Metro Council E-Newsletter

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Councilman Kumar Rashad
601 W. Jefferson Street
(502) 574-1103
Email Councilman Rashad

Trevin Bass
Legislative Assistant
(502) 574-3452
Email Trevin


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In this Issue...

Meet Kumar


Councilman Kumar Rashad was appointed to represent District 3 at the Metro Council meeting on February 2, 2023. Rashad has been a public high school math teacher for over 18 years at Breckinridge Metropolitan High School. He also teaches 'Developing Black Historical Conscience'.  He is a proud local, state, and national union leader as a Board of Director for both Jefferson County Teachers Association and the Kentucky Educators Association. 

He is the Ethnic Minority Director for the National Council of Urban Education Associations where he facilitates racial dialogue and professional development on a national level.  Here in Kentucky, he is very active for JCTA and even introduced a bill that would remove obstacles to gain teacher certification.

Rashad has been featured in the NEA Today promoting an initiative that he and likeminded people created that asks NEA to start a minority recruitment and training program across multiple states in our nation.  He also serves on his school districts Advisory Council for Racial Equity (ACRE) which is a district mandated committee that serves to review district policies under a racial justice lens.  This committee is one of a kind in the US and has made several racial justice advancements in the district in its short term such as a Teacher Residency Program that gives financial support and educational assistance to black/brown potential teachers.

He believes in hard work and community.  He volunteers as a mentor to at-risk teens also located in the Louisville area. He is a board member with Sowers of Justice, a non-profit coalition of social justice and diverse religious groups who seek to enlighten the community with workshops while building bridges so that our differences become our strengths.

In 2023, he serves as a member of the following committees, Public Works, Public Safety, and Government Oversight/Audit & Appointments. 

During his free time, he likes to watch Cleveland Browns football, relax with family and friends, gardening, and living his best life.

School districts seek additional funding for nutrition programs


LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) - Across the state of Kentucky, each day students receive nutritious meals and snacks in school because of the USDA’s child nutrition programs.  Over time, inflation has raised the cost of food, and now school districts are feeling the effects. According to the United State Department of Agriculture, the school systems are the biggest buyers of food in every county in Kentucky. In a few months, pandemic-era financial assistance for nutrition programs will end. With the rising food costs, school districts have needed the additional financial support. “We are still dealing with supply chain issues and inflation costs,” Rebecca Lowry, Public Policy and Legislative Chair of the Kentucky School Nutrition Association said. “Just like everyone else out in the public when they go to the grocery store, we still have to deal with this when we are buying food for our kiddos in our school system.” Lowry works as the Nutrition Director for Clark County Public Schools and the Public Policy and Legislative Chair of the Kentucky School Nutrition Association. She said state and national representatives from their association were lobbying in Washington D.C. for more funding. “Seventy-three cents per child every day is what we asked for,” Lowry said. “Every little bit helps, and it makes a difference.”

Paving Projects & Road Work under way

the road

Note: the schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather and/or operational factors.

Mark Dr. from Vicki Ln. to Robbins Rd.

  • Minette Ct. from Stephan Dr. to public dead end
  • Sally Dr. from W. Pages Ln. to Stephan Dr.
  • Stephan Dr. from Dixie Hwy. to Vicki Ln.
  • Vicki Ln. from W. Pages Ln. to Stephan Dr.
  • Dixie Garden Dr from Dixie Hwy to Blaze Way
  • Fashion Way from Bethany Ln. to Nocturne Dr.
  • Nocturne Dr. from Fashion Way to Blaze Way
  • Meridale Ave. from W. Southern Heights Ave. to S. 2nd St.
  • S. 2nd St. from W. Southern Heights Ave. to W. Wellington Ave.
  • W. Wampum Ave. from S. 3rd St. to S. 1st St.
  • W. Wellington Ave. from Southern Pkwy. to S 1st St   
  • Bicknell Ave. from Taylor Blvd. to Parthenia Ave 
  • Churchman Ave. from Cayuga St. to Bluegrass Ave. 


POP-UP... Drop Off location

free drop off

Sports and Recreation

Congrats Schafnner Dolphins

bball schaffner
Congrats to Schaffner's basketball team for winning their first tournament this season! They played against Carter and came out on top!!! So proud of them!!!!!
Both teams put up a great fight!


Not only did the Dolphins compete in the championship basketball game, quick Recall and Problem-Solving Teams both competed in the 2023 Mayor’s Cup.
1st place 🥇 Quick Recall
2nd place 🥈 Problem Solving
2nd place 🥈 Overall
Written Assessments:
Amelia Cailliouet - 1st place Composition
Izijan Mimms - 1st place Science
Brennon Marksbury - 2nd place Math

Message From Kumar


As a member of Metro Council I am constantly amazed by the work of my colleagues in how they serve their communities. As a new Council Member I have been embraced by my caucuses. One of which is the Black Caucus who continually educates me as a new member to the role the Black Caucus has played in local politics throughout recent years including the Breonna Taylor killing byLMPD and the 2020 protests that followed.

In unity, we stand together in total abhorrence to the details from the Department of Justice’s investigation report of the Louisville Metro Police Department. Our communities are not surprised by the report and have been voicing our concerns over these matters for years. Our Black Caucus led the way for the vote of no confidence in our former police chief. Our former mayor and some within our community chose to ignore our pleas.

This is also not surprising. People didn’t believe in police brutality until the Rodney King video was shared with the world and then the world could see what Black communities knew all along. This is our Rodney King moment and our role is to continue being visible and diligent in our quest for freedom, justice, equity, and representation for our communities.

We will work with the Department of Justice and the citizens of Louisville to address and correct these ills that have affected us all. Together we can and will define what a just Louisville looks like and redefine the role of our police department within it.

All of our values must be reflected through our policies and by the way we treat the people in our communities. Hopefully this moment will allow the majority Black communities that many of us represent to lead the way in defining how We want to be treated. This is our task and we need you to join with us in this fight.

Thank you!

Kumar Rashad
Metro Council Member District 3

Louisville Metro Council Podcast

Click the link above to be directed to Metro Council Podcast with special guest Councilmember Rashad.



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