated at Xavier University in Cincinnati with a masters in sports administration thinking he would work as a sports administrator.
“I never had any idea of being a professional football or sports-playing professional,” he said. “I majored in sports administration because, at that time, I thought that was what I was going to do. But I wanted to come back to Louisville,” Now he occasionally referees college games, “So doing that helps me fill a void,” he said.
He started working for city government as a recreation associate at the city’s parks dept. “I loved that job, but after a couple of years, I needed a change,” which led him to OSHN.
“This work requires knowing how to talk to people. And, I’ve always wanted to help,” in the community, he said.
And now, helping to better the community is a new passion.“What I’d like to see more of is local organizations working together. There are a lot of people with a lot of ideas in Louisville,” and working collectively would benefit the community.
As you drive through west, central, and south Louisville, you’ll start seeing billboards on OSHN’s Trauma Resilient Communities (TRC) that feature the city’s free, 24-hour mental-health counseling phone number: 502-901-0100. “The art on the boards reflect how far we’ve come in regard to building an accessible, responsive and resourceful network for free, mental-health help,” that is available to all Louisville residents said Nannette Dix, program director of TRC, the backbone behind the city’s trauma response network.
According to the Arbitron In-Car Study, 71% of people look at billboards while driving. More than 50% said that they actively pay attention to the messages on billboards. So, billboards are powerful at building awareness.
Five years ago, the city was awarded a $5 million federal SAMHSA grant, earmarked to help remedy individual, family and community trauma caused by violence, COVID 19, toxic/chronic stress, child abuse and civic unrest.
“It’s important that people in Louisville know they are not alone,” if they are suffering with trauma, said Dix. “We’ve move from asking ‘What’s wrong with you?’ to asking, ‘What happened to you?’.”
Violence Prevention Ambassador Training
Open to all residents! This is a free opportunity to become trained in suicide prevention, violence prevention, "Stop the Bleed", and firearm safety.
The Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods and the Whitney Strong Foundation is hosting another Ambassador Training!
This event is FREE to the public. Lunch is provided!
Join us August 23 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
For question or more information email: reimagine@louisvilleky.gov
Portland Expungement Clinic
Do you have a criminal record that limits your ability to succeed in life? Are you in need of legal advice? Do you need help filling out forms?
In association with the Goodwill Industries, come and speak with experts in the fields of law and criminal justice.
September 28 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Portland Community Center.
RSVP Required by September 21. Walk-ins will not be permitted.
For more information, please call 1-877-309-0262
APHA Advocacy Fact Sheet for Gun Violence Prevention
American Public Health Association outlines a public health crisis response fact sheet. The report highlights the national cost and burden of gun violence, how it is preventable, and possible solutions.
The map to the right is from the Center for Disease Control's live data dashboard showing state by state firearms mortality.
 CDC Firearm Mortality by State
USAID Launches Youth Well-Being Competition
Do you have ideas about how to creatively use technology to increase young people’s knowledge around issues that impact them? The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking young persons between the ages of 10 and 29 to participate in its Youth Well-Being Prize Competition. This initiative will award innovative solutions for protecting young people’s well-being and keeping them safe. The competition is administered by the USAID's Inclusive Development Hub's Children, Youth, and Families Team.
Innovative solutions should recognize the diverse identities of young people in the areas of mental health, digital harm, safeguarding, gender-based violence, and climate change.
First, second, and third place winners across five categories will win $5,000, $3,000, and $2,000, respectively.
Applications are due on September 29, 2023 by 5 p.m.
The Crescent Hill Community Council is sponsoring a “Curbing Gun Violence in Jefferson County Competition”.
A $6,100 prize (and possibly climbing) will be awarded for the best new idea, or a new twist on an old idea to curb gun violence in Jefferson County.
HOW: Each idea must be submitted in accordance to the “Rules for Submission” below, and accompanied with the Official Submission Form attached. Additional forms can be obtained in person at the Crescent Hill Branch Library, 2762 Frankfort Ave. Louisville, KY 40206 Or online at: Crescent Hill Community Council Facebook; or crescenthill.us.; Via email to janege40@gmail.com or jdc09@att.net.
WHEN: Entries accepted from July 5, 2023 until midnight Wednesday, October 4, 2023. A $6,100 prize will be awarded January 4, 2024.
1) Your ideas for curbing gun violence in Jefferson County must be typed with minimum 10 point font
and no more than 1 page total, or 500 words in length.
2) The winning idea should include 3 action steps to implement the idea.
3) The winning idea must be “do-able” with the resources available in Jefferson County.
4) The winning idea may be a new idea, or a fresh look at an old idea.
5) Any person from anywhere, and of any age can win. We encourage school age children, young
adults, and people in Assisted Living, nursing homes, etc. to submit their ideas.
For more information contact Project Chairs: Jane Emke via email at janege40@gmail.com. Or Joyce Connor via email at jdc09@att.net.
Uniform Drive
The Shawnee Neighborhood Team of Paths 2 Peace is looking for donations of new and gently used school uniforms.
Donations can be made throughout the month of August on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2313 W. Market Street.
For questions or more information, contact Angel@paths2peace.org
5K Walk to support food resources, diversion, and access.
Change Today, Change Tomorrow will hold an annual vegan cook-off and health fair on August 19, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. This event, highlighting local Black vendors and farmers, offers a wealth of FREE resources to our community, including herbal tea, organic supplements, cold-pressed juice, fresh produce, and critical health screenings such as blood pressure, blood sugar, COVID, HIV, and mammograms.
Louisville Civic Data MeetUp
The Community Foundation of Louisville, the UofL Health Equity Innovation Hub, and Louisville Metro Council District 8 are teaming up to carry on the legacy of the Greater Louisville Project’s quarterly Civic Data Meet & Greets!
WHEN: August 22
11:45 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.
WHERE: UofL Health Equity Innovation Hub (5th floor)
515 West Market Street, Louisville, KY 40202
Resource Fair and Fundraiser
American Foundation of Suicide Prevention is partnering with Mile Wide to hosting a fundraiser, and resource/vendor fair and various mental health-related activities.
WHEN: August 26
4 p.m. to 10 p.m.
WHERE: Mile Wide Beer Co.
636 Barret Ave, Louisville, KY 40204
MOMS 4th Annual "Walk A Mile in Our Shoes"
The Kentucky chapter of MOMS: Mothers of Murdered Sons and Daughters, will hold its 4th annual "Walk a Mile in Our Shoes." This will include performances and speakers - all related to violence reduction.
This Event is FREE!
WHEN: August 26
3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
WHERE: Kentucky Center for African American Heritage
1701 West Muhammad Blvd.
The Big Table
A Giant Potluck!
Join us for the Louisville's largest potluck! Magical things happen when we share a meal. We talk. We connect. We heal. We build community.
Bring your family's favorite dish! Maybe it's Nana's super-secret recipe for chicken pot pie. Maybe it's stuffed grape leaves. Maybe you're looking for an excuse to try the new pasta salad you found in that cajun cookbook you just purchased. Share your culinary delights with new friends!
WHEN: September 10
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
WHERE: Iroquois Park
2120 Rundill Road Louisville, KY 40214
Need free legal advice?
Access Justice helps clients who were struggling with child custody, child support, divorce, eviction, expungements, Wills/POA, and identity fraud. Access Justice believes in supporting individuals to make community stronger!
To schedule an appointment with one of our volunteer attorneys, please visit accessjc.org/clinic-calendar.
After School Academy - Robert Jamison Ministries
The Robert Jamison Ministries and partners are hosting an after school academy program. Kids and families will have the opportunity to participate in fun and educational activities. The program provides sports, computer literacy, academic tutoring and parent empowerment.
WHERE: Shawnee Community Center
To enroll or for questions:
Call 502-554-3770
Parenting Webinars!
Operation Parent has 3 upcoming webinars that are open for registration. This is an easy and convenient way to learn about and stay up to date with digital parenting, suicide prevention and internet safety.
 OSHN’s mission is to reduce the risk of violence in all of Louisville’s communities. If you have an event or festival that we can table and share what the city is doing to holistically reduce violence and how it affects you and our community - We Want to Come! Please fill out our tabling request form or go to the website at Office for Safe & Healthy Neighborhoods | LouisvilleKY.gov We’ll look forwarding to meeting you!
The Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods is always for looking community spaces to host our Ambassador Training and Network Nights events. If you know of a community space please contact the Reimagine Network.
There is great work happening here in the Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods, and most importantly, in our community. It is our goal to keep you engaged and co-leading our important work. Our vision for Louisville is a city of safe neighborhoods where everyone is supported, free of violence, and prepared for lifelong success. We can only achieve this together, so stay connected with our monthly newsletters, social media, and visit our website for more information and additional calls to action.
View any past OSHN Newsletter by visiting our archive!
We would love your feedback. If you have questions or concerns regarding our newsletter, or have a related event that you would like to communicate with our networks, contact the Reimagine Network.
Take care of each other The Reimagine Network
908 W Broadway, 5th Floor, Louisville, KY 40203 | Phone: 502-574-6709 |